
Boys And Blossoms


Sulli screamed as soon as she got out of her car. Her chauffeur sends her to school everyday ever since kindergarten. Sulli is the only daughter of the one of the owners of Choi Holdings. Her father is a successful businessman and has expanded his empire to Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam. Sulli has two older brothers and a younger brother. Her parents dote on her so much but as compared to other rich kids, she is not spoilt.

It was their last semester in school. Victoria, Luna, Krystal and Amber were waiting for her at the front gate. Sulli was always the last to reach school and the four girls will always have to wait for her. 

Victoria: Hey babe why are you so happy today? Did you get yourself a boyfriend over the holidays? Is it Minho?

Sulli: Of course not! No way! I'm just happy to see you girls again. Don't ever mention Minho to me. He's just so annoying I feel like kicking him whenever I see him. 

Victoria. She has a twin brother, Jonghyun. Since shinee and f(x) have always been rivals, Victoria and Jonghyun rarely spoke to each other in school. However, they are just like any normal siblings when they are at home. Both Victoria and Jonghyun are the heiress and heir to Lee Empire. So technically, they can call the school their own school. Deep down, she hopes that f(x) and shinee can be friends since they have nothing to lose. Both cliques are smart, rich and famous. 

Luna. Daughter of a famous Korean singer, Lee Hyori. President of drama club. 

Krystal. Daughter of a rich businessman. Girls thought she's just a who sleep around with guys from the school. But actually the rumors are created by a bunch of girls who are just jealous of her beauty. 

Amber. Step-sister of Luna. But Luna and Amber treat each other as if they are siblings. 

The five of them had a group hug before proceeding to class. 


The five girls sat at the first row. 

As usual shinee will always make a grand entrance into the class by coming into class last. The other girls start to be squeal and the boys in that class look at them in envy. 

Minho. Son of one of the owners of Choi Holdings. His father and Sulli's father are best friends and they build Choi Holdings together. And no, Minho and Sulli are not engaged (if you guys are thinking about it ;) ). Captain of the school's soccer team. 

Jonghyun. As mentioned above, twin brother of Victoria. 

Key. Son of Korea's leading fashion designer. He is also interested in fashion. Designs clothes for his mother during his free time. 

Onew. Son of Korea's famous director. Loves chicken. Always cheerful. 

Taemin. Son of Korea's best painter. The most good looking out of the 5. Girls in Seungri High always daze whenever he passes them. 

As they enter the class, the whole class filled with whispers... 

"Omo they are just so good looking. I want to be Minho's girlfriend... I don't mind the other four too!"

Sulli rolled her eyes upon hearing these whispers. "What's so great about them?". She murmured to herself. 

Minho walk pass her and lightly smack her head. Sulli glare at Minho but Minho just laugh it off. 

The five boys sit at the back of the class. 

The home room teacher enters the class.

Teacher: I have an announcement to make! Since this is your final semester, we would like to give you guys a trip! You'll be exploring Asia for 6 weeks, we will visit places like Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and lastly, Japan! The school will subsidize the whole trip. Only 16 students will be chosen to go. If you're interested please email me. The dateline will be tonight. I will announce who will be going tomorrow! 


f(x) sit at their regular tables. They are very excited about the trip. 

Krystal: Girls!!!!!! You guys wanna go right??? Please say yes!!!!!

Sulli: Of course we are signing up! Just hope shinee won't get to go. Hehe. Especially Minho. 

Victoria: But what made us rivals actually? It's just that we both are famous in school then we have to be rivals? Mind you this has been going on since kindergarten!

Krystal: Victoria, I know Jonghyun is your brother. But other than that I can't stand the other four guys!!! They are so arrogant!

Amber, Luna and Sulli nod their heads. 

All of them take out their iPads and send email to the teacher. 

On the other hand, shinee sit at their regular table too. 

Taemin: Well. We are signing up for the trip right?????

Minho: Of course!!!! It has been a long time since we went on a trip! 

Key: Do you think f(x) will sign up?

Onew: I hope not. They are just so annoying. 

Jonghyun just chuckled. 

A few girls passed their table and giggled. Taemin winked at them. You can imagine what was the look on their faces. 

Minho: Yah Taemin!!!! Those girls are so ugly and you still winked at them!

Taemin: Its not wrong to give those girls a little happiness. Hehe


As usual, Sulli's chauffeur fetch her. In the car:

Chauffeur: Miss Sulli, your whole family will be eating out today at a hotel. 

Sulli: Yep I know! Appa told me yesterday. 

Chauffeur: You're going to have dinner with Mr Choi's family too you know. So please wear something nice. Who knows Master Minho will fall in love with you. 

Her chauffeur . He knows that Sulli hates Minho. 

Sulli: WHAT! Are you serious? Sigh this is so sad... 


Sulli is sitting opposite Minho. Her parents and his parents are chatting happily. Her brothers are also happily talking to Minho's two older sister and younger brother. 

Minho: Hmm don't tell me you're signing up for the trip. It will be a nightmare for me. 

Sulli: What! You signed up? You're so rich you can just go on a trip by yourself. 

Minho: Look who's talking. 

He said with a smile. 

Sulli rolled her eyes. She has always wanted to go on a school trip. She and the rest of f(x) always go for trips together. But by going for a school trip, she will get to feel like a normal student instead of a rich kid. Sulli kicked Minho's shin which caused Minho to flinch. He then gave her a death glare. Sulli smiled and continue with her meal. 


How was my first chapter? Is it okay? I hope it is. 

Later on the trips will be based on my personal experiences going to the countries stated. Please stay tuned! :)

PS I changed the trip to a 6 weeks trip. Hehe. I felt that 5 countries in 5 weeks is a bit too short. 

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afelhojas #1
Chapter 19: dear authornim would you pls update again your story i mean its a nice plot i mean its trully great pls if you still there pls.......unique and amazing story your great ......
Chapter 19: So romantic! Choi Minho and Choi Sulli will be together forever! They'll be real soon! I know they will! Maybe Taestal and other f(x) and SHINee members too!
Chapter 9: I totally love the story! I love the couple pair up, especially Minsul, Taestal, Lunew, Keber, and I ca't think of a couple name for jonghyun and victoria. Minsul, fighting! I love your story!
lollipoploving #4
Chapter 19: Where did you go? :(
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 19: Awesom story!!!! I love it!! Pleas continue to do an amazing job!!!
Chapter 19: I hope you'll have a splendid holiday,and your fanfic and hers are different but still,the writing skills are still awesome! Fighting and keep updating,when you've return from your holiday! :D
nana4ever #7
Chapter 19: Have a wonder holiday. I am enjoying your friends story. It is different then yours. But both are very good. I hope no one is giving her a hard time.

We should appreciate the time and effort you both take to write these stories for our pleasure. ;)

Looking forward to reading your updates upon your return ;)