Last Day In Hanoi

Boys And Blossoms

The next morning, the kids woke up early and had breakfast with the teachers and tour guide. They were told that they were going to go back to Hanoi after another round of exploring the village after breakfast. After the breakfast, they went to the other side of the village where more rice fields can be found and animals such as pigs and cows. They came across more souvenirs shops and f(x) started shopping for more stuffs! They bought hand made wallets, hand made bags and many beautiful shawls which was sewn by weaving. The boys just watched the girls in disbelief. Well as for the boys when it comes to shopping for clothes they are somewhat like girls. They can take hours to shop! 

After that, they went back to take their stuffs and they bidded goodbye to the villagers. Mr Kim paid the owner of the houses the expenses for their stay and meals. And off they went! Back to Hanoi. 

It was another 3 hours journey. By the time they got back, they were very hungry. So after checking in into the hotel, they gathered at the hotel lobby. 

Tour guide: It was nice to meet all of you. It is such an honour to be the tour guide for a group of students from such family background. Thank you!

The kids + teachers: Thank you too ~ 

The tour guide then left. 

Miss Son: There are some changes in the itinerary. We are heading to Singapore first, followed by Malaysia, Thailand and lastly, Japan. And we are leaving tonight! At 2am. Assemble here by 11:30pm tonight. 


After they put their backs in their rooms, they went out to find food. It was a pity that they couldn't explore more of Hanoi on their own since after having their meals they had to go back to the hotel to pack their stuffs. 

They assembled at the lobby before hoping into a bus to go to the airport. They passed by many places which they knew they might not be able to see again unless they travel there. At the airport after checking in their luggages, they still had 2 hours before boarding. They went to a place, somewhat like Starbucks but Vietnam version and chilled there. 


Minho and Sulli sat side by side again, same arrangement when they went to Hanoi. Sulli lied on Minho's shoulder and they started chatting. 

Minho: Have you ever been to Singapore?

Sulli: Nope! I've never been to any Asian countries. The girls and I always go London during our holidays. We even went to Paris, Barcelona and Rome! I wanna go Venice! I heard it is a nice place to go. You have to travel by water to get around. 

Minho: Okay. I'll bring you to Venice. After we graduate. 

Sulli: Really?! Aww okay! I'll look forward to that! 

Sulli kissed his cheek. He smiled. Not long after, they fell asleep. 


A really short update. I'm sorry if you're disappointed. 

To make up for this short update, I've decided to make them travel to Singapore since my last trip was to Singapore and it is still fresh in my mind. So what I can promise you is that I'll write about where they will be heading in Singapore, all the places that you guys should go when you visit there! Expect a really detailed trip in Singapore! And maybe more romantic moments of our fav couple minsul. 

A week in Vietnam just passed just like that! I stayed in Hanoi for 5 weeks. Other then the places I mentioned in these few chapters, I went to Ninh Binh, Perfume Pagoda and Hoa Binh. If I'm not wrong. It has been two years, I can't really remember. Haha. 

You guys can google the places if you want ^^ 

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afelhojas #1
Chapter 19: dear authornim would you pls update again your story i mean its a nice plot i mean its trully great pls if you still there pls.......unique and amazing story your great ......
Chapter 19: So romantic! Choi Minho and Choi Sulli will be together forever! They'll be real soon! I know they will! Maybe Taestal and other f(x) and SHINee members too!
Chapter 9: I totally love the story! I love the couple pair up, especially Minsul, Taestal, Lunew, Keber, and I ca't think of a couple name for jonghyun and victoria. Minsul, fighting! I love your story!
lollipoploving #4
Chapter 19: Where did you go? :(
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 19: Awesom story!!!! I love it!! Pleas continue to do an amazing job!!!
Chapter 19: I hope you'll have a splendid holiday,and your fanfic and hers are different but still,the writing skills are still awesome! Fighting and keep updating,when you've return from your holiday! :D
nana4ever #7
Chapter 19: Have a wonder holiday. I am enjoying your friends story. It is different then yours. But both are very good. I hope no one is giving her a hard time.

We should appreciate the time and effort you both take to write these stories for our pleasure. ;)

Looking forward to reading your updates upon your return ;)