
You Again

Sang Mi POV:

"Nooooooo I don't want to go!" I whined while Junsu oppa was carrying over his shoulder to his car.

"Mi our family hasn't seen the three of us since we were little, give them a chance would you." Junsu oppa argued.

"Yeah unnie it's not like your gonna die if you don't see Kikwang oppa for a day." Hee added.

"Ya whose side or you on? What about you huh? You won't see Yoseob oppa for three days either." I argued.

"Yeah but on like you I can stand being away for a short while, because when I get back here his waiting for me. Isn't that right Yeobo?" she asked Yoseob oppa. It's not fair, when junsu oppa found out they were going out he didn't need to sign a contract like Kiki did.

"Of course Jagi." He replied.

"Jagi it's going to be okay. I'll see you on Sunday and will go on a date. How's that sound?" Kikwang said as he was jogging to catch up with us.

"But three days without seeing you is hard." I pouted.

"Mi stop being immature." Junsu oppa said as he set me down on my feet.

"Oppa once you get an girlfriend that you will love with all your heart you'll understand why I act like this." I remark.

"Jagi be nice. Anyway we can always video chat right? That way you'll see my face for the three days you'll be away." Kikwang said.

"Argh fine. But you better take me to a wonderful date on sunday." I said to Kikwang.

"I promise." He said as he held out his pinky.

"Ok now give me a kiss and hug before I leave." I demanded.

"Aigoo so demanding." He said as he kiss and hug me.

"Don't act like your not use to it." I said as I stick my tongue out at him and got inside the van. I rolled down the window to say goodbye. When i saw Hee still with Yoseob.

"Ya Yohee hurry up!" I shouted.

"Unnie shut up. Bye yeobo see on sunday." She said to Yoseob and gave him a quick kiss.

"Bye jagi see yoo then." He replied. When Sang-hee got in the car we started to head for the airport. It's gonna be a long three days.

~few hours later~

Cho Rong's POV:

Finally the is gone. Time to make Kikwang oppa mines. Look there he is right now. Time for operation Kiss. One of my girls are standing in the corner so when I run up to Kikwang I'll give him a kiss and my girl will send to Sang-mi which will break her heart. Which lead her to break up with Kikwang oppa.then he'll be mine. Hahaha. Brilliant plan isn't it. Now to put it to action. I nodded to my girl to give her the signal that I'm ready.

"KIKWANG OPPA!" I screamed and ran up to him and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him on the lips. He was so Surprise he didn't know what to do. Then he pushed me away.

"Yah what the hell was that for?" He asked outraged.

"Nothing just felt like doing it." I replied.

"Well don't Cho Rong. I already have a girlfriend and I love her so much. Don't come and ruin it." He said to me while giving me a glare. Then he walked away with Yoseob oppa.

"Ohh Kikwang oppa in just a matter of time Sang-Mi will break up with you and I'll have you falling for me." I said to myself. Then walked up to Ha Young.

"Did you get it?" I asked. She nodded.

"Unnie this is bad you shouldn't be breaking peoples relationships." She told me.

"Shut up Ha Young you don't understand what love is yet so Don't talk." I said to her. Now to send the picture to Sang-mi. I'm using Ha Young to make it believeable. Hahaha Bye Kimi. Hello Choki.

Sang-mi POV:

We just got settled in our rooms when I felt my phone vibrate. I look at it and it was a text message from Ha Young. I opened it and tears started to fall from my eyes. For what I saw in front of me was a picture of Kikwang kissing Cho Rong.

"Unnie din-" She stop talking when she saw me crying.

"Unnie what's wrong? Talk to me. Are you hurting any where? Unnie what's wrong?" She kept asking. I showed her the picture.

"That bastard!" She said.

"Hee do me a favor and don't tell Junsu oppa." I said barely above a whisper.

"But unnie." She complained.

"Just don't ok? I want to handle this myself." I told her.

"Ok unnie." She sighed and left the room.

I can't believe he would do that. It hurts so much. All does times he told me he loves me, were day all lies? I lay on my bed and started to cry.


Yay finally updated my story! Hope you enjoy it =) More drama to come. Remember to comment and subscibe.

<3 you all



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coming-on #1
2pm and beast!!
my fav groups!!
update soon
hiheymondays #3
I will subscribing on the sequel. Love this story <33333
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
*Thousands of claps from me*What a happy ending!<br />
hehe just started reading and now i'm already liking
This is the first time i read a ff with alot of chapters in it .. I just luv this ff !! :) This ff is the best !! ^__^ !!!
THE END...huhu~I'll miss this chapter!!It ends real soon!<br />
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Update soon!! I mean, GOOD JOB ON YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!*claps 100000000000000000x
I'm excited!! Update soon!
Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yey!!<br />
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update soon!!