It Was Only Just a Dream

Love Like Oxygen


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Singer Am Saja Hospitalized

It is being reported that Jungle Entertainment's newest star, Am Saja is in the Intensive Care Unit at a local hospital after being found unresponsive in a practice room at Jungle. Am Saja, who is also known to most here in Korea as Choi MiRae just a little over a month ago made the much awaited announcement of her comeback on our site. Her comeback single is scheduled to be released in a week, while her first performance is scheduled for the following Sunday. We will update information as soon as we have it.


As reported earlier singer Am Saja (aka: Choi MiRae) has been admitted to a local hospital after being found unresponsive while practicing at Jungle. New reports state that she was found by her label mate, 5Zic of M.I.B. at approx. 12am. According to sources, she was unresponsive and was barely breathing. She was quickly taken to a local hospital where she is currently listed in serious condition. There has been no confirmation yet on the cause of her collapse and it is suggested it could be days or weeks before this information is made public. Please stick with us for all the latest on this developing situation. We here at Kpop Weekly would like to extend our thoughts to MiRae and her family and friends at this time. We wish her a speedy recovery.


"How did I get here? Why am I here?" I said to myself as I stood at the lock fence that was famously found at N. Seoul Tower. However I was not there, in fact I was not really sure where I was, all I knew was I saw the lock fence and when I looked one direction I saw a bright light and when I looked the other I saw JeJu Island. I walked towards the island side and tried to understand what was happening. I concluded I was simply dreaming, but I followed my heart in the direction I felt it leading. I found myself at the restaurant that Top and I had gone to on the special date he'd planned so long ago. I sat down at the table, remembering the night as if it were yesterday. How he had violinists playing my favorite songs and our friend Se7en had come to surprise us too. That night he'd asked me to move in with him, that night would have been perfect if Karin and Seungri hadn't had their issues. I ran my hand around the table, closing my eyes and picturing that night and how Top looked. I pictured the moments dancing with him, looking up to see him eating his fish he loved so much and the moment he got down on one knee and asked me to move in with him.  

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" He said behind me interrupting my memories. I hadn't heard his voice in months other than on video. I opened my eyes and turned around to see Top towering over me in his uniform. My mouth fell open as I responded.

"Seunghyun?" I said completely dumbfounded. 

"Hello jagi." He said moving to sit across from me. 

"Am I....dead?" I asked still unable to make sense of what was going on.

"No, well at least not yet. This is basically the place in the middle of life and death, the memories section." He said. "You're currently in the hospital and unconscious. Your mind though, is here."

"Why? What happened to me?" I asked. 

"You should were there." Top said grabbing my hands from across the table.

I began to think, straining to understand why I currently found myself in this place. "I remember drinking, I remember Dara and shots.... I remember...I remember a fight with Jiyong. Oh my god....Dara did something to me didn't she?" I looked at Top who simply nodded. "She killed me, didn't she."

"Remember jagi, you aren't least not at this point. But to answer your question, yes she tried to kill you. But I don't wanna talk about that. I miss you my beautiful Deni." Top said standing up, walking up to me and pulling me to standing, hugging me. "It feels so good to have you in my arms again, to feel you again, to smell you again. My beautiful jagi." 

"I miss you too Seunghyun. I miss you so much." I said hugging back. Being in his arms was exactly how I remembered; perfect, safe, needed. "I, I don't understand though, why am I here in these memories?"

Top pulled back from me and grabbed my hands in his. "I don't know. This is your dream I am just here because you dreamt me. Clearly we have some unfinished business."

"Hmm....maybe. Well whatever the reason, I am just glad to be with you again. You were my first love." I said, sitting down...this time though on a bench by the Han River.

"And you were my only love." Top said, putting his arm behind me. "Why are you dreaming of me right now? What is it that you need?" 

"I'm I'm not sure. Seunghyun, you've always been a voice of reason in my life, maybe right now I need your listening ears and your wise words. Can I ask you something?"

"Anything jagi." 

"Did it hurt to die?" I said, looking at him intently, wanting to know what he felt.

"No. It was instant for me. I felt nothing." Top pulled me closer to him and I rested my head on his shoulder. 

"What happened? No one was ever able to answer that for me...what happened when you were killed?" I said, wiping a tear from my cheek.

"Well, jagi. We were out in training. I believe it was target practice...learning how to shoot guns, aim, that sort of thing. Without realizing it, one of my fellow soldiers was moving a target and the guy next to me went to aim his gun... I saw it and jumped between him and the gun." 

"You selfless amazing jerk. Did you not think about what would happen to me if you did that? Huh, did you not think about how my life would be without you. I loved you, I was going to marry you...and while I love you for giving up your life for someone else, I don't know that I can forgive you ever for leaving me." I said. I was still angry he'd died. Not at him, but at the fact he had period.

"Jagi, I did was I was told to do. Of course you were always on my mind, how could you have not been? You are the one and only love of my life...I am so sorry I left you, but you, you've moved on."

"Are you mad?" I said feeling guilt. 

"Come with me..." Top said, grabbing my hand and walking with me to the lock fence. "You remember the night we put a lock on this fence?" He asked me as he held my hand. 

"Of course Seunghyun. It was the night you proposed to me. You sang Wedding Dress to me, with the help of all the other guys and Karin. You got down on one knee and you gave me a gorgeous ring. How could I forget that?"

"I knew that night that Jiyong loved you." Top said bluntly. 

"You are, you are the love of my life." A voice sang in a whisper. 

"What? How...?" I said, confused and a little distracted at the whispering of a voice singing my favorite song. 

"The way he looked at you. The way he faked being happy for us. It was obvious to me jagi that my friend was in love with you. The look in his eyes and the jealousy he gave off made it all obvious." Top said, looking at me with a sad face.

"And yet I was clueless." I said. "You must have been upset."

"You are, you are the love of my life." The voice sang again.

"Not as upset as when I realized you loved him back."  Top sighed.

"Wait! What, when?" I said confused.

"The after party...when you got mad at me. You were dancing with him. When I interrupted you two and I saw the look in your eyes...I knew." 

"And you didn't say anything?" I was shocked. "How could you not say anything?"

"You are, you are the love of my life..."

"Dammit what is that?" I said annoyed.

"That jagi, is Jiyong singing to you at your bedside." Top said. "That is the love of your life with you, singing to you, sitting by your bed, as he has been for three days while you've laid unconscious. He's hardly left your side, he's paused everything in his life for you..." he said trailing off. 

"Will you please answer my question now? Why did you not say anything? Would you have gone on to marry me even though you knew I loved another man?" 

"I knew you loved me and I think the thought of that love kept me quiet. I probably would have married you and would have hoped you could look at me like you did Jiyong. I know that never would have happened because that man sitting beside your bed, putting everything on hold for you is the love of your life, your last love and I could have never competed with that." 

"Oh, Seunghyun." I said launching myself at him, wrapping my arms around his waist and digging my head into his chest, crying. "You have to understand...I tried to fight it, I really did. I never wanted to hurt you, I never wanted to lead you on. I do love you, I do, but.."

"But you weren't in love with me." Top said, taking my in his arms. "And that's ok jagi. You and Jiyong are meant to be together, that's why I wrote you that note."

"You aren't mad then." I said looking up at him.

"Aish, jagi....of course not. I will always love you, I will always be thankful for the time we were together and the love we did share, but I know I am only your first love. The way you feel for Jiyong, that is true love. It's unprecedented, it's perfect, it keeps you whole. He's your one and only last love, the love of your life and you need to be with him. I saw Jiyong become a different person when you were around, even as his friend. Deni, you complete him, you give him everything he's ever needed, you keep that crazy nut sane."

"I, I think I know why I am here with you right now." I pulled back and looked up at Top. "I needed to hear you give me permission to love Jiyong. To give us your blessing so that I could be all in and move on completely."

"Jagiya, do you remember what we wrote on our lock?" Top said, grabbing my hand and walking me over to where our lock was hooked. 

"Yes. It said 'Top and Denise. Forever Love." I said smiling.

"Right...and now what does it say?"

 I looked at Top confused and then took the lock in my hand holding it up and reading it out loud. "'Jiyong and MiRae...last love.' How did it change? Ouch...ouch what is that?" I said feeling a pain on my chest the caused me to lose my breath.

"It changed because in the end, jagi, you are supposed to be with him." Top said beginning to walk away.

"Where are you...OUCH!...going Seunghyun...why are you...OUCH OMG OUCH...leaving?" I said, holding my chest and falling to me knees in pain.

"You have everything you need now." Top said, turning around coming back to me and kneeling down in front of me. He smiled taking my face in his hands and kissing my forehead. "I will forever love you Deni, but you need to go back to Jiyong now. He needs need him." Top said, giving me one last kiss. He stood up and walked away, fading away from my view.

"Thank you, Seunghyun..." I whispered as I fell to the ground and closed my eyes.

------GD's POV-----

"Please, please save her." I yelled as EunMi and the rest of the medical team rushed into MiRae's room at the sounds of her stat's dropping and her turning blue. "Please." I yelled."You can't die MiRae, you can't die." I shook her as I began to feel tears stream down my face. 

"Someone get GD out of" EunMi yelled. "GD you need to leave...ok...I'll come get you once we get her stabilized, but you can't be in here right now. Taeyang, please..get GD to the waiting room."

"Come one Jiyong." Taeyang said, pulling me from MiRae's room.

"Please, please EunMi, don't let her die...please....she can't die. She can't die."


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Chapter 24: Loved this story! Great work!
Chapter 24: Aawww sweetest love story.. Thank u for awesome work author-nim!
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 24: Awwweh ! I love this story! <3
Chapter 21: So sweet!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG!!! I need the next chapter! Now!!!! Please save Mirae unni.!! Palli palli!
Chapter 16: OMG !? What did you do Jiyong
Chapter 14: Omg. Jiyong... Why are you so sweet.... Too nice, so perfect... Gosh im so inlove with this story....
JIyongforever #8
Chapter 5: man I just want to cry all the time this is so sad about top but so joyful about Jiyong
JIyongforever #9
Chapter 3: omo that is such a sad letter. and the fact that our beloved top is not alive in this is oh so terribly sad :(
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