I Will Wait For You

My New Roommate!

"W-what..?" I said as I try to process her words into my head.

"I know it's a shock to you-"

"When did he say he was going to study abroad?" I cutted her off.

"A couple of months ago." she said. "He's going in the beginning of next year."

I wasn't mad at Ray. Just why didn't he tell me that he was going to study abroad? "Em ji, I know everything is shocking you right now. But, he just didn't want you to be upset. Please be understanding."

I stand up, "I hope you get better. I have to go." I bow to her and left her room.

I took the bus back home. As I reach the front of our apartment, I don't even know what I will do once I step inside. Would I yell or be understanding? I don't even know how I'm feeling right now.

I open the door and Ray was laying on the sofa sleeping. I put my stuff down and sat across from him. Just watching him pleases me in a way. I grab a blanket from the closet and put it over. Ray suddenly grabs my hand and pulls me down to him. "Where did you go?" he said with his eyes tiredly open.

"I had errands to go do." I said as I lift myself up, but Ray pulls me down and holds me close to him.

"I have something to tell you.." he said looking into my eyes. I couldn't look at his eyes so I looked at his necklace he was wearing. "I'm going to st-"

"Study abroad." I finished the sentence. "I know. Yu min told me." I said trying to show a smile. "I just want to know. Why didn't you tell me?" I said looking at him.

He sighs, "I was planning to tell you, but just couldn't bring myself to it. I'm sorry. I know I should've-"

"It's okay. I understand." I interrupted him.

"Why are you so sad? Just because I'm studying abroad doesn't mean I'm leaving you forever. I'll come back." he said as he kisses my forehead.

I bring out a smile of relief. "I'm sorry for getting mad earlier this morning." I said to him.

"It's okay, I didn't clearly explain why I was gone." he said.

"So where are you going to go study abroad at?" I ask.

"Italy." he said as he interwines his hands with my hands.

I sit up, "Italy..is far.."

"Are you still upset?" he said as he sits up. He puts his arms around my waist and lays his head on my left shoulder.

"It's just..we just barely started dating and you're going to leave already." I said in a disappointed tone. "It's not that I'm mad at you. It's just that we've been only dating for a week and you're going to leave.."

"I know but there's still a whole month to celebrate, okay? We can use our time wisely before I leave." he said.

"Hmm." I said nodding in agreement.

"Let's go grab some hot coco." he said as he tugs at my side. I giggle, "Okay okay."


One Month Later~

It was the last day of Ray staying. Like he said, we did use our time together wisely. We went ice skating, to the beach, watch movies together and more. But even though we did those stuff together, I still didn't want Ray to leave. Christmas went by, of course we did many things on Christmas.

Today, Ray was seeing if his transfers papers made it through to the university he was going in Italy. I was waiting outside. He came out with a happy expression. "They said that they found me a dorm to stay in." said Ray as he grabs my hand.

"Really? That's good." I said.

We went to the car and got inside. "So where are we going to do today?" I ask him.

"It's a secret." he said giving me a wink.

It was night by the time we reach the place. It looked like a garden. We get out and walk with our hands together. "Where is this?" I ask him.

"You'll see." he said as he now leads. We walk around for a couple of minutes looking around.

All of a sudden, the lights glowed the garden. It was so colorful. It was a garden of rainbow. My eyes lit up brightly as I look around me. "This is beautiful!" I said to Ray as I wonder around. "Ray-" I turn around to not see Ray any where. I look around, "Ray! Where are you?!" I shouted.

I went towards the car until there was a firework that went up and blasted. I flinched and look towards it. There were so many fireworks that comes out, then I felt two arms around my waist. I look to my side to see Ray laying his head on my shoulder. He turns me around, "Happy New Year Babe." he said and puts his hands on my face and his lips places on mines. We pull away slowly and just smile as we look at each other. "Happy New Year to you too jagi." I said and give him a peck on the lips.

We watch the fireworks blast in the sky. After the fireworks, Ray holds onto my hands looking into my eyes with sincerity. "Em ji, no matter how far I go, you'll always be in my heart. I'll come back. So don't worry and live life here finishing school. I'll come and visit you. I love you." he said and kisses my forehead.

"I promise that I'll wait for you. No matter how long, I will wait. So you don't worry about me and finish school abroad. I love you." I said and we both kiss again.


The Next Day

We walk hand in hand as we enter the airport. Mr. and Mrs. Kim were behind us and followed by Ray's friends and my friends. Yu min and Siwan was there too. We turn around and Mrs. Kim gives a long hug to Ray and Mr. Kim gives Ray a hug and wishes him good luck. Soon the others did the same.

"Thanks for coming everyone. I love you all. I'll miss every single one of you." said Ray.

I give Ray a long hug and a kiss. "I'm going to miss you the most." he said as our forehead touches. "I'm going to miss you too." I replied.

"I love you." and he lets go of me and starts backing up. Tears come to my eyes as I see him waving and walking farther away.

I felt a sudden urge to go after him, so my feet did. I ran after Ray and called his name. He turns around and as I hug him, we almost lost balance but didn't. We stood in that position for a while until I remembered that Ray had a plane to catch. I lift my head up as my eyes turns watery seeing Ray's face. "Why are you crying?" he said as I start to see his eye tear up.

"It's just that..I haven't expressed myself of how much I love you." I said to him. He laughs at my statement and ruffles my hair, "It's okay, just by you saying that shows me how much you love me already." he said as he kisses my forehead.

"I love you." we both said at the same time. We laugh it off then our lips seal into a long one. Then the annoucement for Ray's flight went on. We back away and said our byes to each other. Ray runs off into the line.

"I'll wait for you." I said as I wave happily to him with a big smile.



Happy New Years Everyone! Yes I finally updated!! :D This was meant to be updated today anyways. :D I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! So I just want to remind you guys that, this story will be coming into an end in the next chapter! T.T So sorry for the sad news. But I'm glad that I'm almost done with this fanfic so that I can start writing my new fanfic. :) So Please Like, Subscribe, and Comment!! Feel free to Upvote! ^^

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Sorry guys, I probably won't be able to update for a while because the computer broke down!! But I'll try to update as soon as I can!! ^^


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Forgot to tell you, a girl who was appearing in C-Clown's MV "Far Away" and casted as Lee Yu Min.. She is Xia from Rania. Probably she looks different so, we can't know her exactly. Hehehe ^^
Kim_TaeV #2
Chapter 28: From wat i know,Eden was a group name in a drama(dream high)
Kim_TaeV #3
Chapter 15: Good job! For putting beep ;)
bts_lover_jimin #4
Chapter 35: i just cried....so heart touching x'D
leekarla #5
Chapter 35: Great story!! Loved it ❤️❤️❤️
Dazzlingshine #6
Chapter 35: It all started because of her little brother messing up her roommate application and now look what happened. I think she should really thank her little brother because without him she would have never met Ray... Lol I loved this story!!!
Chapter 35: Omg this was such a cute story. I loved it!! <333
Chapter 35: Aaaaaaaa!!!!! Finally they got married
newtokpop09 #9
Chapter 35: OMG so cheesy the last chapter..But I loved it...short and sweet!:D