2pm + Beast in one room= One Hectic Night!!!

You Again

Sang-mi's P.O.V.

Since 2pm oppas, Beast oppas, and Sang hee and I are all free today. So we decided to have dinner at our apartment. It's already four in the afternoon Sang hee and I are just sitting in the living room watching tv waiting for the boys to arrive. Five minutes later the door bell rang, Sang hee and I got up and opened the door.

"Hello my lovely little sisters!" Junsu oppa yelled. So we slammed the door at his face. "Yah what was that for?" He asked. We opened the door again and saw Junsu oppa pretending to cry on Nickhun oppa's shoulder.

"You can't fool us oppa we know your only acting." Sang hee said.

"No he's really crying I can feel his tears soaking my shirt." Nickhun oppa said.

"You know your brother girls his very sensitive." Wooyoung oppa said.

"Hey stop ganging up on our dongsengs, I would've done the same thing if someone was yelling at me." Teac defended. While Chansung and Junho oppa nodded in agreement.

"Yah Junsu oppa if you don't stop pretending I'm gonna show the other oppas that embarassing picture of you when we were small." I threatened. Once I said that Junsu oppa's head snapped up and he to hug us.

"Whose pretending? I was just leaning on Nickhun's shoulder because I was tired." Junsu oppa said. I just nodded and lead them inside. After all the Ooos and Ahhs we finally finish showing our oppas around. We went inside the living room and looked at the clock, it was already four thirty. The bell rang again and I went to get it. Once I opened it I saw Beast oppas. Kikwang was about to come and hug me when Junsu oppa ran and took him away.

"I'll just borrow your boyfriend for a bit." I stared at them walk away. Then lead the rest of the guys in. I didn't trust Junsu oppa so I followed them and hid behind the door.

"Kikwang how long have you been dating my sister?" Junsu oppa asked.

"We just got backed together a week ago hyung." Kikwang replied politely. Junsu oppa nodded and handed Kikwang a paper and pen. I couldn't see what it is but seeing how Kikwang tried to hide his laughter it something embarassing. So I just left.

Kikwang's P.O.V.

I was having a normal conversation with Junsu hyung when all of a sudden he pulls out a contract stating:

I Lee Kikwang promise to always protect and love Kim Sang Mi. In the event I fail and make her cry I give full premission for Kim Junsu to kick my .

I swallowed my saliva to keep myself from laughing. Then I looked at Junsu hyung and seriousness evident in his face. I sighed and signed the contract. He smiled at me and we went back to the living room.

Sang-hee P.O.V.

OH MY GOD!!!! Someone help me!!! How can unnie expect me to keep twelve guys down? In one corner Teac, Junhyung, and Nickhun oppas our having a rap battle. In another Yoseob, Chansung, Hyunseung oppas, and Dongwoon are fighting over what Wii game to play. Then on the couch Doojoon,Kikwang, Junsu, Junho, and Wooyoung oppa are laughing their off looking at mines and unnies baby pictures. AISH I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!

~~~Meanwhile in the kitchen~~~

Sang Mi P.O.V.

I was busy getting all the ingredients ready for dinner when I felt a set of arms around mt waist. I look behind me and saw Kikwang.

"Jagi what are you making?" he asked.

"Its a secret you'll find out once I'm done. I promise you, you'll love it." I said. He was about to kiss me when Junsu oppa disturb us once again.

"Ahmm. No kissing with me around. Anyway Sang Mi wheres the water?"

"Its in the fridge. Just wait outside dinner will be serve in a hour or so." I said to the both of them. Tthey nodded and went back to the living room where i can hear them playing Wii fitness.

~ An hour later ~

I just finish making the boys dinner. I went outside to see Sang hee in the corner looking shes about to cry. This of course made me mad.

"YAH!! DID YOU GUYS EVEN KNOW THAT THERE IS A GIRL IN HERE? lOOK SHE LOOKS LIKE SHES TRUMATIZE!!" I scolded them. I went towards Sang hee and saw her shaking like mad.

"U-u-unnie th-they did so ma-ma-many werid things." She told me. I glared at them all.

"Before I combust here I advise you guys get into the dining room and go it your dinner." I told them as calm as I could. They all ran into the dining room. I slowly soathe Sang hee down and took her to the dining room.

"Um Sang Mi what is this?" They all asked.

"This dish is call Loco Moco. Its a hawaiian dish try it its really yummy." Once Sang hee heard Loco Moco she ran to her sit and started to eat. The guys just stared at her surprised.

"See what I mean." i said. They started to dig in and they were all amazed at the new dish thet are eating.

"Wah Sang Mi that was such a tasty dish." They all praised me.

"Thanks." I replied. It was already eight and the boys had to go. 2pm oppas had to go first. Then Beast. since Junsu oppa wasn't here I finally got my kiss that I wanted.

"Goodnight Jagi. I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled and I lightly kiss him on the lips.

"Yah you two lovebirds hurry up we're all busy tomorrow you know." Doojoon oppa said.

"O.k Bye Yeobo see you." With that they left. Woah now that I look around the apartment is a mess. this has been one hectic night.


YAY finally updated ^_^ hope you guys enjoyed. Comments and suggestions are loved ^_^





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coming-on #1
2pm and beast!!
my fav groups!!
update soon
hiheymondays #3
I will subscribing on the sequel. Love this story <33333
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
*Thousands of claps from me*What a happy ending!<br />
hehe just started reading and now i'm already liking
This is the first time i read a ff with alot of chapters in it .. I just luv this ff !! :) This ff is the best !! ^__^ !!!
THE END...huhu~I'll miss this chapter!!It ends real soon!<br />
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Update soon!! I mean, GOOD JOB ON YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!*claps 100000000000000000x
I'm excited!! Update soon!
Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yey!!<br />
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update soon!!