
Love Like Oxygen

"Annnndddd welcome to the show today everyone. Today on the show we have a super awesome special guest who I am absolutely pumped for you all to meet. This girl has become the face of American KPop. She's known as Korea's Bright Girl. She is not at all Korean, but has taken the industry by storm and has helped make Kpop what it is today here in the U.S. Really I don't think I need to say much more than that, everybody give it up for AM SAJA!!!!!!"

"Hi! Everyone. Hi Danny!" 

"I am just so excited you are here today with us Saja. I want to start out first by asking, how you are doing, how are are enjoying L.A. and the excitement of this years KCon?"

"Well let me first say, thank you for having me on your show today. I am excited to be here as well. I am doing well, life is honestly going really well, I can't complain. It's great to be back home in America. I miss it a lot when I am in Korea. You know, I think though I am most excited to be here for KCon. It's just an experience that is really indescribable and to be able to represent the growing number of non-Korean artist's making it in KPop here in my home country is such a privilege."

"Let's talk about that, the changing face of Kpop, you have been really instrumental in bringing it about. You came into this industry rather unexpectedly and really took it by storm. People first fell in love with you as Choi MiRae and then with your comeback as Am Saja. How does it feel to be the face of non-Korean kpop artists?"

"Well like I touched on, it's really an absolute privilege. You know, I never expected to have the kind of life I do now, but I would never change it. I love that Korea and Kpop fans are really embracing the idea of artists who are non-Korean being a part of the Kpop industry. I am so proud to have been able to open those doors for others who may otherwise not have made it. I'm thrilled to be a Jungle Artist and thrilled to be building my own company with my husband so that he can I can invest in others both Korean or not."

"Ah, yes, your husband, G-Dragon. Tell me more about the company you two have, it has just really started correct?"

"Yes! We decided to name it JiRae Entertainment. The obvious reason being that we have been one as a couple for such a long time and now we want to be one in our business.  Jiyong is of course the president and will be doing a lot of producing, mentoring, and building into the trainee's and artists we have. I am going to take on the role of actually helping to run the business more. I of course want to mentor and teach as well. We are so very excited. Our first group, a girl group will be debuting next month officially, but they are here with us this weekend to preform on stage for the first time. They are incredibly excited."

"To change the tone here a little bit and get a bit more personal, its been 5 years since your health scare, how are you doing now?"

"Never better. You know, that was a very scary and trying time for Jiyong and myself, but we certainly came out of it closer and more dedicated to each other than we had been."

"And the person who poisoned you..."

"Is serving the time she deserves for what she did. I am healthy and happy. Married to the man of my dreams, kids, in a career I adore....she wasn't able to take that away from me."

"That's great. You seem to have come out of that trial even better than before."

"Of course. You know it's been 5 years. The first year after was quite trying. I had to come to terms with everything, some of the effects, like the stuttering I suffered and the trial and many court appearances, but in the end, that was also the best year too. I married the love of my life, my best friend, got to be a part of Big Bang's Farewell Concert and start my family with Jiyong. I can't really complain."

"You had probably THE wedding of the century. That's all everyone talked about for months after."

"It was, it was everything I could have wanted and more. I really loved that Jiyong and I were able to have both of our cultures intertwined into such a beautiful day filled with memories that I will never forget. I think the best part was his surprise in having Justin Timberlake there to sing our song as our first dance. To this day, we listen to it all the time."

"And you are parents! How are you children? It seems GD is a doting father."

"Jiyong would move the moon and stars for our children. He is the best father I could have ever asked for for my children, even James. We have our hands full, that's for sure three crazy children running around, but you know, I am blessed."

"Here's a picture of your family. It's so beautiful and look at how absolutely happy you two look. Tell me a little more about the kids!"

"Well our oldest is obviously James. Jiyong now has full custodial rights to him and has adopted him, so he is officially a Kwon. When we had James adopted, he was also given a Korean name, Min Soo. He's an amazing big brother, almost 11. Tae Hyun 4 almost 5. He's just like his daddy...swag for days!"

"And his name is special right?"

"Yes. Very. We wanted to honor two people that have been so important in our life so we chose Tae of course for Taeyang and Hyun for Top. It was important for us to use some part of their name in naming our son. Tae Hyun was the baby I announced to JiYong on the L.A. stop of their tour."

"Yes, I remember. You did it in front of thousands of screaming fans and Jiyong has since said in an interview that while it was the happiest moment for him, it was also the most embarrassing."

"Because even if he is a well known rapper, designer, producer, and preform, he hates being the center of attention." (laughs) "And then there is our daughter, Jin Ae. Her name was birthed from our names. Ji for Jiyong and Ae for MiRae. She's two now and very much a daddy's girl. Jiyong is incredibly protective of her, as any father would be. I dread when she wants to bring a boy home..."

"You know I have to say, I just absolutely love your love story. When I think of the word soul mates, if I looked it up in the dictionary, I am convinced that there would be a picture of you two there. I have never seen a couple more in love with each other."

"Well thank you, ya know I never planned to fall in love with Jiyong. I was supposed to marry Top and have this life with him, but looking back now, I wouldn't change a thing. I could not imagine being married to and loving anyone else. Love lets you see normal things in an extraordinary way. I had to take off my blinders and see the person in front of me to see true love. You know I often feel bad that I might have perhaps hurt Top in my falling in love with JiYong, but I truly believe that he would be 100% supportive and happy for us. I just, I am so fortunate to have found love with my best friend. He's been my backbone, my hand holder, my biggest fan and supporter and has been my oxygen. He keeps me alive and I know that I would not be here today, who I am today, without him."

"Wow, well thank you for being here today. I know it takes time out of your busy schedule to sit down and chat with me so I am grateful. Thank you so much MiRae!" 

"It's been my pleasure."





A/N: (And my story that took me too long to write has come to an end. It's bittersweet, but I am happy with where MiRae and Jiyong ended up. And for those of you who read this and stuck with it...thank you! I am planning out a new story to start soon!)


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Chapter 24: Loved this story! Great work!
Chapter 24: Aawww sweetest love story.. Thank u for awesome work author-nim!
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 24: Awwweh ! I love this story! <3
Chapter 21: So sweet!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG!!! I need the next chapter! Now!!!! Please save Mirae unni.!! Palli palli!
Chapter 16: OMG !? What did you do Jiyong
Chapter 14: Omg. Jiyong... Why are you so sweet.... Too nice, so perfect... Gosh im so inlove with this story....
JIyongforever #8
Chapter 5: man I just want to cry all the time this is so sad about top but so joyful about Jiyong
JIyongforever #9
Chapter 3: omo that is such a sad letter. and the fact that our beloved top is not alive in this is oh so terribly sad :(
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