His biggest regret

She was Loved [ INCOMPLETE ]



Leeteuk was still in shock and in pain as he was just told he won't be able to go to Taeyeons funeral. The higher ups explained to him that he won't be granted permission to leave the reason being he was only allowed to go if it was a death of an immediate family member or a spouse. Leeteuk stood outside the building crying and wanting to scream out loud. He regretted everything he didn't do at that moment, he regretted breaking her heart many times and leaving her the way he did." I'm sorry Taeyeon" he said as he repeated that phrase over and over. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry"

Even though he loved her he loved fame more. It all started as friendship but he quickly began moving in on her, convincing her that she was the one for him, but he just wanted the attention. He would call her randomly telling her he misses her ajumma laugh. Take her out secretly to get some Ice cream. Embraced her softly and tell her that he was there for her. And finally Taeyeon accepted him as she felt like she was safe with him, he made her believe she was safe with him. Little by little she opened her heart to him. But that all changed quickly ...

As Leeteuk realized that the media was starting to get suspicious of their more than just friend relationship, he quickly pushed her aside, being afraid of fans reactions, and went alone to talk to SM to go ahead and deny the rumors. Leeteuk called Taeyeon that day asking her to meet up in one of the empty practice rooms. Taeyeon came thinking it was a date she was so excited since it was a long time since they had time for each other due to their schedules. 

"I'm sorry but we can't go on, this has to stop", Leeteuk said as Taeyeon was sitting silently in the practice room. Her expression at that moment became pained as she realize what was happening " I'm sorry for moving your heart, but I can't do this anymore this was all a mistake... I talked to LSM and SM will be giving a statement denying our relationship ... I'm sorr-" 

*STOP !!! I don't want to hear your apology ... I understand ...I get it " Taeyeon said coldly as she looked up at him.. "We never happened..." She said with tears in her eyes. " This never happened, it was just a mistake right?.. so don't apologize ... just leave don't worry ... I'll deny everything too, you're just my senior right that's what you want me to say .. right?. " Taeyeon said as she stared at him. Leeteuk couldn't forget Taeyeons cold expression that day he walked out on her as she was trembling  

After that day he thought they could just go back being friends, being selfish by believing he can still have her as a friend. Taeyeon felt betrayed and abandoned, feeling vulnerable as he walked out. That incident in 2010 ended & in  2011 Leeteuk even went on WE GOT MARRIED. ...

Leeteuk looked up at the clouded sky as he regretted every moment, " Taeyeon ... It's seems as though all I did was apologize ...  I couldn't be there for you as Leeteuk, not even as Park Jung Su... even now I couldn't keep my promise to you. I'm sorry for not loving you right. I'm sorry" . He said as he remembered their last encounter ...



A/N: I might add a part (2)to this chapter later on.. Not sure yet...

I hope you're all enjoying... ( Even though it has a sad feel to it lol ...)  

thank you ^^ 


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creamcarlton #1
Chapter 58: i read this long along it was so sad, even though its been a while every time i read it, the same feels come up.
drag0nr1der #2
Chapter 6: I don't know if I am going to read your story more, because the beginning is so intense
I cried already in the first chapter
What should I do :,(
kimkarinn #3
Chapter 10: I am crying silently in the middle of the night. So heart breaking :(
Chapter 7: I'm crying nonstop rightnow.
aezzen #5
Chapter 58: New reader here author-si. :) This is really a good story. I can't help but get teary eyed. T.T

Fighting! ^_^
lolalovetae #6
New reader here~ omg u are such a great author. I cry for every chapters. Good job!
Chapter 57: OMG YOU'RE FINALLY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will never un-subscribe from this story cause it's so fantastic!!!!!!!
I'm going trough my exams now so I sure hope you can update soon so that I have something to distract me from studying :P
Welcome back and hope you update soon!!
girlsggxxg #8
OMG! I love this story so much:)and I think YOU'RE AMAZING for making me cried in almost every chapter, I seriously did cried gosh...
WOw just Wow...,:D
Chapter 53: :DDDDDDDDDDD