Into the New World 2

She was Loved [ INCOMPLETE ]


I merged chapter 29 & 29b. . So now chp 29 is "complete"

so this is a new chapter {CHAPTER 30 } 

Sorry for the confusion . . . 

Sunny's Birthday :)

May 15 

* SNSD *


Sunny smiled as she walked along her other members extremely excited about today, "So you're all not going to give me my surprise yet?" she asked. The girls laughed, again not saying anything, knowing soon, she'll get a surprise she least expected. They entered the busy restaurant, and walked towards the back. 


The girls got seated and began talking as the waiter came and handed them their menus, "Are you all ready to order?" 


"We're still waiting for some friends. .we'll wait to order " Jessica smiled at the server. "Thank you."


Sunny looked up, "Tiffany, Yoona & Hyoyeon are almost here with Seohyun?" she asked the girls who were all busy reading over the menus."Yea Tiffany just sent me a message, they just picked her up from school They'll be here any minute"Jessica replied.


Sunny nodded and looked at the menu with Sooyoung,  "Oh My Gosh" Sooyoung kept muttering, "Everything looks so good here, should we order some wine?" she started to turn towards the wine selection.

Jessica grabbed her clutch purse, carefully pulling her phone out;  everything was in place, they just had to wait for the other members to get here to start. 


Yuri began to laugh and wave towards the front, Sunny turned around to see who she was waving at. She began to laugh, seeing the girls were back and they brought some presents.


"Yah don't laugh. . . the best part is till to come" Hyoyeon winked giving her a quick back hug ruffling her short hair, "Seems like your hair is finally growing" 


Seohyun set down the presents on an empty chair, and walked towards Sunny giving her a hug,"Happy Birthday Unnie. . " Sunny laughed and looked over at all her members, "Thank you" she whispered. 

The girls all sat down, and talked for a few minutes, "unnie when will we stop by the dance department?" Yuri asked Hyoyeon. Yoona was leaning on Sooyoung, "Do you know what you're going to order" Sunny laughed, the shikshins just had to sit together. 


Jessica pulled out her phone again, now that Sunny was being distracted, she sent a message. She looked up and gave Tiffany a wink. It was time for the big event.


Tiffany stood up and clapped her hands,  "Sunny before we all order our food, I think we'll give you the last present"the girls smiled at her mischievously, Tiffany eyesmiled and motioned Yoona over "but first you have to put on a blindfold " 

At this point Sunny was confused, as she watched Yoona pull out a cute pink blindfold. Sunny raised her eyebrow not knowing what they were about to do, she hesitantly grabbed the blindfold from Yoona, and looked back at Tiffany, "But why do I need to put this on?"

Hyoyeon placed her hands on Sunnys shoulder, "Don't ask questions and just put it on, or I'll put it on for you" she whispered menacingly in her ear, and laughing as she gave her a light massage. 

"Fine! I'll do it." Sunny muttered and began to place the blind fold on, she shivered at the thought of Hyoyeon putting it on her."But is the blindfold really necessary?"  

Tiffany motioned the girls to get up. Jessica pulled out her phone and began calling someone giving the girls an ok sign. 

"Okay slowly count to 10, then after that you can remove the blindfold" Tiffany laughed, making sure her blindfold, was secure. "No cheating or peaking Sunny. ." Yoona laughed.

"Whatever it is. . it better not jump at me or bite me" she muttered under her breath, starting to get a bit annoyed with all the hush hush. Hyoyeon laughed out loud, "It doesn't bite. . Unless you want it too Sunny " she whispered.

"What?!" She yelled about to take the blindfold off, but Yoona stopped her." just start counting Unnie" 


"Fine " she grunted, crossing her arms, " 1. . . 2. .  .3. . Why do I have to do this?" 


The girls began to grab their bags, and quietly left the table as Sunny was counting down. 


"4. . . 5.  . . 6. . . 7. . . 8. . .9. . . 10!. . I'm taking the blindfold off now. . "she shouted slowly removing the blindfold, she looked up and couldn't believe what she was seeing.



"Happy Birthday Sunny. . "



The girls all started at each other not believing they just left Sunny like that, on her birthday, and in New York, " Do you think they'll be alright?" Yoona asked on the verge of panicking. Tiffany sighed and shook her head, "I don't know, but I think its about time" They all looked at each other and knew it was true, they needed to at least talk about where they stood. 

Sooyoung nodded her head in agreement "I hope it turns out okay"

"I hope she doesn't kill us" Yoona glanced over Sooyoung "Do you think she'll try to escape?" Sooyoung began laughing and was about to reply when Jessica sat down, "she can't", she continued reading over the menu not bothering to look up, "her English is limited, I grabbed her purse, she has no money, no phone and I'm sure she can't get home with out any help" she smiled, flipping the page.

Sooyoung dropped her bread stick, while althe girls stopped what they were doing, and stared at her for a second getting shivers up their spines. 

"Wow the cool chic Ice Princess is here" they heard someone shout. "Kangin, Siwon Oppa" Seohyun smiled, the girls stood up and greeted them, "What took you guys so long" Tiffany yelled motioning them over.  Siwon pulled out his chair, and sat next to Tiffany giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

 "Sorry we couldn't really spend time with you yesterday after picking you up from the airport" Yoona apologized knowing that the guys had to leave first thing next morning " Its alright we understand" Kangin smiled then looked over at Hyoyeon  "Are you upset Eunhyuk didn't come?" he teased, "He really did want to come though"

Hyoyeon let out a small laugh "I know he told me over and over, he's too busy filming" shooting him a glare, she wished he was here. 

"It's good to see you girls like this" Siwon sighed, grabbing Tiffanys hand seeing she and the girls seemed a bit relaxed, "So when are you going to visit your family?"

Tiffany sighed, "Well I'm not that sure, Jessica and I decided we both can't leave at the same time since we're both fluent in english" 

"So how's Yesung Oppa?" Yuri quickly asked, staring at Kangin. The girls quickly paid attention, they hadn't heard any news from him yet. 

"He's good, he says to take care and come back home safely" Kangin laughed, "I think he misses you girls than he does us" 

"How about Leeteuk oppa?" Yoona aksed hesitantly. Siwon looked back at Kangin then back at the girls, "He's still in a state of shock,  after finally going to her grave, but he's hanging in there. " Siwon felt the mood slowly turning serious

"Good news, they let the kids visit Taeyeon, they we're happy to see their noona again" Kangin forced a smile. 

The girls smiled weakly, knowing they hadn't really been keeping in touch with them, "So they got to see their noona before their come back" Tiffany forced a smile, "it must have been hard for them" 





Again this chapter is not complete but since its been forever since I've updated something new i thought I should put this up.

this month (July) has been really busy for me. I'm sorry T^T

hope you're all enjoying this summer . . Take care. 


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creamcarlton #1
Chapter 58: i read this long along it was so sad, even though its been a while every time i read it, the same feels come up.
drag0nr1der #2
Chapter 6: I don't know if I am going to read your story more, because the beginning is so intense
I cried already in the first chapter
What should I do :,(
kimkarinn #3
Chapter 10: I am crying silently in the middle of the night. So heart breaking :(
Chapter 7: I'm crying nonstop rightnow.
aezzen #5
Chapter 58: New reader here author-si. :) This is really a good story. I can't help but get teary eyed. T.T

Fighting! ^_^
lolalovetae #6
New reader here~ omg u are such a great author. I cry for every chapters. Good job!
Chapter 57: OMG YOU'RE FINALLY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will never un-subscribe from this story cause it's so fantastic!!!!!!!
I'm going trough my exams now so I sure hope you can update soon so that I have something to distract me from studying :P
Welcome back and hope you update soon!!
girlsggxxg #8
OMG! I love this story so much:)and I think YOU'RE AMAZING for making me cried in almost every chapter, I seriously did cried gosh...
WOw just Wow...,:D
Chapter 53: :DDDDDDDDDDD