Dinner with 2pm Oppas

You Again

Sang-mi's p.o.v

We all walked together to a little sushi bar that was a couple blocks away from the studio and settled in. We didn't even order our food yet, when Junsu oppa started questioning us.

"I want a full report on how you two became idols now." He said. He was seated in between Chansung and Teacyeon oppa.

"Well we miss you to oppa."Sang-hee tried to change the subject but Junsu oppa caught her. I sighed and began telling the story.

"O.k when we were at Seattle we saw Jaebom oppa. Since he had nothing much to do he agreed to become our dance and vocalist instructors. So I guess one of President Hong's talent searcher saw us practicing one day because next thing we know we got a call from CUBE ent. asking us to become idols. Since we didn't want to let the chance pass we gladly agreed. Due to excitement we forgot to tell you. When we got here we were immediately put into training for our debut. So we didn't get to tell you then." I finish our little story.

"Wait hold up you saw Jaebom and didn't tell me whenever I called to check on you two?" Junsu asked.

"Well he didn't want you guys to know." Sang-hee and I defended ourselves.

"And may I asked why he said this?" ASked Wooyoung oppa. I swear I don't know how he can keep so calm. You can put in him a hectic place and not once will you see him crack and yell at people.

"Look at how Junsu oppa is acting, That should sum it up. Also because he knew you guys would be all over him and ask him when his coming back and all. So he told us not to tell." I said.

"Plus something about Junsu oppa warning you guys that if you lay a finger on us he'd chop off your guys ."Sang-hee said.

"Oh yeah he did say something like that." We both stared at Junsu waiting for his reply.

"YAH! Why are you two looking at me like that?" He asked.

"Did you really threat our oppas like that?" We asked. He looked down and guessing how he looked it was true. We giggled and he looked up.

"It's ok oppa we know its because you want to protecting us." Sang-hee said.

"I just don't feel comfortable knowing guys are around you and I'm not there to protect you if ever you two are in trouble."

"Well you don't need to worry about Unnie here, cause she got a man to protect her now." Sang-hee said, I started to blush.

"WHAT!!! Who is it I want to know right know!" Junsu oppa yelled.

"Hehe it's Kikwang. You see we kinda broke up before me and Sang-hee and I left for America. But when we got backed it turned out he was in an idol group in the same company. His group were our dance and vocalist instructors. So we got close again and started going out again." YOu said, but looking at Junsu oppa he didn't like it one bit.

"Lighten up oppa its not like you can stop our love life. Let unnie be, if ever Kikwang breaks her heart you'll be hearing everything from me." Sang-hee said.

"Fine." junsu oppa said.

"I agreed hyung let your sister be." Junho said. I smiled at him.

"So onward with our story. We didn't want to debut without you knowing so we asked both our president if we could introduce ourselves as your sister, and they gladly said yes." I said.

"Oh and speaking of JYP '10 points out of 10' really guys." Sang-hee said. I smirked and added to that.

"And what's with all the winks and smiles you were showing us." I pouted pretending to be annoyed.

"That was you guys!" They exclaimed. We brust out laughing looking at their reactions. They all had wide open eyes and their jaws open. We kept laughing and they looked away embrasses. We stop laughing.

"It's okay oppas." I said. With that both Sang-hee and I got up and kissed and hugged all them. Starting with Junsu oppa of course. After all that we ordered our food and started talking about random things. Nickhun and Teacyeon oppa would sometimes talk to us in english which would annoy the rest of them because they couldn't understand. But it was getting late so we payed for our food and started for home. But Junsu oppa stopped us demanding to give him our apartment address. We had no other choice but to agreed.

When we got home we both took a shower and got ready for bed. Sang-hee was already asleep when i felt my phone vibrate.


From:Kiki Yeobo

How was your first day as idol Jagiya?


To:Kiki Yeobo


It was really fun but tiring. We ate dinner with 2pm oppas. You will need to see Junsu oppa soon because he knows we're dating again.



From:Kiki Yeobo

O.k just tell we when and we'll go. You should get some rest you have a full day ahead so rest while you can. See you tomorrow.

Sarangheyo Mimi ^_^ <3


To:Kiki Yeobo

From: Jagiya

O.k oppa see you tomorrow. We'll talk about when we'll meet up with Junsu oppa tomorrow.

Nado Sarangheyo oppa goodnight <3


Once I send my last message to Kikwang oppa I went to sleep. Think about all the things that is going to happen when you put Junsu oppa and Kikwang oppa in one room. *sigh* It can't be helped.


Finally got to update!! Sorry guys school is a !! I have two more projects to complete and I need to start reviewing for finals. But I'll try to update on the weekends. Please suggest any ideas and comment.





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coming-on #1
2pm and beast!!
my fav groups!!
update soon
hiheymondays #3
I will subscribing on the sequel. Love this story <33333
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
*Thousands of claps from me*What a happy ending!<br />
hehe just started reading and now i'm already liking
This is the first time i read a ff with alot of chapters in it .. I just luv this ff !! :) This ff is the best !! ^__^ !!!
THE END...huhu~I'll miss this chapter!!It ends real soon!<br />
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Update soon!! I mean, GOOD JOB ON YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!*claps 100000000000000000x
I'm excited!! Update soon!
Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yey!!<br />
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update soon!!