Kwon Diner

Love Like Oxygen

Hey babe. I'll pick you up from Jungle in 30 minutes! See you soon! Saranghae.

"You have a second to chat?" A voice said startling me as relaxed in The Den reading my text message from Jiyong.

"Huh, what?" I looked up quickly to find 5Zic standing in front of me. 

"I asked if you had a second to talk. I'm sorry, didn't mean to startle you. You alright?" He said, sitting down on the couch beside me.

"I'm fine. Mianne, I was just reading this text message from GD I tend to get lost in my own head a lot, especially where he's concerned. Anyways, what's up?" I asked turning towards him.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok? See how things went with JK and see if I could help you in any way." He said, flashing his big 'ol adorable smile.

"Neh, I am great. I am very excited to be here and start my new music career at Jungle. I already feel like I fit in and I love it. The meeting was wonderful. It was way more relaxed than I had expected. Thanks for being so kind to me...EunMi didn't force you to help me too much did she?"

5Zic chuckled. "No not really. She told me much about you, how close you two have been, how much she wanted you to succeed and of course filled me in on you and GDragon. Even if EunMi wasn't a part of our lives, I would still want to help you. It's the leader in me. I was raised to be there to support others. As I sit with you now, I am very genuine. I am here for you if you need me, you're family now. We Jungle artists stick together and love each other as family. That's how it works." 

"I really appreciate that 5Zic. It truly means a lot to me and I can totally see why EunMi is so smitten with you. It's funny, she and I used to fangirl over you guys all the time. Much like I used to with BigBang too, now here I GDragon, working at Jungle and friends with you."

"Funny how things works things out, right?"

"Totally." I looked down at my watch noticing the time. "I'm so sorry, I would love to chat more, but I have a date to get to, can we chat more tomorrow, seems I will be here all day beginning my training." I smiled standing up to head down stairs towards the doors to meet Jiyong. 

"Of course we will talk tomorrow. May I walk you down?" He said, standing up beside me.

"Sure! I'd like that." I smiled, leading the way out of the Den and down stairs.

"Where's he taking you?" 5zic smiled as we came to the front doors, looking out to see if Jiyong was there yet.

"I'm not sure, but knowing that smitten kitten, probably somewhere fantastic and intimate." I smiled, walking out to wait on the steps of Jungle.

"Hey, would it be ok if I gave you a nickname?" 5Zic asked.

"I suppose." I said hoping each car that passed was that of my boyfriend's.

"Rae...I want to call you Rae! Is that ok with you?" 

"Sure, whatever you wanna call me is fine as long as it's nice." I laughed noticing Jiyong's car coming down the road.

"Perfect. You can call me by my real name if you want, Han Gil..." He smiled.

"Oh...hmmm...actually It think I just wanna call you Zic if that is ok." I said, grabbing my bag off the ground as Jiyong pulled up and parked, rolling his window down and waving.

"Sounds good to me." He smiled reaching for my hand and shaking it again. 

"Perfect. I should go...he's here. Thanks for being so kind, I'll see you in the morning, ok?" I smiled and then headed towards the car. 

"Sure thing Rae. Have fun with that man of yours!" He called out as I opened the car door. I turned to wave and then got in the car, closing the door as Jiyong sped off. 


"Who was that?" Jiyong asked as he sped through the streets of Seoul, headed to who knows where. 

"Oh...that was 5Zic of M.I.B. He was making sure that I was ok, you know, that I felt comfortable there. Wae?"

"Just curious is all." Jiyong said, acting a little stand offish. 

"Kwon Jiyong, please tell me you are not jealous." I smiled at him, realizing what was probably going on in that crazy head of his.

"Me?" He laughed out. "Aniyo, I am not jealous. I just wanted to know who it was that was standing out there with you."

"Mmmhhhmmm...I don't believe you. He's simply a friend Ji. He's a co-worker and there's a possibility of us doing a collab. You have no reason to worry. You've got me and are stuck with me forever." I reached over and grabbed his leg, resting my hand on it to assure him he wouldn't lose me to my best friend's boyfriend.

"I know that babe. I was simply asking a question, promise." He grabbed my hand with his and squeezed it. I didn't completely believe him, but saw no reason to continue to discuss it, so I changed the subject. 

"Where we headed tonight babe?" I asked to ease the tension.

"A place." He playfully joked.

"Wow, a place? I haven't been there in forever...or has it been that I have never been there at all. What's so good about a place?"

"It's where I am taking the love of my spend some quality time with her before I leave for Japan. That's what so good about it." 

"Oh right, you leave tomorrow for Japan. How did that come so quickly? What am I going to do without you for 2 weeks?"

"Probably work you're cute off." He again laughed, taking a turn and heading towards our villa.

"Yah, that's quite likely. Wait a minute...I thought we were going out...why why are we at our villa?" 

"No better place than our home to have a date...right?" He parked the car in our driveway and got out walking around and opening the door, holding his hand out to help me out of the car. "I think you will find the service at this place and the staff quite...perfect." We headed inside and he stopped me right in the entry way. "Go upstairs and freshen up...I'll meet you on the back porch in a bit ok?" I nodded and obeyed. Once again he'd surprised me and once again I was reminded what I had fallen in love with him.


After 30 minutes, I was freshened up, changed into more comfortable clothes and lightly prancing down the stairs of our villa to head out to our porch for whatever surprise awaited me there. I was a lucky girl, a very lucky girl. To have a man like Jiyong. Most people probably saw him as the bad boy rapper of Big Bang. It was true, he was indeed the bad boy rapper of Big Bang, well at least G-Dragon was. Jiyong though, Jiyong was anything but a bad boy, he was a sensitive, sweet, caring man. He was loving, dedicated, dependable, and all mine. That's why I loved him and why I came back to him, because he was my everything. 

"There's my beautiful girl." He said smiling as he stood in front of the doors to the back porch. He'd covered the the windows, clearly meaning to surprise me.

"What did you do this time?" I asked, laughing and then kissing him sweetly. 

"It's our own personal restaurant. Kwon Diner." He opened the door to reveal the beautifully decorated back porch. White christmas lights lit up the porch under the starry night sky. In the middle of the porch was a table, covered in an ornate tablecloth and with candles as a centerpiece. "You think that table over there looks like a good one?" He asked.

"I think it will have to do, seems there is only one table in the place." I giggled as we sat down and the cutest waiter showed up.

"Welcome to Kwon Diner. I'm your waiter for the evening, Daesung. Can I start you out with something to drink while you look over the menu." 

"Neh, water for both of us." Jiyong said. "And...I think we will try this red wine you have listed here."

"Great choice, I'll be back with your drinks shortly." Daesung left and I began to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Jiyong looked at me confused.

"You never fail to surprise me Mr. Kwon. What is this all about? Having Dae here, these hand written menus, BigBang music in the background, what's it all about? When did you become such the romantic, cute, loving guy?"

Jiyong smiled one of his half 'I'm being cute and shy' smiles. "I've always been like this with girls I date, the only people that have ever known this about me are the guys, some of my closest friends, my family and now you. I love to make the woman I am dating feel special and surprise her often. I'm trying to make up for lost time here. MiRae, you should know that I've always had these date ideas planned in the back of me head. You'd say something and it would spark an idea in my head. Do you like it?" 

"Like it? Babe, I love it. I don't need fancy restaurants! I love that you did this for me."

"Two glasses of water." Daesung said putting them down on our table. "And our best wine." He took off the cork and poured the wine out into our glasses. "What can I get for the two of you to eat?" He played waiter well, staying in character the entire time. 

I looked down at the menu. "Seems we only have one choice...poor selection at this place. I guess we will try your lovers bibimbap special." I handed the menu to Daesung as he left into the house and quickly retuned with the lovers bibimbap. 

"This looks absolutely delicious." I said smiling up at Daesung. "Thank you Mr. Daesung, your service is exceptional."

"Oh you are very welcome. We aim to please here at Kwon Diner. " Daesung winked at me and then left Jiyong and me to enjoy our food.

"I think that waiter has a crush on me." I laughed. "Did you see how he winked at me just now?"

Jiyong laughed, "Well you are taken and if he lays a finger on you....he'll have to deal with me. You are all mine." 

I smiled and Jiyong and I began to dig into the dinner that was on the table for us. As usual we both focused on the food and not really talking to each other. We loved our food...why waste time talking when we both knew we could have our faces stuffed with delicious food. I focused on eating all I could, knowing that I would quickly be ridding my body of it as soon as I could. "That was really really good, who made it? It's the best I've tasted." I said, finally finishing the last bite.

"I don't know, shall I flag down our waiter and ask to speak to the chef?" Jiyong said as he waved his arms like crazy to get Daesung's attention. 

"Ah, how was it?" Dae said as he grabbed our dishes. 

"It was incredible." I smiled. "We'd like to speak to the chef, to compliment him on the food he made us, if you wouldn't mind getting him." 

"Right away Miss." Daesung hurried inside and before long, Taeyang was peeking his head around the side of the door.

"He's here too!" I exclaimed as I looked at Jiyong then back at Taeyang. 

"Hi, I am Chef Sol." He smiled.

"Well Chef Sol." I began. "That had to be the best bibimbap I have ever tasted in my life. I'd love the recipe."

"Ah, but it's a family secret, passed down from generation to generation. I can't share it." 

"Well that makes sense. Well still, thank you for the delicious food Tae - I mean Chef Sol."

"You are welcome. I am happy to announce that tonight we have a special musician singing for you. He should be here any minute. I hope the rest of your evening goes wonderfully." Taeyang smiled and then headed back inside.

"You are too much Kwon Jiyong you know that?" As I said that, music began to play and the voice of our maknae filled the nights sky.

"Care to dance?" Jiyong said, quickly pulling me to standing and whisking me towards where Seungri was singing.

"Thank you for this Ji." I said pecking his lips as we slow danced together. 

"Hey, anything for you my love." He smiled and we danced, neither one of us saying at word as we simply stared into each others eyes. "Remember our first dance together MiRae?" Jiyong said, after a few moments. I nodded as he smiled and reminisced out loud. "It was at Big Bang's after party during our Alive Tour. The same night that I admitted my feelings to you, after you forced me. When you walked up to me and asked me to dance I remember thinking to myself, 'Jiyong, why'd you fall in love with your friend's fiance?' Then I remember thinking, 'God, she looks absolutely beautiful tonight and she wants to dance with me.' I loved that time with you. Really, I loved any time with you...but I think it was that night, that I began to realize you could return the feelings...the sparkle in your eyes told me so."

"I never told anyone this, but it was the night I realized I could return the feelings. I went home after that and bawled because I knew that you were more than a friend to me. When I asked you to dance, Ji, and you wrapped your arms around me...even though you'd done it many times prior when we'd play fight...that night, it was different. I felt safe in your arms, I felt like no one in the world could touch me in your arms." I pulled myself as close to him as possible. "And tonight...I still feel the exact same. It was that night, way back when that I realized I loved you in a way I never expected."

"Funny how things work out huh?" He smiled as I pondered.

"Yeah. Funny...and amazing." I smiled. "I'm just glad you never gave up on us."

"And I never will. I'd wait a million years for you if I had to, because I know we belong together. I'll fight like hell for you, go to the ends of the earth for you, I'll never not be here."

"I...I know." I said half heartedly. 

Jiyong pulled away and grabbed my face in his hands...forcing me to look him deeply in the eyes. "Do you know, you really truly, deep in your heart know and believe that? I know the hurt of your past still looms at times...and can make it hard for you to know tell me, do you 1000% know that."

"Yes.. I do." I said, still staring him in the eyes, as he looked at me deeply as if trying to penetrate my soul.

"Good. Because I am not going anywhere. I don't want anyone else. When it comes to who I want to be with for the rest of my life, I am looking at her. I love you...I love you so madly and passionately that it hurts sometimes." He let go of my face and gabbed my hands and taking in a sigh. "Promise me something babe."

"Sure...anything." I said.

"Promise me that you will always..always...always tell me everything no matter what. Because no matter what it is you tell me, I am here. I will stand by you and walk through fire with you...never doubt that. Do you promise?"

"Promise." I smiled leaning in and kissing him, his hands making their way up my sides and cupping my face as he and I made out.

"Let's go sit on that blanket and look up at the stars." Ji said after our intimate moment. 

"Sure, but give me a second. I need to use the restroom first. I'll be right back babe." I said smiling and hurrying off into the house.



"Aish that girl. Does she not know that I know she isn't simply just using the restroom? MiRae, I know you're sick, why won't you just be honest with me." I loved MiRae more than anything, but everytime she'd either eat very little or over eat and then quickly hurry to the restroom a small part of me would die. I'd known since her recent hospital stay that she clearly had an eating disorder. Yet, she still remained mum to me, never admitting it, acting as if nothing was wrong. All I wanted was for her to tell me, so that I could be there for her, fight it with her, and love her through it. I was about to leave for Japan for a month and was terrified of leaving her in her state. The idea of leaving was unbearable, because I knew I wouldn't be here to help her through it. That's why, without her knowing, I gathered a group of people together to become her protectors while I was away. She was completely unaware, but it would make me feel at least some comfort knowing that Taeyang, Daesung, Seungri and her bodyguard Cha were there to look after her and help her out. Knowing I had just enough time, I picked up my phone and dialed Cha. 

"Yoboseyo. Cha." 

"Oh, Mr. Kwon, hello. What can I do for you?" He said.

" Did all go smoothly today at the meeting?" 

"Neh, it did. She doesn't suspect a thing Mr. Kwon. She is under the impression that I simply followed her to Jungle. She's completely unaware that you helped me to get in here so that I could watch her closely. I really hate keeping this from her, that I am not just her bodyguard. Hey, good news though she did tell Mr. JK about her sickness today. She actually said, "I have bulimia."

"Good, good, it's a start. Listen, I know you don't like being in this position Cha, but I need someone there that I can trust to look out for her, especially while I am away. Cha, until she can admit her sickness to me, I just, I can't trust her completely. I would stay and be here everyday with her, but this concert tour of mine is going to keep me away. I need you to look after her, she's my everything."

"I will do my best Mr. Kwon, but do you think she will ever admit her issue to you? She told me after the meeting that I wasn't to breathe a word of it to you. She's terrified you will leave her, because she's so broken."

"Cha, that girl is going to drive me insane, she should know by now that I am not going anywhere. Aish, I don't know how I will ever get it through that thick skull of hers. I've fought and fought for us, never once gave up, waited for her and she still doubts me. She makes me wanna scream." 

"Yes, I know Mr. Kwon. She's quite stubborn."

"Very!" I said, hearing MiRae in the kitchen talking to Daesung. "Oh, she's coming I'd better go, don't want her to catch me on this call with you. Just promise me you will look out for her for me...please. And please send me regular updates."

"Of course Mr. Kwon. I promise. Good luck in Japan."

"Bye, thanks again. I'll be expecting your contact." I said quickly hanging up the phone as she walked up beside me.








Well...this chapter may have been the death of me. Totally went a different way then I wanted it and was painstaking to write.  I added some fluff because this next chapter won't be easy. If there is one thing to remember through this whole story it's that Jiyong and MiRae are everything to each other and no matter what, those two are gonna fight with all they have.

Up next....The Confession


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Chapter 24: Loved this story! Great work!
Chapter 24: Aawww sweetest love story.. Thank u for awesome work author-nim!
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 24: Awwweh ! I love this story! <3
Chapter 21: So sweet!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG!!! I need the next chapter! Now!!!! Please save Mirae unni.!! Palli palli!
Chapter 16: OMG !? What did you do Jiyong
Chapter 14: Omg. Jiyong... Why are you so sweet.... Too nice, so perfect... Gosh im so inlove with this story....
JIyongforever #8
Chapter 5: man I just want to cry all the time this is so sad about top but so joyful about Jiyong
JIyongforever #9
Chapter 3: omo that is such a sad letter. and the fact that our beloved top is not alive in this is oh so terribly sad :(
Update PLS