
She was Loved [ INCOMPLETE ]


Now as Feburary was about to be over, SNSD had to move out of the dorm, it was time for them to go back to their homes. SM and SNSD gave out a statement saying they would be canceling all of the Japan Tour, it was too early for them to continue while in mourning. The members weren't ready to stand on stage without their beloved leader.

As the girls finished packing some of their few belongings, they sat in the living room, having a late dinner. 

"hey girls, what are we going to do? its almost Taeyeons birthday...." Tiffany asked as she looked at the other members. Seohyun put down her chopsticks, she was having the hardest time coping with Taeyeons death. 

"its going to be March in a few days.." Jessica said looking at Sunny.

" I was thinking we should go to her grave, but I'm not sure if we should go.." Sunny said, motioning to Seohyun. 

"No its okay! ... I want to go, I want to visit Unnie!" Seohyun said grabbing onto Sunny, "please.."

The girls haven't been to Taeyeons grave since the funeral, they have been trapped in the dorm, forced into hiding. The media, kept trying to get a glimpse of them or requesting interviews, not respecting them or giving them some space. They had been printing outrageous articles, and creating rumors.

"Okay Seohyun, but I'm not even sure if manager oppa, or SM would allow us too" Sunny just patted Seohyuns head.

"Its not fair!!" Yoona yelled on the brink of tears.  "I want to go see Unnie too!"

"Hey, Hey!! " Hyoyeon said, with a look in her eye,  "Don't worry, right now all our activities are are suspended ... basically we're in hiatus .." Hyoyeon had a smirk on her face. SNSD looked at her, still not getting what she was  trying to imply. 

"What?" Yuri said with a confused expression as the other members just looked at Hyoyeon expressionless. 

Hyoyeon stopped chewing her food, and put her chopsticks down, and sighed, looking at the members in disbelief. "If we're in hiatus ... and we're all going to our homes now,  we're not going to be under manager oppa's eye... we can definitely go without asking for permission..." 

"Won't we get into trouble though? " Seohyun said as she looked at Hyoyeon.

Hyoyeon shook her head, "Yah!!! do you want to go or not!!!"

Seohyun quickly nodded her head, "Yes, I'm sorry, Yes I want to go"

The members laughed at the scene, the maknae actually agreeing to break some rules. 

KNOCK KNOCK*. The girls stopped eating, 

"Who could it be at this hour?" Sooyoung stood up, walking towards the door, looking back at the members.

"Oh! I think it might be some SUJU oppas" Sunny yelled, quickly getting up, she forgot she called them earlier.

"SUJU oppas?" Sooyoung whispered as she looked at Sunny who was running to the room 

"yeah, I still have to give them the letters** " Sunny said as she waved her hand, "Just open the door!"

Sooyong opened the door, it was Kangin, Yesung, and Shindong. "hello, come inside" She bowed and greeted them, pulling them in the living room.

"Hey girls, we came by because Sunny called us" Shindong, said, scanning the room. "Where is she anyways?"

"She went to grab the letters" Yoona said, looking at them

"yeah, whats up with the letters? Sunny mentioned something about that " Kangin asked looking at the girls

"Its a long story, just wait til Sunny comes with the letters" Jessica sighed as she sat down.

"oh before I forget the boys all say Hello, and apologized for not being here ...  they're wrapping things up for their Super Junior M promotions" Yesung said as he patted Yoonas head.

Kangin looked around the room, "Wow so you girls got to go back to your original dorm huh?"

"Yes, but tonight is actually our last night here, we're all going back home tomorrow" Seohyun sighed.. bringing water and some fruit on a tray. 

"Hello! Sorry I took so long, I forgot where I put the letters" Sunny yelled running back from the room, she was out of breath. 

"Sunny!" Shindong shouted, "I thought you forgot about us, when I didn't see you here" 

Sunny was still  trying to catch her breath, "Why would I do that?. Sunny sat down next to the girls. The mood quickly became serious, the girls just looked at Sunny, then back at the guys, Sunny just took a deep breath as she looked up at them. 

"So the letters.." Sunny paused, she didn't know where to start. "...Taeyeon wrote some letters.."

Sunny went on, telling the guys everything from the beginning, Taeyeons depression, how she went through the whole process alone without telling any them, keeping it a secret for months. Then she explained Taeyeons will, her wish, and finally the letters... The guys were speechless, and couldn't hide their emotions...

"Wow~ that babo ...she did this?" Kangin shook his head, " ... she basically predicted her own death" Kangin said as tears were forming in his eyes. The guys just stared at the yellow envelope Sunny handed them, inside were the hand written letters. 

"We didn't read them .. it was just me who handled the letters" Sunny just whispered, the atmosphere in the room became really heavy. 

Yesung cleared his throat, "Thank you so much, for telling us and giving us these letters,  I know its been hard on everyone especially you girls, if you need anything don't hesitate to call any of us .....  Well uh~ I think its getting late, we shouldn't be in a girl dorm at this hour" he patted Shindong, and motioned towards Kangin.

"Yeh~ thank you for coming"  the girls said as they walked them to the door. 

"please go home safely and please give everyone their letter" Sunny said looking at them with tears in her eyes.

"So whats going to happen to all of you" Yesung asked as he looked at the girls, 

"We're going to be on a hiatus for a while.." Jessica said as she put her arms around Tiffany and Sooyoung.


"We'll then good night" the guys said, with tears in their eyes. kangin held the yellow envelop tightly ... 







** In the chapter HER WILL, it mentioned letters to both SNSD & SUJU 


THANK YOU READERS !!!!!  :)) , this wasn't an exciting chapter but I hope you enjoyed it. 

<3 take care ^^ 

A/N: I'm actually not going to write out any letters for SUJU, BUT I will reveal some things from the letters of certain members here and there as the story goes on....  







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creamcarlton #1
Chapter 58: i read this long along it was so sad, even though its been a while every time i read it, the same feels come up.
drag0nr1der #2
Chapter 6: I don't know if I am going to read your story more, because the beginning is so intense
I cried already in the first chapter
What should I do :,(
kimkarinn #3
Chapter 10: I am crying silently in the middle of the night. So heart breaking :(
Chapter 7: I'm crying nonstop rightnow.
aezzen #5
Chapter 58: New reader here author-si. :) This is really a good story. I can't help but get teary eyed. T.T

Fighting! ^_^
lolalovetae #6
New reader here~ omg u are such a great author. I cry for every chapters. Good job!
Chapter 57: OMG YOU'RE FINALLY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will never un-subscribe from this story cause it's so fantastic!!!!!!!
I'm going trough my exams now so I sure hope you can update soon so that I have something to distract me from studying :P
Welcome back and hope you update soon!!
girlsggxxg #8
OMG! I love this story so much:)and I think YOU'RE AMAZING for making me cried in almost every chapter, I seriously did cried gosh...
WOw just Wow...,:D
Chapter 53: :DDDDDDDDDDD