Am Saja

Love Like Oxygen

"Hey, babe, your phone's ringing out here." Jiyong yelled from the bedroom. I was putting the final touches on my make-up. If I was going to meet my future boss and musical family, I was going to look good. Today was a make or break day for me. If I didn't go into it with my head held high and looking my best I wasn't going to make a first impression they would never forget. 

"I'll be out in a second Ji!" I yelled taking a step back and looking at myself in the full length mirror. "You got this MiRae. Go in there and be your usual amazing, charming, strong self. You will make JK proud, you will enjoy your new family, this will be the beginning of your bright future." I said, giving myself a pep talk, double checking my hair, make-up and outfit. Business Casual was my look for the day. I had pulled back my hair into a nice sleek ponytail, natural make-up graced my face. And my outfit, was hand picked by Jiyong himself. When I called him a few hours prior he wasted no time in running to a store and buying me the perfect outfit. I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror taking in how I looked. I was proud to wear this outfit because it wasn't something I would have picked out for myself and because it was picked out by the man I loved and he was genuinely happy for me and wanted me to succeed. The outfit was perfect, absolutely perfect. From the detailed buttons to the cute broach, the black and white purse and the killer black heels, I was sure to stand out to TIger Jk and the rest of the Jungle family. 



"Well, Ji, what do you think?" I asked as I walked out of the washroom as if I were a supermodel showing off the latest trend in clothing. 

"WAHHHH!!!! Baby, you look absolutely..."

"Absolutely what?"

"You look absolutely stunning. It fits you perfectly and look at how you shine in it, you radiate. Baby, if they don't see how amazing you are in this, then, then their stupid." Jiyong said, taking me in his arms and kissing me gently on the lips. "And whomever picked it out for you, you should really make them your stylist." He said chuckling.

"I think I probably will, that person has some seriously killer style." I laughed back. "You said my phone rang?" I asked looking around for it, as Jiyong took it out of his pants pocket and held it up. I quickly grabbed it out of his hands and looked at the text message that Gary had sent me.

I'll be there in 15 ready MiRae-eeeeeeeee! Your future awaits! Gary-y-y!

"OMO...this was sent 10 minutes ago." It was at this point that I realized what I was about to walk into and I began to freak out, pacing back and forth. "This is really happening. It's really happening and...Jiyong, I really don't know if I can do this today. I don't have a demo, I don't know really what I want to write, I have one song, one song...that's it. What am I thinking? I can't do this." 

"Hey, hey babe, no, no you are not going to do this to yourself. There is no reason for you to freak out. Come here." Jiyong grabbed my hands and pulled me to the bed, helping me to sit down on the side. "Look at me MiRae." He said smiling at me as my eyes met his. "You, Choi MiRae, you are going to kick today. Ok? Don't you dare doubt yourself. You are perfect you know that? Your voice is different and it's killer, something that no one has really heard before. You have a tone no one can match. You are beautiful, stunning and someone any girl can look up to. Your personality is brighter than the sun. They obviously see that in you or else they wouldn't have asked you to so quickly come in and meet and discuss your future. So go in there today, babe, and be your perfect self. You are the new lioness at Jungle Entertainment...walk in there with your head high and show them who's the new queen." 

I couldn't help but smile and sort of giggle a Jiyong's speech. It was exactly what I needed to hear, with touches of  G-Dragon all over it. "Thank you." I smiled, leaning in and kissing him. "Thank you for your support babe. I really, I really don't know what I would do without you, ya know that? And you are so right. I am the freaking lioness of Jungle and I am not going to let anything stand in my way. I am gonna show everyone what I have to offer!" 

"Damn right baby. Go get that prey of yours." Jiyong pulled me up and into his arms, hugging me tightly while whispering in my ear. "I am so proud of you. I love you."

"I love you too!" I said kissing him and then grabbing my purse. I did one more self check in the mirror and hurried downstairs to wait for Gary, who was to be there any moment to me to me new label. I was so thankful for Gary and the friendship we had. We'd bonded on Running Man all those months ago, quickly becoming the GaRae duo. We were very much alike on the show, sometimes playing with great instincts and other times, being clueless and confused. Our relationship was that of the sometimes air-headed brother and sister, referring to each other as MiRae-eeeeeeee and Gary-y-y-y. Outside of Running Man, we were the brother and sister...dorky and lovable. 

"Babe, I just saw Gary's car pull up," Ji yelled towards me as I continued to check myself out in the mirror. "Babe, you have got to stop worrying about your look. You look amazing. He's waiting for you, you don't want to be late for your first meeting do you?"

"Aniyo. Of course not. I'll message you as soon as I am all done, ok?" I said as Jiyong walked me to the door. 

"Perfect. I will be awaiting the message and tonight, tonight we will celebrate your new recording contract. Now, go, give them hell and show them who rules the Jungle. You got this babe. I love you." Ji gave me one last good luck kiss and sent me out the door to Gary.


"MiRae, you ready to go into the Jungle?" Gary asked as he helped me out of his car.

"Oppaaaa - aniyo. I need a minute." I was a ball of nerves, sweating profusely and shaky. This was it, the moment of truth. I was about to walk into the place that I would create my music. A place other than YGE, of which I was familiar and comfortable with being a part of. 

"Aigoo, now is not the time to be nervous. Jungle is your new home and we are your new family. Tiger JK and Cho Sun Oh are excited to meet you and have you here. So stand up tall and be proud and walk into Jungle ready to conquer it, ok MiRae?"

"Ok." I said, remembering the pep talk Jiyong had given me just before I had left. I smiled at Gary and immediately changed the way I was carrying myself. If I was going to walk into Jungle, I was going to walk in like I owned the place and was ready to take over. Linking my arm with Gary's we made our way into the building for the first time. I was taken aback by the difference between YGE and Jungle. I shouldn't have been surprised; YGE was well known and big, Jungle was smaller but just as important. I took in the hallway as Gary began to ramble on about getting me a parking pass and my ID and showing me around the building before my meeting. 

"I did mention that your meeting with JK and Mr. Cho was pushed back by an hour didn't I?" Gary asked as I continued to just stand with my mouth agape. 

"Aniyo. You didn't." I said.

"This will give us time to get your ID and give you the grand tour of your new home." The next 15 minutes were a blur as I was whisked into a secure place where my picture was taken and my ID was made, all while I filled out some paperwork and important details like parking space and locker assignment were hashed out. "Now, MiRae-eeee. Let me show you around. This is our security office. Any visitors you have will have to sign in here, we have guards present here 24/7, if you have any issues, always come here, ok?" I simply nodded as Gary escorted me out. "This is our main employee entrance here down the hall  to the left and over there...those are the main doors to Jungle. Over the next 20 minutes Gary would lead me around Jungle showing me everything from recording studios, to the rehearsal studios where I would learn choreography, to our lounges and small dining area. It was all quite simple, but it was nice. I knew I would make this my home easily.

"And before the boardroom, let me show you our favorite little hang out spot. We all like to get together and just relax and mess around and so we requested a room where we could do that, play games, eat, drink, and just enjoy whatever down time we have." Gary opened the door to what he called "The Den." A decent sized room that housed a whole wall of board games, a karaoke area, several comfortable couches and, to my surprise, Jungle Entertainment stars and an awaiting small little banner that said, "Welcome to the Jungle, MiRae!" 

"And here is your Jungle family." Gary said, smiling and leading me over to those who had lined up to meet me. "You of course know who these two are." Gary said pointing to 2/3 of MFBTY; Yoon MiRae and Bizzy.

"Neh! Anneyonghaseyo." I said bowing.

"MiRae! It's nice to have another girl here with us and even better - a fellow MiRae. Please, look at me as your Unnie, ok? I am here if you need anything!" Yoon MiRae smiled and shook my hand warmly. It was nice to have someone else who was originally from America and spoke English in my life. 

"Yes, Unnie." I said, smiling and then moving on to greet Bizzy, Gil and Jung In.

"And this is..." Gary began. 

"Most Incredible Busters" I yelled out excited. They were one of my favorite groups and 5Zic (A/N: Pronounced Oh-Zic) the leader, happened to be my best friend's boyfriend. "Anneyonghaseyo." I smiled like a fangirl who was meeting her idols for the first time. "I am so very pleased and excited to meet you." I bowed then looked over each member, hardly able to contain my fangirl ways of wanting to have their autograph. 

"Welcome to the Jungle, MiRae!" 5Zic said, bowing then shaking my hand. "EunMi told me I should watch out for you. I promised I would and I intend to fulfill my promise. You must come to dinner with us tonight after your meeting."

"I would love that, however, I have a dinner date already." I smiled feeling at ease, like I had been a part of this place for years. 

"Probably with your main squeeze G-Dragon. Am I  right?" Kangnam said, walking up to me and shaking my hand.

"How did you know?" I said surprised.

"EunMi told 5Zic and well...he opened his big mouth to us." 

"Hey, you weren't supposed to say anything. Aish, thanks for getting me in trouble so quickly. See if I ever tell you anything important like that again." 5Zic said, hitting Kangnam on the back of the head, igniting a play fight between the two. 

"It's really not a problem." I laughed. "As long as it doesn't get out to all of Seoul, I am ok with you knowing. You are my family now, right?" I smiled as I walked over to Sims and Cream and introduced myself.

"MiRae, it's time for your big meeting!" Gary said motioning to the door. "Come, you don't want to be late."

"Neh, coming oppa." 


I sat taping my fingers on the table as I nervously awaited JK and Cho Sun to enter in the meeting room. I was a wreck, afraid I would some how make them decide not to ask me to join their label. Afraid I would say or do the wrong thing. The last time I was in this situation I had Top sitting beside me, keeping me cool, calm, and collected. This time, he wasn't here. Jiyong wasn't here either. He wasn't going to be my producer, he wasn't going to help me make those decisions producers help you to make. No this time, I was here, alone with Gary, whom I loved but even he couldn't keep me from my nervous state. 

" can stop tapping your fingers now." Gary said, trying to help me.

"Aigoo, what is with me Oppa. I am so nervous about this. Wae? I mean, I shouldn't be, right? They want me, they didn't even have me audition like usual, just knew who I was and about my talent and decided to sign me. So what is wrong with me that I am so nervous?"

"I don't know could be that you are so used to having a whole bunch of people you know and are close to around you. It could be that you just aren't used to doing things like this on your own. Right? In the past, you had Top there and so naturally you signed with YGE...your fiance was there every step of the way and your best friend was too and he was your producer. Now here you sit, all alone with me in a new place with new people it makes sense you'd be nervous, but really there is no reason to be. You are going to be a star for Jungle we all know it."

"Aish. First you bring up the past and some touchy subjects and then you say something positive at the end of it. Thanks Kang Gary you're always so helpful." I giggled. Buuutttt, you are right. It's my time. My time to shine for jungle and be the lioness of this label."

"Lioness huh?" A voice said behind me, startling me a bit. "I like it it fits you."

I stood up to see Tiger JK enter with Cho Sun Oh right behind as well as another gentleman.

"Anneyonghaseyo." I said without hesitation, followed by a bow. 

"Hello there Ms. Choi MiRae. I am so pleased to finally meet you." Tiger JK said shaking my hand and bowing back. "This is Mr. Cho Sun Oh, our CEO." I took his hand and bowed as I greeted him as well. "Now, please sit, let's discuss your contract and all the important details of your joining our company." After sitting and some small talk, Gary excused himself and then we got down to business. 

"Do you not have a manager Ms. Choi?" JK asked. 

"Aniyo, sir, I don't. I used to when I was signed with YG Entertainment, but now it is just me."

"I see. I see." Tiger JK said deep in thought. "Well, then please meet your new manger Mr. Han Sang Min. He's already looked over your contract and is here to help you and  help with many of the decisions you will be making."

"Anneyonghaseyo." I smiled and bowed my head respectfully. "Very please to meet you Mr. Han." 

"Neh, you too Ms. Choi!" He replied back respectfully. 

"There's also the matter of a bodyguard. We have many within this company, but I think we picked the perfect one for you. If you will just turn around to the door, I'll have him enter." I obediently turned my chair and anxiously anticipated the arrival of my new bodyguard. No one would ever replace Cha, but I knew that Tiger JK would make sure I have the perfect protection. "Please enter." JK said as I watched the door open and a very familiar face peek around the corner.

"CHA!!!!!" I yelped excited. "OMO, daebak! Cha, what...what are you doing here?" I had completely forgotten about being professional, only focused on my excitement at having my bodyguard surprise me.

"Yoboseyo MiRae." Cha said, coming in and sitting beside me. It was only when I saw the sweet face of my Cha that I finally was able to relax a little bit. 

"Your bodyguard there was quite adamant on remaining your protector." JK chuckled.

"Neh, MiRae. As soon as I heard you were leaving YGE I knew I had to go whereever you went. I have always promised to be your protector and while it was hard to leave a place I had been employed at for so long, I had to follow you." I smiled and grabbed his hand squeezing it. Cha was more than my bodyguard, he was my friend and I was thankful that I would have him with me here at Jungle.

"Cha welcome to Jungle as well." JK said. "Now, MiRae, lets discuss your contract." He passed a copy of it over for my manager and me to review. "Please let me know if you have any questions." I began to thoroughly read each part of the contract, stopping at the conditional section.

"Conditional...what do you mean? There are some conditions?" I said looking up. "I didn't have anything like this when I was with my other company. I...I don't understand."

"MiRae, we like to make sure that our artists stay on the straight and narrow so we always put in a conditional section. For example, you will read that you have to maintain a healthy weight. You will be asked to take regular weight checks and drug and alcohol tests. We just want to make sure that there is no trouble. Of course we aren't saying you can't go out and enjoy a drink, but we have a zero tolerance policy where drugs are concerned. We won't tolerate drug usage or over drinking. As for your weight, we are a little concerned to be honest. You look a little unhealthy weight wise, so I'd like to offer you this chance to explain any health issues you may have with us."

On my first day, really...oye. MiRae now is the time to be honest. Don't blow this. 

"I...I do have something I should tell you." I said, working up the courage to explain my situation to my new boss. "I've been, the past 6 months I've been struggling with...with...with an eating disorder. About 6 months ago I started...well I became bulimic. I have been working on it. I saw a doctor and have been working on breaking the habit, but it hasn't been easy."

"Oh. Wow. Thank you for being honest MiRae. We are here to support you, but know we will be watching you carefully, ok? We must, in order to assure your safety."

"Of course I understand." I smiled.

"Other than the conditions, any other questions for me?" 

"Aniyo. I am quite happy with this contract and I agree with the conditions. I'm ready to sign." And sign I did. I was ready, so ready to start my music career with Jungle.

"And with that you are officially a Jungle Entertainment entertainer. You start your training tomorrow, please be here by 8 am. And earlier MiRae, you gave me an idea."

"What's that sir?"

"Please, please don't call me Sir, it's much to formal. I don't like all the formalities. Just call me JK, ok?"

"Neh, of course, JK." 

"Well Jungle already has a MiRae, correct? As I entered today, you were talking about being the lioness of Jungle and you know, I really like that. How would you feel about being Lioness, that being your stage name?"

"Daebak! Lioness...but to make it ever more original, let's make it Am Saja. 

"Am Saja....perfect...daebak! Well Am Saja...are you read to enter the Jungle."

"I'm ready! Let's do this!" 







Hi Subs <3 I realize these last couple chapters and the next one are a little "slower." I promise they are setting up to some seriously good stuff. It's been rather difficult for me coming back to this story after a several month hiatus...I probably should have outlined it better. #fail 

This chapter is mainly a filler, some things that have happened and been said in this chapter will become parts of the story a bit down the road. 

Looking ahead: 

*Craziness and mayhem ensue.

*Jiyong and MiRae share some sweet moments (this is after all fluff and romance)

*Someone tries to turns things upside down for Jiyong and MiRae

*MiRae's surprise for Jiyong

Please bear with me. And understand that this fanfic is taking a different turn then what I had originally thought, so this next little bit may be a little weird.

And to those of you who read, THANK YOU. Kamsahamnida. I have really been writing these stories for me, so to have people that read and enjoy is really satisfying. <3 <3 

Much love from your authornim.






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Chapter 24: Loved this story! Great work!
Chapter 24: Aawww sweetest love story.. Thank u for awesome work author-nim!
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 24: Awwweh ! I love this story! <3
Chapter 21: So sweet!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG!!! I need the next chapter! Now!!!! Please save Mirae unni.!! Palli palli!
Chapter 16: OMG !? What did you do Jiyong
Chapter 14: Omg. Jiyong... Why are you so sweet.... Too nice, so perfect... Gosh im so inlove with this story....
JIyongforever #8
Chapter 5: man I just want to cry all the time this is so sad about top but so joyful about Jiyong
JIyongforever #9
Chapter 3: omo that is such a sad letter. and the fact that our beloved top is not alive in this is oh so terribly sad :(
Update PLS