
My New Roommate!

Ray takes us to a famous restaurant. We order our food and wait for it. Ray's phone starts ringing, "Hello?" he answers. "What?! Okay, I'm coming right now!" he hangs up the phone. "Em ji-"

"I know." I said trying to fix a smile on my face. "Just go." I said in disappointment.

We both walk out of the restaurant. "I'll get going then." he said. He gets inside the car and drives off. My heart sinks as he leaves. "He's my boyfriend yet he still leaves for another girl." I mumbled sadly to myself.

I decided to go home since there was no point in standing there. I was starting to get hungry. There was a noodle shop nearby so I decided to just eat lunch there. "I want a bowl of jambong." I said to the waitress as I hand her back the menu. I stare out the window as to how it's such a nice day today. The sun was out, there was cool breezes, everything would've been perfect if Ray was here.

"Here's your jambong, Miss." said the waitress as she puts the bowl down.

I thank her and pull out my chopsticks. I look at the spicy noodles and grab some. I blow on the hot noodles and took a bite. "Mmm~" I said as the tastes engulfs my tongue.

After eating, I decided to not go home. It's too much of a waste on a good day like this. I walk around the city of Seoul and went to places I've never been to before. There was a couple bracelet on a stall. "Ahjumma, how much is this?" I ask the lady.

I walk with my hand holding onto the couple bracelets. I smile as I think of surprising Ray with these. It was starting to get dark. I head home.


When I reach the apartment, Ray wasn't there. He's probably still at Yu min's place trying to comfort her. That thought angered me. "Even if we're together, he'll still go for her." I said as I walk to my room.


I wake up the next day to find Ray still not home. His bed was still neatly done, it was a sign that Ray never came home. I hear the door open and Ray came home. "Where were you?" I ask him.

"At the hospital." he said as he starts packing up his clothes. "Why are you packing up your clothes?" I ask.

"Yu min is in the hospital, and she has no one. I'm going to watch over her." he said.

"To what point will you stop watching over her?" I said as the feeling of jealousy overcomes me. Ray frowns, "What do you mean?" he said in confusion. "You don't know? You've always watched her! Not once have you ever looked my way. Is Yu min is still more important than me?"

Those words shocked Ray as he couldn't believe what I just said. Tears starts to run in my eyes. "Em ji, how can you say that? If I was to still like Yu min, I wouldn't be dating you right now." he said disappointed. "You're taking this way too seriously. If you can't understand then, let's just not date."

It pierced me right through my heart. His words replay in my head. "So, you really don't..." I said. I run back into my room and shut the door tightly. I crouch down and bury my face into my knees. Tears came nonstop. It was unbelievable of what Ray just said. How can he say that?

I hear the door shut and went to check that Ray is not here anymore. I change and got ready for school. I took the bus to school. I saw Lizzy them as hyper as always. "Oh? Em ji-ah!" Lizzy said as she skipped to me.

"What's wrong?" she said seeing my expression.

I told Lizzy everything that happened between Ray and me. She puts her hand around my shoulders, "Already a problem in the beginning of a relationship already?" she said. "Well, I think you are taking things too seriously Em ji. You don't know why Ray went to the hospital for Yu min. What if she did really get into an accident? Be more understanding and trusting. That's what he want."

"Understanding and trusting?" I mumble to myself.

"Mmm. Ray is right, if he still liked Yu min, you guys wouldn't be together right now, right?" she said. "He loves you, no one else. He chose you over Yu min. He just cares about Yu min as a Noona now. Just don't take it too seriously and apologize." Lizzy said.

Everything was understandable now. "Thanks Lizzy! You're the best!" I said as I give her a tight hug. I went to my class and sat down in my seat.


After class, I went to the hospital. I checked for Yu min's room she's staying in. As I open the door, she looks at me with a surprise face. She was in hospital clothes sitting up with her phone in her hand. "Hello." I said shyly as I came in. "Hi." she said with a gentle smile. "I bought you some flowers." I said.

"Thanks." she said. "Ray told me that you and Ray are dating now."

"Oh that, yes." I said thinking about what Ray said.

"You guys look cute together. Actually, you guys are perfect for each other. I'm sorry for always interfering between you two." she said. You look at her confused at how her personality changed. The Yu min you know was careless and self-centered. Now she's a total different girl.

"Yu min, why are you being so nice?" I ask her. "I mean, I like it that you're being nice instead of arrogant, but why the sudden change?" I look at her but she gives me a bright smile that I find very uncomfortable that she would smile at me like that.

"Sit down." she said as she points to the chair. I slowly sat down in the chair. "Why do you look so scared? I'm not going to do anything, and you can trust me on that."

I give out a slight sigh and remove my "aware" face.

"I just think it's time I stop being arrogant." she said calmly. "For all these times, I've realize that I've been a really self-centered ." that cuss word she said made me flinch a little. "I didn't know I was hurting you..I'm sorry.."

"But, there is this one thing that I want to tell you." she said. "Ray told me not to tell you but I feel like I have to."

I give her a confused look. "What is he hiding?" I said directly.

"Ray said..that he's studying abroad."




Hello Everyone! and happy late Merry Christmas! Sorry for not updating for a while now! But I hoped that everyone enjoyed this chapter! I hope everyone have a great holiday! :D Please Like, Subscribe and Comment! ^^

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Sorry guys, I probably won't be able to update for a while because the computer broke down!! But I'll try to update as soon as I can!! ^^


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Forgot to tell you, a girl who was appearing in C-Clown's MV "Far Away" and casted as Lee Yu Min.. She is Xia from Rania. Probably she looks different so, we can't know her exactly. Hehehe ^^
Kim_TaeV #2
Chapter 28: From wat i know,Eden was a group name in a drama(dream high)
Kim_TaeV #3
Chapter 15: Good job! For putting beep ;)
bts_lover_jimin #4
Chapter 35: i just cried....so heart touching x'D
leekarla #5
Chapter 35: Great story!! Loved it ❤️❤️❤️
Dazzlingshine #6
Chapter 35: It all started because of her little brother messing up her roommate application and now look what happened. I think she should really thank her little brother because without him she would have never met Ray... Lol I loved this story!!!
Chapter 35: Omg this was such a cute story. I loved it!! <333
Chapter 35: Aaaaaaaa!!!!! Finally they got married
newtokpop09 #9
Chapter 35: OMG so cheesy the last chapter..But I loved it...short and sweet!:D