When Love Blooms Love Blossoms


So now I am going to introduce the characters.

Aaron: Born from a rich family and immigrated to U.S. at age 6. His father is a business man and is always away from home. He’s the perfect guy in every woman’s dream. He met this special girl in U.S. named Patty. She is carefree and also very mature. She would laugh at anything. Ever since then, they have been dating. On their 4th Anniversary, Patty got into a car accident and died.   After that incident, he never wants to fall in love again. He plans to go to Taiwan to focus and complete his studies in Majestic Poni University. Little did he know...love's waiting to bloom.

Gui Gui: An average, typical girl. Even though she was adopted, she's always so carefree and happy. Her family is poor so she's always focusing on finding part time jobs and rarely have time to make any friends. She’s extremely happy that she got into one of the greatest University in Taiwan, Majestic Poni University. She can’t wait until she graduates, make big money and marry the the prefect guy. She had never fell in love before. But fate will help her find a perfect him.

-Sorry for such a long introduction. Hope I did not bored you to death...LOL. Anyways, I will be writing a more detailed past of the characters in the upcoming chapters. By the way, the name Majestic Poni University is created by May Lu. She had help me think of ideas to start this fan fiction. THANK YOU MAY LU!!! Please comment and remember to check out my Sina blog at: http://t.sina.com.cn/jennyxieus

Thank you for reading! 


Author's Note

Hello, this is the author, Jenny Xie speaking. I've been reading a lot of a fan fictions of Aaron lately and I decided to write one myself. With some help from one of my closest friends, May Lu, I managed to get a background picture.  <3I LOVE YOU, MAY! This is my first time writing a fan fiction. I will try my best to  and I hope this fan fiction can be a success. I also created a Sina Weibo account, check it out at: http://t.sina.com.cn/jennyxieus and if you like my stories, be my fans. And remember to comment~!!

Warning! DO NOT plagiarize or copy this story to another website.


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MARIE234 #1
Chapter 30: i love this fanfic
AngelSinger #2
Chapter 3: Lol David in the end sounded so funny and stupid.....
Chapter 30: All 8 is getting married? XD Wow, it's going to be so hectic xD
It's the end huh? Thank you for writing such a good story. c:
AaronGuiGuiforever #4
Chapter 30: Thank you for updating, I've been waiting for a while now!!
And omg they're getting married!! GuiLun Jiayou Fighting!,,
AaronGuiGuiforever #5
Chapter 29: Omg Where have you been?! Ive been waiting for this story to updated!!! Where are they taking guigui?? Hopefully its not one of Hebe ideas!! Update soon please!! GuiLun Jiayou Fighting!!!
tinygui #6
Chapter 29: you finally updated
AaronGuiGuiforever #7
Chapter 28: AHAHAH sorry idk y but i just have to laugh at Jiro's sentences it was just so funny ahaha but yeah, is gui gui and aaron really going to get married when they're done with school?? or was it just a made up from Calvin Chun and Jiro???!
Something fishing is going on here, I can smell it ^_^
Chapter 28: Yoooooooo!! Hello baobei<33
Long time no see :P .... I finally back and continue reading fanfics of my lovely couple GuiLun ;)
Btw, YaYYYY!! finally Gui & Lun have cleared everything up ^__^
So happy right now :D .... ehem ehem... then when will my guilun are getting married?? ^__________^ lol
Update more yeah *.*