The Jacket

She was Loved [ INCOMPLETE ]

{Seohyun / few days after Taeyeons Birthday}


The Jacket 

Seohyun was in her room, sitting on the floor, leaning against her bed. She was staring at the jacket that was hanging on her closet door. She was tired and mentally exhausted she hadn't been able to sleep for days..She had Taeyeons letters laid out next to her. She had been staring at the jacket for hours now ...

"Seohyun ah ! STOP ! PLEASE GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF  !!" Kyuhyun cried as he wrapped his arms around her trying to pull her up, but Seohyuns legs gave out and fell to her knees as the rain was pouring down on them, " UNNIE !! NOO!!!." Seohyun cried, fighting to get out of Kyuhyuns embrace, she felt his warm breath against her skin as he whispered. "Please Seohyun ah, don't cry .. I'm here.. don't cry .. I'm here"  But she was so fixated on Taeyeons casket as it was being lowered, all she could think at that moment was that her beloved friend was leaving her behind..

Seohyun shook her head trying to forget that day, tears began to form, "Unnie .. I still need you here with me .. " Seohyun whispered as tears began to fall, she rested her chin on her knees. She looked over at Taeyeons letters, then back at Kyuhyuns jacket... 

"Seohyun ah, look at yourself you're soaked" Kyuhyun looked at her,she was shivering, they were both drenched, from the rain. "I'll be back okay?" Kyuhyun looked at her again but she didn't respond. Seohyun just heard his voice but couldn't face him, she was staring at Taeyeons grave.. ." Unnie .. You told me you were okay ..why did you leave. "  Seohyun kept thinking to herself as she heard the guest were giving their final condolences, but didn't respond,"Taeyeon unnie.. I was willing to follow you to the end .. So why did you leave me here .." She whispered. Flowers and flowers were piled up on the freshly marked grave suddenly she felt something being draped over her shoulders. "Here its my jacket ... I don't want you getting sick" Kyuhyun said patting Seohyun head gently giving her a faint smile, Seohyun looked at him, he was dripping wet, Seohyun snapped back to reality .. "Kyuhyun Oppa ... No here, you're completely soaked " Seohyun was about to take the jacket off, but Kyuhyun grabbed her hand, and looked at her softly,  "No, its okay, We're leaving right now anyway .." Seohyun nodded "Thank You " She whispered ..and watched Kyuhyun walk away. At that moment she felt a small sense of warmth ..

Seohyun sent Kyuhyun jacket off to the dry cleaners but wasn't able to give back to him with all the commotion going around with the media, and with SUJU going on their world tour .. She wanted to personally hand it back to him. She could have easily sent it to him .. But she wanted to give it to him in person .. She wanted to confirm something .... 

"No, he was just looking out for me .. He was just being a good Oppa .. he would have done the same for anyone else .." Seohyun kept telling herself. "After the funeral .. he never called me... Or asked me how I was doing .. SUJU oppas all have been calling regularly even with their busy schedule .. yet Kyuhyun hasn't called me once ..." Seohyun gave out a big sigh and decided that was it .. He was just being a good Sunbae .. Unnie you're wrong ..

Seohyun stood up and walked over to the jacket and carefully zipped it back into the dry cleaners bag .. Somehow she couldnt help but feel disappointed? ... 

Seohyun sat back down on her bed, and grabbed her phone ..

"Hello, Hyoyeon unnie?.. .

         "Can I ask you for a favor ..

                     "Can you ask Eunhyuk Oppa if all SUJU will be at SM?   ....



{SNSD / a week after Taeyeons birthday}
The girls were quiet, they were sitting together in the van, they were headed to SME, its been a while since they've been there. But they were summoned, it was time to discuss their future ....
"Seobaby what's that? " Jessica asked the maknae, who was carrying a large bag.
"Oh~... its Kyuhyun's jacket, I haven't returned it back to him." Seohyun said patting the bag. 
Quickly the van was filled with silence as all the girls continued to look at Seohyun to say more.
Seohyun noticed all her Unnies were staring at her intensely,  "Why? ... Is something wrong?, she asked nervously, knowing why they were staring at her. 
"You know you could have just given the jacket to manager oppa to give it to Super Juniors manager.. So why now?" Hyoyeon said giving the maknae a look and raising her eyebrow. SNSD gave their full attention after hearing their maknae mentioning Kyuhyun name. Hyoyeon smiled. She knew that she had a point, Seohyun could have easily sent the jacket with their manger. 
Seohyun was flustered by the sudden questions, "Well I-I had to send it to the dry cleaners ... An-And I wanted to thank him and apologize to him personally.." Seohyun was getting nervous, and looked down, "you know since what happened at the funeral.. her voice trailed off. 
"Hmm~ is that why?" Hyoyeon gave Seohyun a smirk, she was going to say mention the phone call, but knowing Seohyun.. She decided to let it go.. It would be more fun to watch the scene unfold ...
The rest of the girls sighed as they weren't satisfied with the maknaes answer.. Suddenly Sunny turned around in her seat..
"Are you girls prepared, we have to tell them today, it's a good opportunity to ask today.." 
The girls nodded their heads
"Do you think they'd allows us to?" Yoona asked nervously, and began biting her nail
"We'll were on hiatus anyway  .. They have no reason to stop us from doing so .." Yuri replied pulling Yoonas hand, stopping her from bitting her nails 
"Ahhhh~ today is going to be hell " Hyoyeon sighed ..
"yea I know I can't stop eating because I'm so nervous.." Sooyoung shouted.. The van got quiet again..
"yah!!~ Are you trying to show off or something "Jessica yelled.
.. Sooyoung laughed and yelled louder "MAYBE"..
"Geez I still don't know how you don't gain weight" Jessica muttered, crossing her arms and looking at Sooyoung
 "I know I've been told its become one of the greatest mysterious" Sooyoung shouted in a serious manner .. Causing the whole van to burst into laughter .. 
"Hey Seohyun congrats again for getting accepted into Juilliard!!!" Tiffany yelled patting Seohyun on the head gently, "Taeyeon would have been very proud of you.." Tiffany voice trailed off.. 
Seohyun gave a faint smile,  "Well ..." but she stopped as the van came to a stand still, they have arrived..
"We're here" the driver said as he looked at the girls .. 
Finally they arrived at SME. Soon their van was slowly becoming surrounded by reporters.. 
"Hmm~ it been a while since we've seen this .." Hyoyeon sighed as she grabbed her bag..
Sunny looked back them and yelled "girls are you ready?!!!  !" ..
"Yeh~ the girls yelled in unison 
"Fighting !!!" Sunny yelled again ... 
The van door opened and they were carefully led into SME, as the reports kept trying to take pictures, a small glimpse of one of Koreas top girl groups who have been avoiding the media  .. Flashes were going off, and security were pushing the paparazzi away.
.. They walked in together ... hand in hand ...



A/N: At the end of chapter 10 THE FUNERAL, Seohyun was wearing Kyuhyun jacket ... In chapter 7: HER WILL Taeyeon wrote she wished Seohyun would further pursue studying the piano ... 


This chapter is to sort of  kick start  the SEOKYU-ness part of the story. .cute smiley photo:  cute_rabbit134.gif


1. seohyun got accepted into Juilliard?! .. (Really now?) .. heheheh

2. What plans do the girls have? ...

3. What does SM have to say about their future as SNSD? ...

Next Chapter: SM 

(I hope to end this story within 5-10chapters) 


Juillard is a prestigious performing arts school in New York, United States. * 



thank you for reading <3 take care my dear readers .. and to my silent readers Hello :) ..

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creamcarlton #1
Chapter 58: i read this long along it was so sad, even though its been a while every time i read it, the same feels come up.
drag0nr1der #2
Chapter 6: I don't know if I am going to read your story more, because the beginning is so intense
I cried already in the first chapter
What should I do :,(
kimkarinn #3
Chapter 10: I am crying silently in the middle of the night. So heart breaking :(
Chapter 7: I'm crying nonstop rightnow.
aezzen #5
Chapter 58: New reader here author-si. :) This is really a good story. I can't help but get teary eyed. T.T

Fighting! ^_^
lolalovetae #6
New reader here~ omg u are such a great author. I cry for every chapters. Good job!
Chapter 57: OMG YOU'RE FINALLY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will never un-subscribe from this story cause it's so fantastic!!!!!!!
I'm going trough my exams now so I sure hope you can update soon so that I have something to distract me from studying :P
Welcome back and hope you update soon!!
girlsggxxg #8
OMG! I love this story so much:)and I think YOU'RE AMAZING for making me cried in almost every chapter, I seriously did cried gosh...
WOw just Wow...,:D
Chapter 53: :DDDDDDDDDDD