Her Will

She was Loved [ INCOMPLETE ]

The next morning SNSD had a meeting with their Manager and a SM Lawyer. 




The girls were speechless as to what they just heard. "we just got the results back from the hospital last night, but we decided to let you rest, we'll be releasing the information shortly. We'll be going over her last will first." 

"what was the cause of death?" Manager oppa said eagerly wanting to know what happened. The girls just stared at the Lawyer wanting him to tell them already  "But first of all i want to remind you all  that you all do know that you all created wills in case of a sudden death right?". "Yes" the girls answered

. "Well Taeyeon updated her will a few months ago, and she states that she wants her share of money to be evenly split within the group from any current album SNSD is working on or released during her time of death. Her current bank account is also to be evenly shared between the group." The girls were absolutely shocked. "Her saving account will be evenly split between to Sooyoung and Seohyun" Sooyoung was shocked and Seohyun started crying. "But why?" Sooyoung said crying all over again. Taeyeon updated her will after she found out about Sooyoung fathers illness with out the girls knowing.

 "As she states in her will:  if she were to die while Sooyoungs father was still receiving treatment she would like to help pay for the hospital bills,and treatment..she says in her will "Sooyoung please accept this as a thank you to you and your parents, as they treated me with lots of love and kindness, I want to do this as a friend as I don't want you to worry about paying so I'm giving you my savings, please take care and know I love you dearly." Sooyoung cried in disbelief that even in death Taeyeon would still be taking care of her. "And as for Seohyun" The lawyer continued on, "Taeyeon states that if she were to die when SNSD was still active she wanted Seohyun to receive her savings as well, Taeyeon says in her will " Dear Seohyun, my sweet maknae, I'm sorry Unnie is gone, thank you for taking care of me and the girls, I want you to please accept this as my last wish. I feel like I owe you a lot and I know I can't repay you with money. I'm sorry i couldn't be there to watch you grow, I want you to use this money if possible to continue on mastering the piano, or maybe going to study abroad. I love you and once again I'm sorry that Unnie is gone." Seohyun started crying even harder, as Sunny patted her head softly. 

"And a short statement to the whole group. Taeyeon wrote ...1, 2 , 3 , Right now its Girls Generation" The lawyer stopped in embarrassment ..The girls let out a small laugh as they knew Taeyeon would do something like this. The lawyer cleared his throat and continued on. " If your reading this I'm pretty sure its not good, I'm sorry. I wanted to let you all know that I'm sorry that I couldn't express myself as much, I know sometimes you felt frustrated with me, but I truly loved you all, I wanted to be someone who you all could look up to so i would always think that If i were to tell you that I was tired, sad or lonely, you'd be disappointed or angry with me. I want to let you know that I hope you all can accept my share of money, don't worry about my parents I have separate accounts and savings for them, But I would like for you if possible to continue visiting them, I wasn't a great daughter but I hope i can leave them with 8 beautiful dutiful ones instead. Since i couldn't tell you many things I would like you all to go to my condo and grab a Purple folder i have inside my desk in my room, inside are hand written letters for every member including for Super Junior with things i always wanted to tell you but couldn't. So take care continue on with out me, please do not stop, if you do i wont rest in peace and haunt you all, please don't cry. and continue on, right now this has been Girls Generation !! 

The room was filled with faint laughter and tears, "Only our Kim Taeyeon would do something like that" Jessica said as tears began to fall. 



a/n: next chapter will state cause of death. sorry for taking so long -___- 

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creamcarlton #1
Chapter 58: i read this long along it was so sad, even though its been a while every time i read it, the same feels come up.
drag0nr1der #2
Chapter 6: I don't know if I am going to read your story more, because the beginning is so intense
I cried already in the first chapter
What should I do :,(
kimkarinn #3
Chapter 10: I am crying silently in the middle of the night. So heart breaking :(
Chapter 7: I'm crying nonstop rightnow.
aezzen #5
Chapter 58: New reader here author-si. :) This is really a good story. I can't help but get teary eyed. T.T

Fighting! ^_^
lolalovetae #6
New reader here~ omg u are such a great author. I cry for every chapters. Good job!
Chapter 57: OMG YOU'RE FINALLY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will never un-subscribe from this story cause it's so fantastic!!!!!!!
I'm going trough my exams now so I sure hope you can update soon so that I have something to distract me from studying :P
Welcome back and hope you update soon!!
girlsggxxg #8
OMG! I love this story so much:)and I think YOU'RE AMAZING for making me cried in almost every chapter, I seriously did cried gosh...
WOw just Wow...,:D
Chapter 53: :DDDDDDDDDDD