
Boys And Blossoms


Everyone was chattering in class when the teacher came in. Everyone is excited. The teacher is going to announce who will be going for the trip. 

Teacher: Hi guys. I have a bad news. I know that yesterday I said 16 students will be going for the trip. But we have decided that only 10 students will be going for the trip. 

I hope I'm chosen Sulli said to herself. 

Teacher: I'll announce the names now. Amber. Krystal. Sulli. Victoria. Luna. 

The girls high five each other while the rest of the class started complaining. 

"f(x) again?!?! They have everything!!!!!"

Sulli: Yah! It's not as if you can't afford to go on your own. 

Sulli rolled her eyes. 

Teacher: As for the boys. Minho. Onew. Jonghyun. Key. Taemin. 

The five boys started cheering. 

f(x) turn to the back. Sulli was glaring at Minho. 

Teacher: The decision is final. 

Girl classmate: Pfft that Krystal will definitely be around. 5 guys going on a trip sure is a jackpot for her. 

Krystal: Excuse me. You better shut that filthy mouth of yours before I do something to you! You're just jealous that I will get to see Taemin every day for 6 weeks and you  won't. The whole school knows you like Taemin so much that you're willing to throw yourself to him. Shameless. 

The girl was stunned. This is the first time Krystal retorted back to her. Usually Krystal will pretend not to hear what she said to Krystal. 

Krystal: Well why are you looking at me like that? I'm not surprised if you're the one who started the rumors. You think this is fun? Well I'll show you what's fun. *Krystal gave a death glare* if the next time I hear that again, I will break your leg. Mark. My. Words. So if you want your leg broken go ahead and continue with what you're doing. 

Krystal rolled her eyes. 


Sulli: I can't believe it. We will be stuck with them. 

Luna: I know right! Damn. 

Amber: We will have fun right? Right? Right?

Victoria: Girls. We can always pretend they're not there. C'mon it will be fun!

Sulli: I hope so. 

Meanwhile, shinee is already searching on the Internet about the respective countries. 

Key: I hope we will go Halong Bay in Vietnam. It will be damn cold. Cold weather by the beach. Get it? No?

Minho: Yes key. Hahaha I hope those girls don't create any trouble. 


Ring ring

Minho's phone rang. On the caller ID it shows that the call is from Sulli's home. 

I don't think Sulli would want to call me

He picked up the phone anyway. 

Minho: Hello. 

Mrs Choi: Hi Minho. Sulli's mother here. I know that you guys are going to Vietnam tomorrow. Please help me take care of Sulli. I know you both are always not on good terms. But at least make sure Sulli eats her meals. She tends to skip meals whenever she don't like the food. I'm afraid that she won't eat the food in other countries. 

Minho: Okay Mrs Choi. Don't worry about it. I'll make sure she will at least eat. 

Mrs Choi: Thanks Minho. Take care bye. 

Minho: Bye Mrs Choi. 

Lets hope she won't give me attitude during the trip. 


Both f(x) and shinee gathered at Incheon Airport with their parents. Both were bidding farewell to their parents, hugging them. 6 weeks being away from home sure is long. Two teachers will be with them, Mr Kim and Miss Son. Mr Kim gave out their their tickets. Sulli's ticket is 7A. Most probably it's by the window. 

Victoria: Sulli! You're so lucky getting window seat! 

Sulli: I know right! What are your seat number??? 

Sulli looked at the four girls' tickets. 8C, 8D, 8E, 8F respectively. 

Sulli: Omo. Am I sitting alone?!?! This is so unfair you're all sitting together!!! 

Krystal: I think you should check with the boys. I'd rather you sit with one of them than with a complete stranger. 

Sulli: No way! I'll just wait and see. 

Meanwhile for the boys:

Minho looked at the other four boys' tickets. 9C, 9D, 9E, 9F respectively. 

Minho: Guys, I think I'm sitting alone. 

Key: Minho, what's your seat number?

Minho: I'm not sitting with you guys. I think I'm sitting with some stranger. Oh well. 

After the tickets were given out, they proceeded to the departure gate. They said bye in unison to their parents and waved. 


I couldn't wait til tomorrow to post another chapter. So here's a short chapter for you readers. :)

I will be revising my tenses tomorrow. I initially wanted this story to be in present tense. But I always tend to type in past tense. So I'll be revising on that tomorrow. 

In the meantime if you like it, please subscribe and comment! 

Do you think Minho and Sulli will be sitting together? 


@mommymommy: I'm glad you like it! :D this is my first fan fic and your comment made me happy! Thank you!

@milkandtoast: Thanks! :D updated hehe

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afelhojas #1
Chapter 19: dear authornim would you pls update again your story i mean its a nice plot i mean its trully great pls if you still there pls.......unique and amazing story your great ......
Chapter 19: So romantic! Choi Minho and Choi Sulli will be together forever! They'll be real soon! I know they will! Maybe Taestal and other f(x) and SHINee members too!
Chapter 9: I totally love the story! I love the couple pair up, especially Minsul, Taestal, Lunew, Keber, and I ca't think of a couple name for jonghyun and victoria. Minsul, fighting! I love your story!
lollipoploving #4
Chapter 19: Where did you go? :(
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 19: Awesom story!!!! I love it!! Pleas continue to do an amazing job!!!
Chapter 19: I hope you'll have a splendid holiday,and your fanfic and hers are different but still,the writing skills are still awesome! Fighting and keep updating,when you've return from your holiday! :D
nana4ever #7
Chapter 19: Have a wonder holiday. I am enjoying your friends story. It is different then yours. But both are very good. I hope no one is giving her a hard time.

We should appreciate the time and effort you both take to write these stories for our pleasure. ;)

Looking forward to reading your updates upon your return ;)