Sapa I

Boys And Blossoms


Knock knock

Minho woke up upon hearing the repeated knocks on his cabin door. He opened the door. A worker on the train was standing outside. 

Worker: Coffee, tea or milo?

Minho thought about it. Which one of these did Sulli prefer? He decided to go with his gut feeling and ordered two cups of tea. He looked at Sulli. She was sleeping peacefully. She's pretty actually. All these years Minho didn't really get to really talk to her as compared to now during the trip. He was always curious to know more about her since his dad and her dad are best friends. Because of the rivalry, that thought withdrew from his mind. Minho sat at the side of her bed and continued to admire her beauty. The worker knocked the door again and passed Minho two cups of tea. 

Minho gently shook her to wake her up and called out her name. 

Sulli: I want to sleep some more. 

Sulli groaned. 

Minho: If you don't wake up I'm going to pull you up. 

Sulli ignored him. Minho repeated what he said again. Sulli still ignored him. While Minho was pulling her up, she suddenly moved to Minho and hugged him. Minho was shocked. Why would Sulli suddenly hug him? Well he was not complaining because he kind of liked it. Sulli opened her eyes and saw that she was hugging Minho. She straightaway let go of the hug. 

Sulli: S-s-sorry Minho. I was hugging you in my dream. Didn't know I really hugged you for real  

Minho: Woah you even miss me even when I'm in the same cabin as you?

Sulli: Yah! A dream doesn't mean anything okay. Dreams are complete opposite of reality *sticks out her tongue*

Minho: But you did hug me just now in reality. So? *smiles*

Sulli: Ah shut up!

Sulli took her pillow and threw at Minho. 

Minho: Yah! What's that for? Anyway. I ordered tea for you. 

Sulli: Really? Aww, Minho is so sweet. Awwwwww. Thanks! How did you know I liked tea?

Minho: Just my guess. 

Sulli added two sachets of sugar, stirred and drank. Minho did the same too. While they were enjoying the tea, there was a knock on the door. It was the worker again. 

Worker: 60,000 dong. 

Minho didn't know it was charged! But he took out the money anyway and paid the worker. In another half an hour, they reached Lao Cai Station. The kids, the teachers and tour guide alighted. There were no snow though. The weather was just very cold. The kids quickly put in their gloves and shawls. Minho helped Sulli wrap her shawl. She smiled. 

They proceeded to a mini van, similar to the one they took back in Hanoi. It was going to be an hour journey before they finally reached their destination. As usual, Sulli was sitting beside Minho. She wrapped her hands around Minho's hand and lied on his shoulder. 

Sulli: Sorry. I need a bolster. Thanks in advance! 

After awhile Sulli fell asleep. Minho looked at her and gently her hair.  

After an hour, they finally reached Sapa. It was already 9am. When the mini van finally stopped, outside of their van, there were many locals wearing the same traditional clothing. It seemed like they were waiting for the kids and the teachers to arrive. As one by one went down the van, these locals approached each and one of them asking them to buy something from them. What everyone could do was to smile and lightly reject. They checked into a boutique hotel. They just placed all their bags in one room first be before proceeding to the restaurant in the hotel to eat breakfast. They were so hungry all of them ordered pancakes. 

Miss Son: So how was your experience so far?

Onew: So far so good. 

Luna: The shopping is the best!

Key: Well we had paparazzi outside just now. 

Everyone laughed. 

After breakfast, the tour guide brought them to hike Ham Rong Mountain. 

Tour guide: This is where you can find orchid gardens, rock gardens and rock formations. Once we reach the top, you'll see a nice view of the whole of Sapa. 

They started hiking. There were many steps ahead of them. They continued hiking until a bed of orchids greeted them. Surrounding them were many plantations of orchids and flowers. The smell of flowers brightened their day. They had never experienced such feelings before. As usual, Minho started snapping photos. While he was snapping photos, Sulli suddenly appeared in front of his camera again. 

Minho: Yah! Can't you see I'm taking photos?

Sulli: Well you can take a picture of me! 

Minho: I don't want to!

Sulli: Please... Please oppa please ~

Minho: Yah! By calling me oppa you think I'll take your photo? 

Sulli pouted. 

Minho: Alright. Don't have to act cute. Just one photo ok!

Sulli posed and Minho snapped the photo. Sulli then went to him to see the outcome of her photo. Feeling satisfied, Sulli started exploring the garden. After that, they continued hiking until they saw rock formations. The floor was slippery. Sulli quickly held on to Minho's arm and continued walking. After 15 minutes, they finally reached the peak of the rock formations where a breathtaking of Sapa awaited them. 

Minho: I think we should have a group photo here! 

The tour guide helped them take a group photo. Minho continued snapping photos. f(x) gathered together and started chatting. 

Amber: Sulli, did anything happen in the cabin?

Sulli: Nooooooooo! 

Victoria: Are you sure? We noticed that you and Minho are getting really close.

Sulli: Its just my luck I'm always stuck with him okay!

Krystal: Okay you can switch places with me. I would want to be stuck with Taemin. 

Luna: *laughs* looks like Krystal's in love. 

Sulli, Victoria & Amber: Ooohhhhhhhhhh

Krystal: Hey I only liked looking at his face. That's all! 

Victoria: Yeah yeah yeah... 

After that, they made their way down. Their mini van was waiting for them at the entrance. They boarded the van. 

Tour guide: We are going to go to Cat Cat Village. You'll get to see rice plantations and village life. You'll be eating your lunch there. 

After half hour, they reached their destination. There were many locals wearing traditional custumes surrounding their mini van. As they went out of the van, one local woman would be escorting one person. These locals will be guiding them throughout the whole trip in the village. Along the way, they saw many rice plantations and houses made out of wood. Some of these houses were selling souvenirs. They were selling pretty shawls and magnets. 

They finally reached a house where they would be eating their lunch at. They were served with rice, fish soup, fried omelette, stir fried vegetables and a chicken dish. They tucked in. But Sulli wasn't eating. She just kept drinking water. Minho saw and he started taking rice and fish soup for her. 

Minho: At least eat these. Please? 

Sulli as usual hesitated. She finally started eating after much persuasions from Minho. In the house there were many pretty shawls. The girls decided to buy. After bargaining they finally bought the shawls. After that they continued. The locals started following them again. They passed by lakes and more breathtaking sceneries. The weather wasn't hot but it was very cold. 

Tour guide: I think it will snow tonight. 

They finally reached the starting point and these locals started asking them to buy stuffs from them. In the end they just bought more shawls and hand-made bags. It was 4pm in the afternoon. It was a long day for them. So they decided to go back to the hotel to take a nap before having dinner. The mini van was waiting for them and the boarded. 


Miss Son: Okay kids. There are 4 rooms for you guys. So split yourselves alright. 

They went to take their bags from the teachers' room and went to their respective rooms. 

Victoria, Amber and Luna shared a room. Sulli and Krystal shared a room. Onew, Key and Jonghyun shared a room. Taemin and Minho shared a room. 


Krystal: Ssul, I want to tell you something. 

Sulli: What?

Krystal: Last night while on the train, I met up with Taemin outside of our cabins. We spent the whole night just talking to each other. I feel like I'm falling for him. 

Sulli: Krys! Only 4 days into the trip and you're falling for him? Are you sure? 

Krystal: Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me. But I feel as if one day I'll be with him. 

The thought of being with Taemin made Krystal giggle. Sulli smirked. 

Krystal: As if you and Minho have nothing going on! Pfft

Sulli: We really have nothing going on! Unlike you! 

Krystal: Stop lying to yourself *sticks out her tongue* c'mon lets nap. It has been a long day. 

The comforter of the bed was so thick it was so nice to snuggle. 

After two hours, it was 7pm. Sulli woke up and looked outside of the window. 

Sulli: Krys! Wake up! It's snowing!!!! 

Krystal woke up and stood with Sulli at the window. They both smiled. They washed up and got ready to meet the rest at the lobby for dinner. All of them were wearing many layers of clothing since they didn't bring any winter clothes. After they had gathered, the tour guide brought them to a nearby restaurant. They ordered the food and started eating once the food was served. 

Tour guide: Tomorrow it will be a rest day for all of you. I know we have been traveling a lot. So tomorrow, breakfast will be at the hotel. As for lunch you guys are on your own. We will meet at 6pm at the lobby. We will be eating dinner near the station before going back to Hanoi. 

It was true. It seemed like they have no rest at all. The thought of snuggling in bed the whole day tomorrow in such a weather sure is nice. After they finished eating, the kids went out and started playing in the snow, like little kids. Throwing snowballs at each other. They felt as if they were just 10 years old. 

After that they went back to the hotel. 

Krystal: I'll be switching rooms with Minho. You don't mind right? I wanna be with Taemin! 

Sulli: Tsk. Whatever. 

Krystal packed her stuffs and went to Taemin's room. Minho appeared at the door with his bag. 

Minho: You sure you don't mind? 

Sulli: Yah! It's not as if we never been in this kind of situation before. I'm perfectly fine! 

Minho: Okay if you say so. 

Sulli started playing with her iPad and Minho listened to his iPod touch. Sulli glanced at Minho. He's so handsome...

Minho: Yah! I know I'm handsome. Do you want me to kiss you?

Sulli: Argh no!!!!! Who would want to kiss a frog like you?

Minho: You ^^

Sulli: Ah shut up. I don't okay. I have better taste. I wanna sleep. Goodnight!

Minho: Are you shy? *Minho started approaching her*

Sulli hid herself under the comforter when she felt him sitting on her bed. She peeked over the comforter and saw that Minho face was right in front of her. She looked so shocked she hid in the comforter again. Minho laughed and went back to his bed. 

Minho: Just disturbing you babo. Goodnight!

Argh he's driving me crazy Sulli thought to herself. 


I actually forgot what happened when I was in Cat Cat Village. So whatever I said was a rough idea of my experience. 

Another update for you guy. Sorry if it lacks adventures and minsul moments! I'm trying my best to get into the feel of writing more minsul moments. 

Hope you like it and continue to subscribe and comment! I love reading comments. Hehe ^^

This time I seriously will be updating only during the weekends. And I hope my Dream Girl album comes really fast since I opted for ems shipping^^ 

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afelhojas #1
Chapter 19: dear authornim would you pls update again your story i mean its a nice plot i mean its trully great pls if you still there pls.......unique and amazing story your great ......
Chapter 19: So romantic! Choi Minho and Choi Sulli will be together forever! They'll be real soon! I know they will! Maybe Taestal and other f(x) and SHINee members too!
Chapter 9: I totally love the story! I love the couple pair up, especially Minsul, Taestal, Lunew, Keber, and I ca't think of a couple name for jonghyun and victoria. Minsul, fighting! I love your story!
lollipoploving #4
Chapter 19: Where did you go? :(
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 19: Awesom story!!!! I love it!! Pleas continue to do an amazing job!!!
Chapter 19: I hope you'll have a splendid holiday,and your fanfic and hers are different but still,the writing skills are still awesome! Fighting and keep updating,when you've return from your holiday! :D
nana4ever #7
Chapter 19: Have a wonder holiday. I am enjoying your friends story. It is different then yours. But both are very good. I hope no one is giving her a hard time.

We should appreciate the time and effort you both take to write these stories for our pleasure. ;)

Looking forward to reading your updates upon your return ;)