Mai Chau

Boys And Blossoms


The day before the kids met up for dinner. Luckily Taemin and Krystal weren't really mushy and loving, that will definitely make others feel envious of them. 
Today was the day they were supposed to go Mai Chau. This was the last stop before they leave for Thailand. If I'm not wrong today is day 7 into their trip. One week had passed just like that! 5 more weeks to go! The kids got ready and assembled at the lobby at 12pm. Their tour guide was already there. They then proceeded to the mini van. It was going to another 3 hours journey. This time, Luna sat beside Onew, probably because she felt grateful and would want to be nicer to him. Onew of course didn't mind. Krystal was seen snuggling around Taemin's arm before falling asleep. As for our favorite couple, they and their non-stop teasing. 
Minho: Yah Choi Sulli! You didn't wash your hair is it? It smells like socks! *pinching his nose*
Sulli: I washed my hair okay! Unlike you, your armpits stinks *making puking faces*
Minho: No it doesn't! Liar!
Sulli: Why would I lie? I don't wanna sit with you anymore! You're annoying!!!
Minho smiled and put his arms around Sulli. 
Minho: I'm just kidding babo
Sulli: Yah! Your armpit! 
Minho: I'm trying to be nice to you and you're still teasing me!
Minho retracted his arm. Sulli sticked out her tongue. 
Aish this girl. 
After three hours, they finally reached Mai Chau. 
Tour guide: Wake up sleepy heads!!!!! We are here! Finally! 
The kids and the teachers woke up. They alighted. Omo. It was going to be a home stay! No hotel! These rich kids will finally get a taste of village life. Do you think they can adapt? They were 3 big long wooden houses. The villagers greeted them. The kids were going to share one big house! There weren't any furnitures in the house. The girls look out of the window. A breath taking scenery awaited them. 
Victoria: This is DAEBAK! 
Amber: Yeah! We don't get to see this kind of scenery else where! 
It was so green. Padi fields all over in front of them. Mountains can be seen from where they were standing. 
Krystal: Lets go down! I think they will allow us to walk on those fields! 
The kids climbed down the stairs. Minho brought his camera along. The weather wasn't that cold so the kids took off their jackets. They were told by the tour guide they had to walk on the trails along the padi field and reminded them not to step on the crops. The kids nodded. They had to take off their slippers in order for them to walk. That was the first time those rich kids stepped on mud. The girls started screaming things like "OMG SO SLIMY!" and all. They started walking. Minho started taking photos. It was hard to balance on the mud since it was slippery so they held on to one another for support. Suddenly Victoria came up with an idea. 
Victoria: Taemin and Krystal! You guys can take a kiss shot here! 
Krystal smiled shyly and Taemin agreed. Taemin and Krystal walked abit further while the others stayed at where they were. Taemin passed his phone to Key, who was at the front of the line, to help take their photo. Minho got ready to snap the photo too. Taemin and Krystal positioned themselves and the kids started counting. 
And... They kissed. Key and Minho quickly snapped the photo. The rest of f(x) went awwwwww! Luna suddenly nudged Onew. She wanted to take a photo with him. Onew smiled. So they exchanged places with Taemin and Krystal. Onew passed his phone to Key. Luna and Onew stood side by side. Luna wrap her right arm around Onew's left arm. Luna leaned in and posed. Onew leaned in too and smiled. Again the kids counted. 
Snap snap! Sulli turned to Minho. She pouted at him. Minho knew exactly what she wanted. Minho passed his DSLR to Jonghyun and passed his phone to Key. 
Key: Yah what the hell! Am I your photographer?!?! 
The others just laughed. 
Minho and Sulli took their positions, standing side by side. Minho placed his arm around Sulli and Sulli did likewise across his back. Sulli lied on his shoulder. 
Victoria: Omo so sweet!!!!! 
Snap snap! Minho turned to Sulli and gave her a quick hug. The rest of the kids went, "Omo omo!!!". 
Key: Hey Amber. TAKE A PHOTO WITH ME PLSSSSSSSS. I'm so sick and tired of becoming a photographer. I wanna be in the photo too. 
Amber happily accepted and switched places with Minho and Sulli. The counting began. 
They both of them suddenly did aegyo. It was super cute! Perfect picture. Victoria pouted to her brother. She also wanted! Again the cycle repeated. After that they continued walking on the mud. They were getting used to it. It was once in a lifetime opportunity. Thank God they were not spoilt. If not you can imagine how those spoilt brats will react. They wouldn't even want to stay in the wooden houses!
After an hour of photo taking and almost slipping into the crops, the kids got tired. So they made their way back to the home stay, washed their feet. They felt like napping. When they went back to their 'house', 10 thin mattresses were laid on the floor. Seemed like the owner knew that they would be tired. They lied down and fell asleep instantly. Boys one row and girls one row. 
It was time for dinner. Miss Son went up their house to wake them up. Dinner was served. And the owner actually prepared shots of wine for all of them as a form of welcoming them to the village. Sulli got reminded of what happened to her. Minho knew Sulli wasn't feeling okay. He placed his hand on her hand since they were sitting side by side and gave a hand a light squeeze and mouthed to her "it's okay". All of them cheered and drank together including the teachers. It turned out that after dinner the villagers had prepared something for them. A performance.
The villagers showcased their traditional dance and got the kids and teachers to dance with them as well. After that, the tour guide brought all of them for night walk, to walk around the village and explore. It was really dark and there were little lights. Minho grabbed Sulli's hand and told her not to worry. He knew that Sulli was afraid of the dark ever since she was young. They passed by a few empty houses and souvenir shops. All of them bought some souvenirs, the girls got bags at 40,000 dong which was really cheap. After that they walked pass a lake. The lake was huge and clear. Well it was normal to see such beautiful lakes at villages. They finally reached their starting point. It was already 10pm. Time sure flew fast when you were on a holiday. 
When they went up their house to grab toiletries to bathe and wash up, they realized on each individual mattress, there was a mosquito net. And at the side of each mattress there was a really thick blanket. It looked more like a quilt actually. 
They took about one hour, with everyone taking turns to bathe and wash up. By that time they started to realize the surrounding was getting colder. All of them quickly went back to the house and started putting on more clothes, jackets and double layer socks. They chatted for awhile before turning in. They wore their gloves and covered themselves with the quilt provided. 
When I was at Mai Chau, I actually wore 5 layers of clothes, 2 jackets, leggings+jeans, double layers of socks and gloves. It was so cold!!!!!! I kept waking in the middle of the night because it was too cold :/ 
Hope you like this chapter! 
Comment and subscribe! They will be going Thailand soon. Do comment what you wanna read while they were in Thailand... Like which places to go and all ^^ 
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afelhojas #1
Chapter 19: dear authornim would you pls update again your story i mean its a nice plot i mean its trully great pls if you still there pls.......unique and amazing story your great ......
Chapter 19: So romantic! Choi Minho and Choi Sulli will be together forever! They'll be real soon! I know they will! Maybe Taestal and other f(x) and SHINee members too!
Chapter 9: I totally love the story! I love the couple pair up, especially Minsul, Taestal, Lunew, Keber, and I ca't think of a couple name for jonghyun and victoria. Minsul, fighting! I love your story!
lollipoploving #4
Chapter 19: Where did you go? :(
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 19: Awesom story!!!! I love it!! Pleas continue to do an amazing job!!!
Chapter 19: I hope you'll have a splendid holiday,and your fanfic and hers are different but still,the writing skills are still awesome! Fighting and keep updating,when you've return from your holiday! :D
nana4ever #7
Chapter 19: Have a wonder holiday. I am enjoying your friends story. It is different then yours. But both are very good. I hope no one is giving her a hard time.

We should appreciate the time and effort you both take to write these stories for our pleasure. ;)

Looking forward to reading your updates upon your return ;)