Press Conference

You Again

Sang Mi POV:

It has already been a week since my talk with President Hong. It was settled that we were going to have our press conference today at 12 and it was already 11. I'm really nervous thinking all sorts of thing such as what if the fans don't like me? What's going to happen to me and my sister after this conference? I'm a nervous reck right now. The boys even dressed up as girls to try and calm me down but it wasn't working.

"Unnie calm down everything is going to be alright." Sang Hee said.

"She right unnie Kikwang oppa won't let anything ba happen to you." Sohyun said. 4minute girls had nothing to do so they decided to hang out with us.

"Alright to help you calm down we'll have a dance off." Hyuna said.

"Yeah that should help take your mind off worrying for a while." Gayoon unnie said.

"Ok" I replied. We started and it was me against Hyuna a very worthy opponent. I was so lost into the music that I didn't hear the door open. Once I was done I heard loud clapping and cheering. I turned around and saw 2pm oppas with Beast oppas.

"Wow my dongseng that was amazing." Junsu oppa praised.

"Of course she learned from the best." Hyunseung and Kikwang said. "No offense oppas but I have to give credit to the 2pm oppas because that dance you saw me do was taught to me by Jay oppa." I said. I looked at them and they looked disappointed. So I walked up to them and gave them a hug. But I remained hugging Kikwang oppa until Nickhun oppa pulled me off and hugged me.

"You spend to much time with them." Nickhun oppa pouted.

"Yeah we barely see you anymore." Wooyoung oppa complained.

"Mimi you know you still haven't beat me at our rap off yet. Teac oppa said while giving me a bear hug. The others were busy talking among themselves to hear what we were about to do.

"Fine you want a rematch? Bring it on you and Nickhun oppa veruses me and Junhyung oppa." I said.

"Bring it on Mimi let's see what you got." Teac and Nickhun oppa said. "But let me warn you oppas Junhyung and I were trained by the best. So don't cry I you lose." I said.

"Psst I want to see you try!" Nickhun oppa said. With that Junhyung oppa and I sang rapped to Loner by Outsider. Hitting all the notes and never losing a signal breath. I stared at Nickhun and Teac oppa who had their jaw wide open. While CUBE family just smirked.

When the song ended I looked at the 2pm oppas. They all had the same expression. SHOCK. I laughed and turned to Teac and Nickhun oppa.

"Well?" I asked.

"That was unbelievable!" Junho oppa said.

"Well believe it oppa these two along with Hyuna were trained by Outsider himself." Sang Hee said.

"Hee you weren't suppose to tell them!" I exclaimed.

"Oppsie!" she replied cutely. I looked at my watch it was already 11:45.

"AHHHH! We're gonna be late!" I shouted. I grabbed Sang Hee and started to drag her to our van with Beast and 2pm oppas in the back of us.

"Jagi hold up." Kikwang said.

"Yeobo palli!" I said. We got in our van and drove to the venue where the conference was being held. Sang Hee and I were in one of the dressing room getting our hair and make-up done. While the boys give a opening performance. You can hear fans screaming and cameras flashing.

"Mimi and Heimi sshi their ready for you to come out." Mr.Choi said.

"Okay." We said and follwed him to the conference room. Sang Hee headed towards the Beast oppas. While I headed up the table and sat in the middle of Kikwang and Mr. Hong. I could hear fans screaming my names along with others who were protesting. I was happy to see 2pm oppas were here giving me hwaiting pose.

"Ok lets get this conference going." Mr. Hong said. Then all the reporters hand shot up and Mr. Hong chose them for us.

"So is it true you two are dating?" One of the reporters asked.

"Ne, we are and we've been dating for a long time already." Kikwang oppa replied.

"Oh how long exactly?" another ask.

"We've been dating before we became idols. But I left to go the U.S for two years so no one knew about me until now." I said, I left the part of us breaking up.

"Mimi how does your brother Junsu-sshi feel about you dating?" A lady asked.

I looked at Junsu oppa who gave me a nod. I smiled then replied. "Junsu oppa is okay with me dating as long as I don't get hurt."

More question were asked and we answered all them as truthfully. I was now the end of the conference, and Mr. Hong told us to say something to the fans before we go. Kikwang oppa went first.

"To my beloved fans I hope you learn to except my relationship with Mimi. We both love each other so much. Please continue to support both Beast and Forever Sis. Kamsahamnida." he finished off.

"First I would like to apologize to all the fans. I know a lot of you don't except me being Kikwang girlfriend, but I can assure you that I will always care for him. But mostly I would to sat sorry to Beast. I just debuted but I already caused your group trouble. To my fans thanks for all the support you give us. I hope that you continue to support us no matter what. I also hope you guys except Kikwang and I as a couple. Kamsahamnida." I said.

"KIMI FOREVER!!!" I heard one the fans scream. I smiled and got down so Sang Hee and I can close everything off we our performance. After the conference we did some fan signing. There were so much albums to sign! But it was worth it. We left the venue and headed back to CUBE building.

"That wasn't that bad right Jagi?" Kikwang asked as he back hugged me.

"Yah you two ge a room." Junhyung oppa said. I started to blush. While the others laughed.

"Guys stop teasing unnie." Sang Hee said. I smiled at her. There was a knock on the door. Yoseob oppa got up and opened the door. In came a man I thought I'd never see again.


So how was this chapter? Any guess on who that person is? Hehehe well you gotta wait for my next update...For the polls I decided Wooyoung and Yoseob won!!! So Watch out for them...Remember to leave someone comments =)

<3 you all


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coming-on #1
2pm and beast!!
my fav groups!!
update soon
hiheymondays #3
I will subscribing on the sequel. Love this story <33333
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
*Thousands of claps from me*What a happy ending!<br />
hehe just started reading and now i'm already liking
This is the first time i read a ff with alot of chapters in it .. I just luv this ff !! :) This ff is the best !! ^__^ !!!
THE END...huhu~I'll miss this chapter!!It ends real soon!<br />
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Update soon!! I mean, GOOD JOB ON YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!*claps 100000000000000000x
I'm excited!! Update soon!
Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yey!!<br />
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update soon!!