Girl Talk

You Again

Sang-mi p.o.v.

I was still crying, when I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked up and saw Sang-hee and Hyuna walking towards me. Once they got to me Sang-hee wraped her arms around me and started saying its okay. But it wasn't okay, nothing was okay. That when Hyuna asked me why i walked out when I saw Beast.

"Well to tell you the truth I was just shock when i saw Kikwang again."I said with a sigh.

"You must be the girl he was always talking about." Hyuna stated.

"Huh???" I exclaimed.

"Yup, he was always talking about a girl who he had to break-up with, because his manger made him." Hyuna said. What was she talking about he told me that he didn't loved me at all. Was all of that a lie?

"What else did he tell you about me?" I ask.

"So it is you! Well anyway he told us that you were down to earth. Always so caring, puting everyone in front before you. He said that you meant everything to him. So when his manger told him that he had to break-up with you he fell to his knee and cried. But his manger still made him. When the day came and he broke up with you, he cried everyday. All the song they sang he always dedicated it to one special girl. But no ever found out who it was beside the Beast boys." Hyuna said. For some reason half myself couldn't believe her, but the other half did. I am so confused I don't know what to think. So I just asked Sang-hee to call Manger Choi and take us home.

Sang-hee p.o.v

I stayed quiet the whole time Hyuna and Sang-mi unnie talked. I knew Kikwang didn't mean what he said about never loving unnie. But I'll keep my bad act on till he admits he was wrong. Then i'll help him get sister back, cause i know she still loves him.


Well here's another ish chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed. remember to comment or suggest! Bye Bye!

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coming-on #1
2pm and beast!!
my fav groups!!
update soon
hiheymondays #3
I will subscribing on the sequel. Love this story <33333
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
*Thousands of claps from me*What a happy ending!<br />
hehe just started reading and now i'm already liking
This is the first time i read a ff with alot of chapters in it .. I just luv this ff !! :) This ff is the best !! ^__^ !!!
THE END...huhu~I'll miss this chapter!!It ends real soon!<br />
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Update soon!! I mean, GOOD JOB ON YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!*claps 100000000000000000x
I'm excited!! Update soon!
Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yey!!<br />
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update soon!!