Flashbacks (Luna)

Boys And Blossoms

After taking their food, the kids quickly went back to the table. It was time for story telling! It was no surprise that girls would like Minho, other than Taemin, since he was the soccer captain. Minho has rejected countless of girls, including Yuri. Minho has never really dated any girl before. He thought that every girl who wanted him was either for fame or money. He couldn't trust any girl. The same goes to the other boys of shinee. They never really dated because of that. Whereas in f(x), only Luna has dated. But the relationship lasted for only a year. Her ex-boyfriend was Minwoo. A pretty boy who was in soccer team and someone who abused her just whenever he was angry with someone else. They were considered to be the golden couple of the level. But no one other than f(x) knew about how he abused Luna. Luna would come to school with swollen legs and arms and told other school mates that she fell.  Luna finally picked up the courage to break up with him after much persuasions from the rest of f(x). When Luna asked for a breakup, Minwoo got frustrated and hit her head against the wall. Luna collapsed to the floor. Her vision was getting blur. Someone came running and started throwing punches on Minwoo's face until Minwoo's face started bleeding. Blood was coming out from his nose. Minwoo fell to the floor. 

Someone: How dare you do that to a girl?! She's a girl for 's sake!!!! And she deserves better! I can send you to jail for abuse! Now off! 

That someone then kicked Minwoo's knee. Minwoo let out a cry. 

Someone: Now you won't be able to play soccer for awhile. You deserve it. 

Luna couldn't tell who was her savior since her vision was getting blur. Until now she didn't get to thank that someone. She fainted right after that someone came. Luna's forehead for bleeding. The guy carried her and quickly brought her to the hospital. By the time Luna woke up, she only saw f(x) around her. f(x) looked really happy and Victoria went out of the room to call the doctor. 

Luna: How long have I been asleep?

Sulli: For a week darling. I'm glad you finally woke up!!!!

Luna: Who saved me?

Krystal: For now we still don't know. Apparently your savior broke Minwoo's knee and and nose. 

Amber: I'm glad you woke up. I'm dying alone at home with no one to talk to except mummy and daddy. Come home soon!

Luna smiled. She was so glad to have friends like f(x) who was always around her. But for now, who saved her? Minwoo would probably have killed her if that someone didn't come to save her. Soon after the news of Luna being in the hospital spreaded and that it was because if Minwoo, many of the students lost their respect for Minwoo. Nobody knew that there was a savior. Many of them thought that Luna hit Minwoo to protect herself. 

Well this happened 4 months ago. 

Now back to the present. 

Sulli suddenly appeared at their table with a plate of pancakes on her hands. 

Minho: I thought you wanna sleep? 

Sulli: I'm hungry.

Sulli pouted. She took a seat beside Minho since it was empty. 

Victoria: Isn't it scary? Yuri even knows where is Minho's room! 

Minho: I don't get it. I've rejected her plenty of times and she still don't want to give up! 

Key: Don't be surprised if after today there will be more crazy girls knocking in your door Minho. 

Minho: Yah! Don't curse me okay! 

The rest laughed. Onew spotted Krystal and Taemin coming in from the entrance. Onew nudged Jonghyun, who was beside him. Jonghyun then signaled to the rest. Everyone turned to look at them. Krystal and Taemin were holding hands and were heading to their direction. Krystal and Taemin sat down. 

Jonghyun: Do you have anything to say?

Taemin: We are together!!! *smiles*

The rest: WHAT?!

Taemin: Well wasn't it obvious? Besides, enemies can become lovers. 

Luna's face fell. She was reminded of Minwoo. They started off as a sweet couple. People were envious of her. Until Minwoo started showing his bad side to Luna. 

Victoria: What's wrong Luna? Reminded of that jerk?

Luna kept quiet. She wasn't really upset about the breakup. She just felt stupid for being with Minwo. Being abused for a year was no joke. 

Luna: I still haven't get to thank my savior. If not who knows I would have died. 

Minho: What savior? Who? How? What? Yeah I knew Minwoo got injured badly since he couldn't attend soccer practice. I thought it was all your doing Luna. 

Key, Jonghyun and Taemin got excited. Another story!

Amber told them what happened. 

Key: Serves him right! That bastard deserved it. Are you ok Luna? It's over! 

Luna: It's ok. I'm okay. Taemin! Take care of our baby! If you ever lay one finger on her, you will suffer the same thing as Minwoo! 

Taemin: I know I know. I'm not that type. My mum brought me up well okay!

Key suddenly remembered something. 

Key: Amber! Remember you got so mad at me because I won you in science test? You hit my head damn hard! I hated you more ever since. Stupid f(x) girls always wanna win!

Amber: We were young! And you still call us stupid when we are here sitting eating breakfast with you?! How dare you! 

Amber kicked Key's leg. Key was sitting opposite Amber. 

Victoria: Another potential couple! 


The rest just laughed.

Jonghyun: Anyway, we will be going to some place tomorrow. It's Mai Chau. We will be living in the countryside. And I heard it will be very cold at night. So remember to pack extra clothes! Mr Kim told me to tell you guys. So today is our day off. 

The others' faces lightened up! They were tired from traveling. They were going to stay in today. They decided that they would meet for dinner. The kids finally finished eating and went back to their rooms. Before Luna went into the room, Onew pulled her and told her he needed to say something. They went to the lift area. 

Onew: Actually... 

Luna: Yeah?

Onew: Im the one who beat Minwoo. I brought you to the hospital. It happened at level 5 of the school. Along corridor of the empty classrooms. I saw the two of you going up the stairs. Both of you looked really serious. The next thing I knew he attacked you. I got so mad. I stormed to him and started throwing punches. 

Luna: Why didn't you tell me? Do you know how grateful I feel? 

Onew: But we don't talk. f(x) and shinee just don't talk to each other. We were forever giving glares at each other. We were forever competiting to be famous and all. I didn't think I would do that for someone like you. Especially someone from f(x). But I did... If you noticed, for the past four months, I stopped dissing you. But you continued to diss me, saying that I finally gave up. But actually, I saw you getting hurt badly. I didn't want you to get hurt from my dissing too. So I stopped. 

Luna started crying. She couldn't help herself but to throw herself into Onew's arms and hugged him. 

Luna: I didn't know!!! I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry...

Onew: It's okay it wasn't your fault. We have always been dissing each other anyway. Cheer up! At least we are friends now. 

Onew pat her head. He broke her hug and wiped her tears. 

Luna leaned in and kissed his cheek. 

Luna: That's my gift. For saving me. 

Onew nodded and accompanied her back to her room. 


Minho pulled Sulli and gave her a hug. 

Sulli: Why are you always giving me hugs? But I like it. 

Sulli giggled. Minho broke the hug and looked into Sulli's eyes. 

Im gonna do it. I'm really gonna do it. Minho thought to himself. 

He caressed Sulli's cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned in. Sulli saw what was happening and closed her eyes too. Soon their lips touched. Minho deepened the kiss and Sulli was wrapped her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her body. Minho broke the kiss after a minute. Minho smiled. 

Minho: That's for just now. 

Sulli: It was perfect. 

Minho: I know. Because its me. 

Minho winked and Sulli rolled her eyes. 

Sulli: Whatever. Yah! Stop thinking so highly of yourself okay! When I kissed you earlier you were like a wall okay!

Minho: Yah! I was just shocked! At least I kissed you back just awhile ago! 

Sulli: I'll let you off. Since the kiss was good. Now we are only restricted to maximum hugging! 

Minho: Yah! You think I wanna kiss you the next time? *making vomit faces* 

Sulli: Yah! Stop it! You're so annoying!

Minho: Don't fall in love with me. I'll die having you as my girlfriend!!!

Sulli: I have no intentions to fall in love with you ok! 

Sulli went to her bed, lied down and closed her eyes. Minho saw that she admit defeat and smiled. He can't stop thinking of the kiss. He felt sparks. Especially went Sulli kissed him back. He felt so loved and happy. He was still unsure whether he really liked Sulli. But he was glad that he kissed her. The experience was... Surreal. Sulli was his first kiss. He was glad that she took it. Rather than some girl like Yuri. 

Likewise, Sulli was thinking of the kiss. The kiss with Minho was different from the other kisses she had. None of her kissed lasted so long. It was usually a peck on the lips. She didn't know what made her kiss Minho in front of Yuri but it was a good feeling. 

If only Minho was my first kiss


Hi guys. I'm sorry if this lacks of descriptions. I'm too used to using simple English to describe things. I'm trying my best though. 

@syamimi_munir: I thought so too about Yuri. I like her. But not with Minho of course. Hehe. Updated ^^ 

@alecita: I hope you like this chapter! Minho returned her kiss :p

@nana4ever: Yeah I was imagining while typing the scene. Even I laughed when I read back what I typed. I guess that was my best scene ever. Updated ^^ 

@mommymommy: hehe it was a good thing I brought Yuri into the picture! ^^

@wee0406: Updated ^^

@sullyy92: Updated ^^

@nislatif: Updated ^^

@bella78: Alot of minsul moments for this and previous chapter. Do check it out! ^^

@koreanfangirls: They finally kissed! :p

@cikefess: Updated^^

@misstirs: They kissed ^^

@vyrmag: Updated ^^

@callmesabrina: Updated ^^

@giezpark: Updated ^^

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afelhojas #1
Chapter 19: dear authornim would you pls update again your story i mean its a nice plot i mean its trully great pls if you still there pls.......unique and amazing story your great ......
Chapter 19: So romantic! Choi Minho and Choi Sulli will be together forever! They'll be real soon! I know they will! Maybe Taestal and other f(x) and SHINee members too!
Chapter 9: I totally love the story! I love the couple pair up, especially Minsul, Taestal, Lunew, Keber, and I ca't think of a couple name for jonghyun and victoria. Minsul, fighting! I love your story!
lollipoploving #4
Chapter 19: Where did you go? :(
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 19: Awesom story!!!! I love it!! Pleas continue to do an amazing job!!!
Chapter 19: I hope you'll have a splendid holiday,and your fanfic and hers are different but still,the writing skills are still awesome! Fighting and keep updating,when you've return from your holiday! :D
nana4ever #7
Chapter 19: Have a wonder holiday. I am enjoying your friends story. It is different then yours. But both are very good. I hope no one is giving her a hard time.

We should appreciate the time and effort you both take to write these stories for our pleasure. ;)

Looking forward to reading your updates upon your return ;)