
She was Loved [ INCOMPLETE ]

June- California 

Siwon walked over and sat down carefully not wanting to wake Tiffany up. She had fallen asleep where her father told him, he smiled as he saw how peaceful she looked as she slept,  but soon he felt a small sense of sadness wash over his heart as he began wondering how long had it been since she was able to get a long nights rest. 
Siwon spotted the white earphones and the iPod she was holding and knew she must have fallen asleep while listening to music. He sighed and looked down at his watch, it was barely 5 pm yet she's sleeping so soundly out on the terrace. 
He carefully grabbed her other hand and kissed it softly. He had been missing her and not being able to be with her during these times was frustrating but he knew it couldn't compare to the pain she was actually going through. . and it couldn't compare to Leeteuks longing. 
He kissed the back of her hand again and, knowing she must be suffering more than she's letting on, she lost her mother at such a young age, and now she's lost her best friend who was more like her sister. Siwon caressed her hand, wishing somehow he can take her pain away. 
He glanced back at her and found a pair of sleeping eyes looking back at me, "Are you awake now Hon?" he asked half startled and gave her a warm smile. 
Tiffany was silent, half asleep, as she stared at him, feeling like it was just a dream, she looked down at her hand as it was in his hand, the touch was so real. 
Soon those sleepy eyes, opened wide open before she gave him her eye smile, "Oh my god ?!" she tried yelling but she sounded groggy, finally realizing it wasn't a dream.  
She took off the earphones and started bombarding him with questions, feeling happy and confused, " Siwon!? . . You didn't tell me you were coming?! What time did you get here?  Why are you here?. . I missed you. . " she whispered as she rubbed her eyes. 
Siwon laughed, "It was a surprise. . I got here around an hour ago and I came here to visit my girlfriend who misses me" he gave her a wink, teasing her.
"Yah!" Tiffany whined, "I thought you were going straight back to Korea after the concert in Hong Kong?" she asked, "You look so tired" so added with concern seeing the faint circles around his eyes. 
She moved over on the lounge bed, "Lay down with me. . " she pleaded, "please?" she whispered.
Siwon sighed and started at her, "Fine" he smiled
Siwon laid down next to her, Tiffany slowly moved closer burying herself in his chest, "I missed you" he felt her sigh.
"I missed you too Hon" he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her and patted her back slowly. They laid there for a few minuted not saying anything but enjoying their time together, knowing it might be another while til they see each other again. 
Siwon looked down between them and grabbed the ipod, "What were you listening to?" he asked. Tiffany was silent for a moment, and looked up at him, "I was listening to Lost in Love" she replied. 
Siwon Looked in her eyes and could see the sadness, he put down the ipod and waited for her to go on. 
"I saw EXOs special stage performance, and immediately began crying it was so touching and I was so proud of them it must have been hard for them too. . . I cried so hard that I scared my dad" she laughed lightly remembering how her dad was panicking when she suddenly burst into tears.
"I-I cried because I feel so sorry. . the last few months she was alive I didn't try to understand why she was so depressed, she just smiled at me and told me everything was okay. . but I never asked her why was there so much saddness behind her smile" Tiffany felt the tears stream down her face, "I should have known. . I knew her better than the others" she cried on his chest and began gasping in between her cries. 
"So when she died, I  I couldn't bare listening to any of our songs, I wouldn't listen to anything.  .  because I knew I would hear her voice and I hated it, I hated it. . . because I know I'll never be able to hear her call out my name . . because I know I'll never be able to hear her ahjumma laugh again" Tiffany felt Siwon wrapp his arms around tighter, "Siwon. .I hated it. . I really did. . " she whispered. 
"But when I saw our donsaengs sing our song on that stage I cried because I remembered our last stage together. . I felt so happy then. . standing on stage together with her. . I remebered our debut stage. . and now I have this last precious memory, this song, it was my first and last duet I got to sing with her on stage" 
Tiffany forced a laughed, "Now I've been listening to that song on repeat. . it's always going be our song" she began crying again, "Its our song" she repeated as she cried on his chest. 
Siwon pulled her in closer and let her cry in his arms gently her hair, "Of course its . . " he kissed the top of her head, "Its a precious memory you got to keep. . so don't cry when you listen to it, just remember the feeling you got when you stood with her on stage "

New York- SNSD

Seohyun hung up the phone, and walked back into the kitchen, to finish. Kyuhyun finally reached out to her first after a whole month, now he would call her whenever he had the chance. 
"Hey Seohyun would you like some coffee or tea?" Hyoyeon asked walking towards the kitchen, "I'll make it for you" she asked as she saw Seohyuns smile. Knowing ever since Kyuhyun began calling her, Seohyun became a bit less anxious. 
Seohyun nodded her head, "Tea would be good " she smiled sitting back at the kitchen table opening her folder. 
"So how's Kyuhyun?" Hyoyeon smiled at her mischievously she couldn't help but bring it up, curious to see what progress was made. 
Seohyun smiled oblivious to Hyoyeons ulterior motive, "He's good, he says they're all busy right now now that hey have the upcoming Japanese album and the concerts" she nodded, "He told me to greet you and they girls" she trailed off how Kyuhyun told her about Henry's solo debut and how he got to perform together with him.
Hyoyeon put down the mugs, and watched her as she talked about Kyuhyun with a smile on her face and it made her happy knowing Seohyun found someone who she can talk to besides them. Even though at first she wasn't sure about Kyuhyun, she felt like he's been really good. . he was being a friend first before anything else.
"Seo?" Hyoyeon interrupted, "What do you think about Kyuhyun?" she asked. She got up and grabbed the tea, "You keep smiling when you talk about him"
Seohyun felt flustered and froze up, she didn't notice till now, she glanced down at her school folder and there was the postcards neatly placed in the front.
"What do I think about him?" She repeated not really knowing how to answer but felt her cheeks become flushed.
Hyoyeon smiled, "I think he's a good friend, and I guess not that bad looking either" 
Hyoyeon smirked as Seohyun fell silent and quickly turning bright pink "Seo listen I'm not trying to push anything on to you but, I hope you can start opening your heart a little more. ." she smiled lightly as she handed her the tea, "Here you go Seo" 
Seohyun felt the warmth between her hands . . it was the same feeling she felt when Kyuhyun first put his jacket around her. . 

Korea - SUJU dorm 

"Leeteuk  here!!" Eunhyuk yelled as he closed the door the front door entering with Leeteuk after picking him up. Leeteuk walked in carefully putting down his duffel bag. 
Sungmin finally came out of the kitchen, "Hey Hyung !" he yelled hugging Leeteuk patting him on the back, "Wow look at you. . Do you want to have some late breakfast?" he quickly asked feeling concerned as he saw how thin Leeteuk looked.
"Of course I really miss your cooking" Leeteuk smiled at him faintly as he knew he Sungmin was concerned, "Your cooking is first class compared to the military food" he muttered.
"Sungmin, where's everyone at?" Eunhyuk asked, as he looked around "Shouldn't some of the guys be home at this time?" he glanced down at his watch it was still early. 
"Kyu is sleeping on the couch. . Siwons at the gym with Kangin, and Shindong" Sungmin laughed as they walked towards the kitchen grabbing the apron. 
Leeteuk and Euhyunk stopped as they sat down at the kitchen table, "Shindong at the gym?!" they both asked at the same time with disbelief.
"He lost a bet last night with them" Sungmin grinned, "So Siwon and Kangin are making him pay up at the gym as punishment" he the radio at a low volume as he began taking the ingredients out of the fridge. 
Eunhyuk laughed he could imagine the agony they were putting him through, "Seriously they'll never grow up" he shook his head as he got back up to grab some water. 
"Why is Kyu sleeping on the couch? Did he fall asleep playing video games again?" Leeteuk asked as he could hear the faint snores from the living room.
"No he had a busy schedule didn't come home til dawn, and I believe then he woke up around 8 am to call the girls in New York" Sungmin replied, "Oh hyung speaking of the girls did you meet up with the girls yesterday?"
Leeteuk nodded his head, "Yea they told me a lot about New York. . Seohyun seems to be doing very good" he laughed at turned to Eunhyuk, "they told me Hyoyeon is mad at you right now?" 
Eunhyuk sighed and shook his head, "I haven't been able to see her once since she left. . but Siwon has been able to visit Tiffany twice already" he emphasized, "I swear Siwon is making me look real bad right now"
Leeteuk patted his back, "You should run to her as soon as possible" he teased then turned to Sungmin, "And you. . I'm really happy for you and Sunny"
Sungmin nodded his head as he cracked some eggs into the bowl.  When they suddenly heard WOLF being played on the radio.
"Oh its EXO!" Eunhyuk yelled as he grabbed the radio and turned up the volume, "Yah~ Seriously these kids are making me feel like an Ahjusshi already" he laughed as he sang along. Leeteuk smiled as he heard the song, feeling happy their dongsaengs were doing well, "those kids" he muttered.
Wow~ EXO's WOLF has been doing so well. Its being requested non-stop 
Umm~ Another song that has been requested lately is SNSD's Lost in Love 
 I think it's safe to agree EXO did a touching tribute to their Sunbae
Sungmin stopped whisking the eggs, and almost dropped the bowl, his eyes grew wide open as he quickly looked over at Leeteuk and Eunhyuk.
Leeteuk was frozen in place as he listened, slowly closed his fist wanting to escape the kitchen.
Eunhyuk panicked and quickly tried grabbing the radio, but dropped it instead, he got up and tried to grab it now as it was underneath the table.
This has been by far the worst thing to happen in K-pop history
So lets go ahead and listen to Lost in Love for all those fans out there!
SNSD'S one and only Kim Taeyeon! 
alright everyone heres SNSD's Lost in Love
. . .
Are we really breaking up right now?
Or are we just separated for now. .  like how we promised to be
Finally Eunhyuk managed to grab hold of the radio and quickly turned it off and turned to Leeteuk, "Hyung? . ." but before he could finish Leeteuk quickly stood up from the table. Sungmin put the mixing bowl down. 
"I'm going to wash up in the bath room.  . " he forced a smile as he walked out of the kitchen. Eunhyuk sat down, and put his head down on the table. Sungmin came over and put his hand on his shoulder. 
Leeteuk walked out feeling his chest tightening up, he entered the bathroom and quickly locked the door, and the faucets. Hoping the sound of the running water could drown out his cries. 
He slumped down on the bathroom floor and shook his head as he failed to contain his tears. .  Taeyeon . . . 


Kyuhyun woke up and walked over to the kitchen as he heard the noise, he knew Sungmin was cooking. He walked in and saw Eunhyuk and Sungmin, "You're back already?" he yawned, "I thought you were picking up Leeteuk?" 


Eunhyuk just sighed, "He's here. . just washing up" 


Kyuhyun looked at him then back at Sungmin, "Why does it feel so serious so early in the morning?" he asked noticing they were both silent. 


Sungmin shook his head as he grabbed the mixing bowl again, "So you want to eat something. .You haven't had breakfast have you?"


"Yes please feed me. . I don't think I've had a proper meal in days" Kyuhyun began rubbing his stomach. 


Eunhyuk laughed trying to lighten up the mood again, "So Sungmin tell us you woke up early to call New York?" he raised his eyebrow knowing who he called.


Kyuhyun looked back at him and gave him a grin, knowing what he was trying to imply, "Hey at least I'm calling. . not like you. .Hyoyoen must be really angry at you right?" he began to laugh and covered his forehead knowing he deserved a slap.

Eunhyuk just heaved, knowing he was right, "YAH!! I KNOW I KNOW . . .I'm the bad guy here" he let out a weak laugh, "I need to do something for her soon. . "

Eunhyuk turned back to him, "So hows Seohyun doing? . .How are the things between you two. . .or what exactly is the deal with you two?" 


Kyuhyun smiled as he shook his head, "What's with all these questions. . Seohyun doing very well, she finishes the program next month, and we're just friends" he yelled trying to get them off his back.


"Come Kyuhyun we all know you have feeling for her" Sungmin laughed as he handed him the omelet, "It took you a whole month to pick up the phone and call her. . Now you sometimes wake up early in the morning to talk to her, even if you only had a few hours of sleep. . I have to tell you but you really do like her. . "


Eunhyuk slapped Kyuhyuns back hard, "Our maknae . . our evil maknae chasing down SNSD's angel . " he teased, "You left her hanging for a month after being so nice" he continued with the joke, "You're turning into a player" 


"Hyung!?" Sungmin called out confused as Leeteuk was just standing there silently "Are you okay?" he asked.

Kyuhyun was about to get up and greet him when Leeteuk pulled him out of the chair by his shirt catching everyone by surprise, "You're chasing after Seohyun?" he asked in a sharp tone, "You better stay away from her"


Eunhyuk grabbed Leeteuk and pulled him away from Kyuhyun, "Leeteuk stop. .what are you doing?" Sungmin stood in horror, knowing he must have not heard the whole conversation and misunderstood. 


Leeteuk pushed Eunhyuk out of the way, "What the hell are you thinking about going after Seohyun? ARE YOU JUST PLAYING AROUND WITH HER FEELINGS?' He yelled as he grabbed a hold of Kyuhyun again, who was speechless and feeling attacked.



Kyuhyun was angry, he felt his blood begin to boil he didn't like this feeling of being attacked. 

Kyuhyun stood up rubbing his neck, "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TELLING ME WHAT TO DO HYUNG" he yelled feeling outrage and hurt, "I'M NOT PLAYING AROUND WITH SEOHYUN!"

Leeteuk stared at him as he could see Kyuhyun tremble in anger he was about to walk back to him but Eunhyuk grabbed his shoulder.

"I'm serious about Seohyun. . that's why I'm being so careful with her!!" Kyuhyun glared at him and looked over at Eunhyuk and Sungmin, "That's why it took me so long to call her ALRIGHT!!.  .BECAUSE I LIKE HER. . SO I WANT TO MAKE SURE I GIVE HER SPACE. . I WANT HER TO HEAL WITH HER MEMBERS. .  I WANT TO BE THERE AS HER FRIEND FIRST!!  BEFORE I MAKE ANY TYPE OF MOVE !!!" Kyunhyun screamed at the top of his lungs, turning red.


Everyone was shocked, here was Kyuhyun finally expressing himself clearly on his feeling about Seohyun. 


Leeteuk scoffed, "Kyuhyun I'm going to tell you this for the last time. . just stay away from her" he glared at him.


Kyuhyun shook his head,"Out of everyone here Don't you think it's pretty hypocritical hearing it from you?" he knew he was going to regret what he was about to say but he didn't care, he wanted to make sure Leeteuk got the point, "I'm not going to hurt her. . I'm going to make sure I can protect her and be there for her as a friend first because I don't want to walk away from her. . . I'm not like you Hyung



a/n: idk. . . .

A big thanks to the new subscribers :)) !! 


. . . 

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creamcarlton #1
Chapter 58: i read this long along it was so sad, even though its been a while every time i read it, the same feels come up.
drag0nr1der #2
Chapter 6: I don't know if I am going to read your story more, because the beginning is so intense
I cried already in the first chapter
What should I do :,(
kimkarinn #3
Chapter 10: I am crying silently in the middle of the night. So heart breaking :(
Chapter 7: I'm crying nonstop rightnow.
aezzen #5
Chapter 58: New reader here author-si. :) This is really a good story. I can't help but get teary eyed. T.T

Fighting! ^_^
lolalovetae #6
New reader here~ omg u are such a great author. I cry for every chapters. Good job!
Chapter 57: OMG YOU'RE FINALLY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will never un-subscribe from this story cause it's so fantastic!!!!!!!
I'm going trough my exams now so I sure hope you can update soon so that I have something to distract me from studying :P
Welcome back and hope you update soon!!
girlsggxxg #8
OMG! I love this story so much:)and I think YOU'RE AMAZING for making me cried in almost every chapter, I seriously did cried gosh...
WOw just Wow...,:D
Chapter 53: :DDDDDDDDDDD