My Date with Yoseob Oppa

You Again

Kikwang POV:

"Hyung Sang Mi said that she wants to have dinner with us guys tonight." I told him.

"Hmm ok." He replied. I swear he can be so clueless.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Why are you expecting me to say something else?" He asked.

"You do know who gonna be there right?" I asked.

"Yeah just the guys and the twins." He answered.

"God Yoseob your so freaking clueless! Sang Hee is going to be there you pabo!" I practically yelled at him.

"Yah I am still older than you so show so respect! So what if she's there?" My god how stupid can he be!

"What I'm trying to tell you Hyung is that you should try to woo her tonight. Bring her some roses and sweet talk her." I slowly explain, so that it could register in his brain.

"Ohhh why didn't you just say so?" He asked. I just face palm myself, I should get more than kisses from Sang Mi for helping her with this helpless boy.

"Yeah so be ready by six and meet at us Koreyums Resturant. Ok? And don't forget the flowers." I reminded him.

"Ok I'll see you guys later." He said and walked away. With that I decided to call Mimi.

"Yeobosayo" She answered.

"Jagi I got hyung ready to go." I said.

"Oh okay. Thanks Yeobo." She replied.

"Anything for you. I'll see you later okay? Bye." I said. I went and hung up the phone and got ready for tonight.


Sang Mi POV:

"Ok Hee everything is set up. Now lets get you dolled up." I said. She just nodded and headed to take a shower. After I helped her with her hair and make up. Then told her to wear this :

With cute matching boots:


"Unnie are you sure everything is going to be ok?" Hee asked me.

"Of course it is just be yourself." I advised her. " And don't worry I'll be in there if you need my help just excuse yourself to the restroom and talk to me." I told her.

"Gomawoo unnie for helping get my first boyfriend." She said.

"Anything for my dongsaeng." I said as I hugged her. Then got up and took a shower and changed into my couple hoodie and jeans with my matching converses. the guy and girl is Kikwang and Sang Mi =) )

Then we headed for Koreyums resturant. We were the first on their. I made Sang Hee wait by herself. While I sat a little further back. But close enough to hear their conversation. I was sitting down waiting for Kikwang, When I felt hands cover my eyes. I took them off and saw Kikwang in desguise, but was wearing our couple hoodies. I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"So wheres Yoseob oppa?" I asked. Then right on cue Yoseob entered the resturant with a boquet of roses. Perfect!

Sang Hee POV:

I'm so nervous right now. I see Yoseob oppa walking towards me with a boquet of roses.

"Hey Hee where are the others?" He asked as he handed me the boquet. I looked at unnie's direction then my phone vibrated.

"Hold on oppa I just got a text from unnie that might explain something." I said

"Ok" He replied. I looked at the message then looked at unnie who nodded her head.

"Umm oppa unnie said that she was called at last minute to be on Star King so she won't be able to join us." I said sadly.

"That's okay we can have fun with the-" He was cut off whe felt his phone vibrate. He took it out and the message from Kikwang saying that something came up and none of them could come. So it'll be just the two of them. He sighed and told Sang Hee.

"That ok oppa we both can have fun without them right?" I asked cutely. He nodded. Then the waiter came by and took our orders. While waiting for our food we talked about a lot of random things. I got to know Yoseob more. When our food came he would sometimes feed me some of his food and I would do the same. When we were done I excused myself and went into the bathroom.

"Looks like the date is going well." Unnie stated.

"It is unnie thank you so much." I said

"No problem. Say since you two are ok Kikwang and I are gonna head out first ok? Tell me everything when we get home ok?" She asked.

"Ok unnie." With that she left. I went outside and Yoseob oppa already paid for our meal.

"Kaja I want to take you somewhere." He told me. I just nodded. He grab my hand and we started walking.


Yoseob POV:

I plan to take her to Han River just like Kikwang to confess my feelings. I just hoped that she doesn't think I'm Rushing her. Once we arrived she stared at the view in awe. I took the chance and made her look at me straight in the eye.

"Sang Hee I know you might think this is going on to fast but I want you to know that I really like you. I liked you ever since I first saw you. Ever since that day I always thought of you. Even some of the song we sang were about you. Sang Hee would you please be my girlfirend?" I finish off.

I was waiting for her response but she said nothing. So I took that as her answer and started to walk away but she grab my wrist.

"Oppa don't walk away because in truth I feel the same way. And I would loved to be your girlfriend." She replied. I smiled so big and hug her really tight while spinning around. I put her down and slowly lean my face closer to her. I could already feel her warm breath then touch my lips with her. It was the best feeling I ever felt. We stayed like that for what seems like hours but were mere minutes.

"Sang Hee saranghe" I said

"Oppa nado sarangheyo." With that we continued down the side walk arms linked together. I must be the worlds luckiest man to be able to have a girlfirend like Sang Hee. I kiss her head top and continued our were lovely night.


So how did you guys like this chapter? To me it feels liked I rushed it. Please leave a comment.

<3 you all





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coming-on #1
2pm and beast!!
my fav groups!!
update soon
hiheymondays #3
I will subscribing on the sequel. Love this story <33333
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
*Thousands of claps from me*What a happy ending!<br />
hehe just started reading and now i'm already liking
This is the first time i read a ff with alot of chapters in it .. I just luv this ff !! :) This ff is the best !! ^__^ !!!
THE END...huhu~I'll miss this chapter!!It ends real soon!<br />
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Update soon!! I mean, GOOD JOB ON YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!*claps 100000000000000000x
I'm excited!! Update soon!
Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yey!!<br />
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update soon!!