Halong Bay

Boys And Blossoms


The kids ands the teachers had taken their breakfast and now they were waiting for the tour guide. The breakfast was a buffet breakfast and it was a hearty breakfast. After a few minutes, the tour guide strolled into the hotel lobby. 

Tour guide: Xin Chao! Today we will be going Halong Bay. Did you pack extra clothes? Who knows some of you would want to canoeing while we are out in the sea. It will be a one day trip. We will be back in Hanoi at night. 

Victoria: Girls should we go for canoeing? It's gonna be fun right? It's been a long time since I went canoeing. 

Sulli: Yeah I want to canoe! We should all go! Miss Son! Will you be canoeing?

Miss Son hadn't been talking for two days now. It was always Mr Kim doing the talking. 

Miss Son: Yeah sure I will be going. It will be fun! 

Minho: Are you sure you girls won't be tired? Later on we have to canoe while you girls rest. Tsk. 

Sulli: Yah! We are not weak ok! And who says I want to partner you for the canoeing?

Minho: I didn't say that you'll be partnering me. *sticks out his tongue*

Sulli: Argh!!! 

Victoria: Oh dear. Fighting again. Just when we decided to be okay with the boys. 

Krystal, Amber and Luna just laughed. 

The kids and teachers went up to their rooms to pack extra clothes and towels for canoeing. They then proceeded down to the lobby and off they went into the mini van. The girls went up the van first. Followed by the boys. Minho saw that Sulli was sitting alone so he went to sit with her. 

Sulli: Yah! You can sit at other seats right? I don't want to sit with you!

Minho ignored her. Sulli got even more pissed she just started looking outside of the window. Victoria was sitting beside Krystal. 

Taemin: Hey Vic, you wanna sit with Jonghyun? I want to sit with Krys. 

Victoria glanced at Krystal. Krystal just nodded. Victoria and Taemin switched places. 

Krystal: Why all of a sudden you want to sit with me?

Taemin: Can't I sit beside a pretty lady? 

Krystal blushed. She quickly looked out of the window just in case Taemin saw her red face. Taemin just smiled. 

The mini van went off. The tour guide took the mic. 

Tour guide: It will be a long journey. 3 hours long from Hanoi. From my past experiences, students are always uninterested whenever I tell a story on the van. So I will only tell you when we are at Halong Bay. For now, sleep ~

Minho took out his iPod Touch and listened to songs while Sulli closed her eyes in preparation for sleeping. Krystal lied on Taemin's shoulder and closed her eyes. Taemin was shocked but he smiled. He then lied his head on Krystal's head and closed his eyes. Minho felt his eyes was getting heavier. The next thing he knew, he was already asleep. 


Tour guide: Wake up sleepy heads!!! We are reaching soon! 

The tour guide said loudly into the mic. Minho opened his eyes and realized that Sulli's head was on his shoulder and his head was on her head. 

Minho: Omo. 

He moved his shoulder repeatedly until Sulli woke up. 

Sulli: Yah! You don't have to wake me up using your shoulder! Ow my head hurts! 

Minho just looked at her and sticked out his tongue. 

Minho: Yah! It's good enough that I lent you my shoulder. Some other guy would have pushed your head the minute your head lands on their shoulders. 

Sulli pouted. 

Sulli: Fine. You win. 

They finally reached Halong Bay. It was breezy and cold. Luckily they wore their jackets. They followed the tour guide and boarded a cruise. The kids straightaway went onto the top deck. There were a few beach chairs. The girls quickly grabbed the chairs before the boys. The cruise started moving. As the cruise moved faster, the wind became stronger. It was a nice feeling to sleep. The girls started falling asleep while the guys stood around the deck looking at the wonders of nature. The tour guide went up to the deck and talked to the boys. 

Tour guide: What you're seeing, those things are limestones. What you see are the remainings of the limestones. Used to have a lot. 

The boys started taking photos. The scenery was so nice and breathtaking. Minho turned and saw that Sulli was fast asleep. He chuckled and took a photo of her. The boys then sat in a circle and started chatting. Half an hour later, they reached their destination. The boys woke the girls up and went down to the lower deck. 

Tour guide: We are going to explore a cave in the limestone. Lets go!

They walked into the cave. It was huge and it felt as if the whole cave was made out of stone. The inner surface of the limestone looks beautiful. It was extraordinary. They saw a stone which looked like a turtle. Beside the turtle there was money. 

Tour guide: We Vietnamese considered turtles as sacred. Therefore we pray to them too. 

The kids and teachers started walking around. Suddenly a photographer stopped them and asked if they want to take a group photo. They took a group photo. Minho was next to Sulli and Krystal was next to Taemin. Victoria saw this and said:

Victoria: Aww so sweet!

the photographer printed their photos and asked them to purchase. 

Minho: How much?

Photographer: 100,000 dong. 

Key: What! so expensive! No thanks. 

In the end the photographer pushed down his price to 50,000 dong. Everyone bought a copy. 

Amber: Aww the couples look so cute!

Krystal & Sulli: Shhhh don't embarrass us! 

After they are done, they went back to the cruise. This time the cruise will be heading to the canoeing area. The kids and teacher got changed. The kids got excited. 

Mr Kim: Now please pair up! Preferably one boy with one girl! Boys are strong. So girls if you get tired they can continue canoeing for you. I'll be with Miss Son. C'mon! Pair up!

Krystal quickly went beside Taemin. Taemin smiled. Key went to Amber, Onew went to Luna and Jonghyun went to his sister. Minho went to Sulli. 

Sulli: Great. Now I'm stuck with annoying Minho. 

Minho: Yah! What's your problem! I didn't even disturb you today and now you're being like this. At least I will have stamina due to intensive soccer trainings. I bet you'll get tired later. 

They wore their safety jackets and went on the canoe. It was cold. All of them wore t-shirts and shorts. They started canoeing. 

Minho: Yah! Sulli! Can you pedal properly! Our canoe is going further from them! 

Sulli: This is the first time I went canoeing! If you're so smart can you at least teach me?

Minho chuckled and taught her the basics. They canoed for one and a half hours. The girls were already tired. The guys then canoed back to the meeting point. Before they got off, Key started splashing water at the others. 

Luna: Key!!!!!! The water is freaking cold!!! Stop it!! 

The others splashed water back in retaliation. The area was filled with laughter. Mr Kim and Miss Son were the last to reach the meeting point. The kids look at each other and started splashing water at the teachers. Poor Mr Kim and Miss Son got wet. The went back to the cruise and one by one started to clean themselves up. After that, they had dinner on the boat. They were so hungry even Sulli just gobbled the food. After that, the kids went up to the upper deck and slept in the breeze. 

They reached the river bank and boarded the mini van. It was gonna be another 3 hours journey back to Hanoi. Sulli sat beside Minho. And she rested her head on his shoulder. 

Sulli: Today was fun... And tiring

Minho: Yah! Did I give you permission to lie on my shoulder?

Sulli: Fine fine! *she sat up right away*

Minho: Just kidding *guided her head to his shoulder* so I guess you'll be sleeping again?

Sulli didn't answer. She was already fast asleep. Aish this girl. Always sleeping. Minho said to himself and smiled. 


They gathered at the lobby before they went back to their rooms. 

Tour guide: Have a good rest everyone. Tomorrow night we will meet again. Please pack your things for Sapa. It will be a train ride and we will reach Sapa in the next morning. We will spend one night at Sapa and will depart back to Hanoi the day after that at night. So roughly it will be 3 nights with 2 nights being in the train. Bring extra jackets and clothes. It will be snowing. 

The kids were surprised! They didn't know even in Vietnam there would be snow in the mountains. They didn't pack any winter clothes but lucky for them, they brought extra jackets. 

Sulli: Girls lets go shopping tomorrow! I wanna get some gloves and shawl for Sapa!

The girls nodded and Victoria spoke to the guys. 

Victoria: Do you want to follow us tomorrow? We will be buying shawls and gloves for Sapa. 

The boys agreed and before they went off, Mr Kim suddenly spoke. 

Mr Kim: Tonight, Amber and Luna, one room. Krystal and Sulli, one room. Jonghyun and Victoria, one room. Taemin and Minho, one room. Key and Onew, one room. Please switch rooms. I forgot that Jonghyun and Victoria are twins. 

Sulli's face fell. For some reason, she didn't want to switch rooms. She was okay with Minho being in one room. It's like Minho didn't even do anything to her while they were in the same room. 

Sulli: Mr Kim, it's fine. We don't have to switch rooms. 

Minho: Yeah, we are perfectly fine with the current arrangement. 

Mr Kim: Well I thought the two of you were against it? So I decided to change and let the twins have one room instead. So now no more complaints. Switch. 

The kids groaned. It was troublesome to be packing their stuffs and switching rooms. After switching of rooms, now Sulli and Krystal were in one room. 

Krystal: Sulli, I think Taemin is cute. 

Sulli: Omo! Are you falling for him? Krystal is falling in love ~ 

Krystal: Yah! I was only saying that he's cute. Now I know why girls go crazy over him... I didn't really notice until I sat beside him in the bus. 

Sulli: Isn't it weird that me and Minho don't really fight these days?

Krystal: You think I don't feel weird when I wasn't dissing Taemin but instead is talking normally to him?

Sulli: I guess this trip is gonna be fun after all. No more rivalry! No more competiting of who is more popular! Victoria is right. We have nothing lose. 

Krystal nodded. After they washed up, they went straight to bed. Krystal was day dreaming about Taemin. Why am I thinking of him???? Argh can't be.... No no it can't be. It's all because he's cute. That's all. Krystal thought to herself. Krystal looked over to Sulli's bed and saw that Sulli was already fast asleep. Krystal switched off the lights and went to bed. 


Taemin: Krystal is pretty. 

Minho: Woah. Someone is falling for someone ~

Taemin: Yah! I'm only saying she's pretty! How about you? You think I didn't notice that you're caring towards Sulli? 

Minho: Her mum told me to take care of her okay! Ahhhh you're noisy. 

Taemin laughed. Both boys continued chatting until they fell asleep.


I'm heavily distracted! So I decided to post a quick update. 

I'm not very sure if Vietnamese really pray to turtles. But if I'm wrong please correct me. Because all that I wrote was based on my experiences. And I know I made it sound like Sulli is a sleepyhead. :p

Hope you like this chapter! Will be updating during weekends. It's exam week :( 

Subscribe and comment :D

@alecita: Thanks dear! I ship minsul too ^^ because of TTBY. 

@nana4ever: Thank you dear ^^ updated! Thanks for the luck :p

@koreanfangirls: Hehe I can't stop myself too. Always giving minsul moments! 

@misstirs: Yeah I just noticed that. So I decided to have a switch in this chapter. Hope you like it :) thanks! I need to get back to my books now. 

@joeandminho: Updated ^^ and thanks hehe. 

@rubymnk: Updated^^ thanks hehe

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afelhojas #1
Chapter 19: dear authornim would you pls update again your story i mean its a nice plot i mean its trully great pls if you still there pls.......unique and amazing story your great ......
Chapter 19: So romantic! Choi Minho and Choi Sulli will be together forever! They'll be real soon! I know they will! Maybe Taestal and other f(x) and SHINee members too!
Chapter 9: I totally love the story! I love the couple pair up, especially Minsul, Taestal, Lunew, Keber, and I ca't think of a couple name for jonghyun and victoria. Minsul, fighting! I love your story!
lollipoploving #4
Chapter 19: Where did you go? :(
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 19: Awesom story!!!! I love it!! Pleas continue to do an amazing job!!!
Chapter 19: I hope you'll have a splendid holiday,and your fanfic and hers are different but still,the writing skills are still awesome! Fighting and keep updating,when you've return from your holiday! :D
nana4ever #7
Chapter 19: Have a wonder holiday. I am enjoying your friends story. It is different then yours. But both are very good. I hope no one is giving her a hard time.

We should appreciate the time and effort you both take to write these stories for our pleasure. ;)

Looking forward to reading your updates upon your return ;)