Ouch My Memories Are Back

You Again

Sang Mi's POV:

It's been since the incident that happened at the park. Wooyoung oppa became more alert since then. For my memories still no progress. I try everyday to see if I'll remember something but nothing comes. Wooyoung oppa shows me pictures but for some reason my brain won't resgister it.

Everyday Wooyoung oppa comes to visit me around six in the evening then leaves me around midnight. This has been the routine for awhile already. 

Well I was sitting in the living room reading my book, I got bored so I went to the kitchen to see if there's anything good to eat. As I walking I didn't see the water botttle on the ground. I step on it and fell backwards sitting my head against the cabinet. I was holding onto my head because it was hurting like hell. Then all of sudden all these pictures started to form in my head. The pain was unbearable next thing I know I fainted.

I woke up and looked around and saw that I was still laying on the kitchen floor. I went back to the living room and the tv. I know Wooyoung oppa doesn't allow me to but I don't care anymore. I remember everything. He was lying to me the whole time. Once the tv was on the first thing that pop out was an interview of 2pm, Beast, and Sang Hee. Which you can see Sang Hee and Junsu oppa crying.

"If anyone knows where our dear sister is please contact us right away." Junsu oppa said.

"We asked that you  help us catch whoever stole Sang Mi from us." Kikwang said. I didn't even notice but tears started to slide down my cheeks. Then I heard the door open and Wooyoung oppa came in and was shock to see what I was watching.

"Mi I can explain." He said.

"Explain what? That you took me away from my family? That you knew that I had amnesia yet you fed me lies?" I yelled at him.

"You remember already?" He asked.

"Yes oppa I remember everything now. Is this how you show someone you love them? Take them from the people they love?" I asked.

"Sorry Mi. I don't know what came over me. I was so hurt that you wouldn't give me a chance. I didn't mean to team up with Cho Rong." He apologized.

"How could you even talk to Junsu oppa knowing that you have me trap here?" I asked.

"Mi I-i -" I cut him off.

"Oppa just take me home." I asked. " I am willing to forgive you if you just take me home to my family and boyfriend. Oppa I will tell you again. You will find the right girl for you but that girl is not me." I told him.

"OK." He said.

"Oppa I love you so much but I only see you and the rest of 2pm oppas as my big brothers." I told him.

"Get in the car. I'll take you to CUBE." He said. I went up to him and gave him a hug.

"Thank you." I said. We got in the car and drove off to CUBE building. Once we got there I turned to him.

"What are you waiting for go." He ushered me.

"Oppa I don't want things to be awkward between us. Why don't we put this all behind us and start over? You'll always be my wierd big brothers." I said.

"It's gonna take some time for me to get over you but I'm willing to try." He said. I took off my seat belt and gave him a hug.

"See you later oppa." I said then got out of the car. I ran inside the building straight to Beast studio and open the door. I saw all of them sitting on the floor. I ran up and tackled Kikwang to the floor.

"Yeobo I missed you so much."I said as fresh new tears formed in my eyes.

"Jagi?" He asked he pulled me away. Then looked at me, he was crying to. Soon everyone was to. We were all huddle up in a big group hug.

"Mi what happen?" They asked.

"My kidnapper told me I was in a coma for five months and when I woke up it turned out that I had anmesia." I explained.

"That is why you ran away from me when we were at the park." Kikwang said as he kept hugging me.

"Unnie who kidnap you?" Hee asked me.

"I'm not gonna say because I'm not pressing charges." I said.

"Bwoh?" They exclaimed.

"Noona they kidnap you." Dongwoon said.

"Yes but they only did it because they were blinded by an evil ." I said.

"But-" I cut Yoseob oppa off by raising my hands up.

"I don't wanna talk about it anymore." I said.

"But how did you regain your memories?" Hyunseung asked.

"Um I slip on a water bottle and hit my head on a cabinet." I explain.

"Yeah I can tell. You can feel the bump on your head." Kikwang said. The door opened and in Junsu oppa came. I rip myself off kikwang and ran to Junsu oppa.

"Oppa!" I shouted and hug him tightly.

"Mi?" He asked. I nodded and we started crying again. Hee came and join in the family reunion.

"How?" He asked.

"The kidnapper was nice and returned me." I said.

"God I thought I won't be able to see my baby sister anymore." He said. I smiled and hugged him tightly then let go.

"Can you guys come with me to tell Mr. Hong?" I asked.

"Sure they said." I smiled and we all made our way to Mr. Hong office. WE went inside and I went up to him and gave him a hug.

"Mr.Hong I thought I wouldn't be able to see you anymore." I said.

"Mi how? I thought-"  He started to stutter.

"The guy that kidnap me was nice enough to just return me." I said.

"Ohhh. I'm so glad your back. But now comes the hard part now that your back everyone wants to have any interview with you." He said.

"I'm willing to go to all of them as long as 2pm, Beast, and Hee are with me." I  said.

"Ok we'll get everything set up. But for now I want all of you to rest up because all of you are gonna be busy soon. All of you are gonna start promotions again now that Mi is back." He said.

"Ok sir." We replied.

"Um I have a suggestion. Why don't we make this next album a collaberation of Beast, 2pm, and Forever Sis?" I asked.

"Ohhh that would be so fun!!" Yoseob oppa exclaimed.

"Hmm. I don't mind." Dujun said.

"I guess it's okay. But we need Junsu over here to ask JYP first." Mr. Hong said.

"I'm pretty sure he'll let us." Junsu oppa said.

"WEll then it Settled. Everyone rest up. You all have busy schedules tomorrow.

"Ne." With that we all left the room. Beast except Yoseob oppa and Kikwang went back to the studio.

"Hee lets go?" I asked.

"Um unnie I'm living with 2pm oppas." She said.

"Yeah we forgot to tell you that we sold your apartment so now you live with 2pm." Junsu oppa explain.

"Aish you could of told me earlier!" I said.

"Yeobo you just got back and your already hot headed." Kikwang said. While hugging me.

"Kikwang how long are you gonna stay like this?" I asked.

"Hey it's be more than five months. I miss hugging you." He said.

"Don't push it Kikwang." Junsu oppa glared.

"Right Hyung." He replied.

"so chessy."Yoseob oppa said.

"Yah shikoro." Sang hee said.

"Alright all of you shut up. And you two girls lets go home." Junsu oppa commanded.

"Arrasso oppa. Bye yeobo see you tomorrow." I said. Then I gave him a long kiss because I missed him so much.

"Yah pali." Hee and Junsu complained. I laughed and headed their way.


Woohoo double update =) Yay she finally remembers everything!!! Everything is now back to normal. Or is it??? Enjoy =)



@B2UTY_DEZZA: At least he still had to give her back right??? Ya I know Cho Rong is a total . I was getting angry rereading her parts...hehe


@b2stie: She finally remembers!!! I kinda rushed it didn't I?? Well glad you enjoyed =)

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coming-on #1
2pm and beast!!
my fav groups!!
update soon
hiheymondays #3
I will subscribing on the sequel. Love this story <33333
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
*Thousands of claps from me*What a happy ending!<br />
hehe just started reading and now i'm already liking
This is the first time i read a ff with alot of chapters in it .. I just luv this ff !! :) This ff is the best !! ^__^ !!!
THE END...huhu~I'll miss this chapter!!It ends real soon!<br />
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Update soon!! I mean, GOOD JOB ON YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!*claps 100000000000000000x
I'm excited!! Update soon!
Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yey!!<br />
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update soon!!