Turning Evil For a Day

Evil Angel


"Yah, Suho?" You lightly shake Suho. "I want to change into something else. Can I look through your closet?" *Why am I being so nice all the sudden. But he's not anwering so...who cares.* You went into Suho's closet. *So neat and organized.* they were put by tees, sweaters, jackets, coats, and regular clothing that didn't match any catagory. "I guess I'll keep wearing this until I feel uncomfortable. It's warm being in this sweater. And its spring." You closed the closet door quietly, making a little thud noise. "Aish. When is he ever going to wake up?"
Suho rubbed his eyes. Flash backs came into his head, flash backs about you. *Eunji.* Suho thought. He smelled something good, *Maybe Eunji woke up.* Suho looked around and saw you looking at him. 
"I made breakfast...instant ramen." You smiled and put two bowls of ramen on the table, "Since I was too lazy then I made this. I usually make better food but I don't want to waste energy."
Suho nods and goes to the bathroom. He turns back around "You're still wearing the same thing?"
You nod, "I'll wear it until it get's uncomfortable."
Suho went into the bathroom and did his morning routine.
You watched Suho slurping up his ramen. He stared at you and went back to eating. You saw his cheeks go red. You smirked, "You are really shy. Just like what the research thingy said."
Suho tried to ignore you and kept eating. Suho heard you slurp as well. "Once I get to know you more, I'll change a little. I'm usually like this."
You smirk, "The only way to know me is by ME turning evil."
Suho nods, "Whatever works for you." he said without thinking.
You huff, "You sure you won't mind. I'll only be turning evil for a day you know?"
Suho nods and wached his bowl, "It's fine." Suho looks back at you. Your eyes were red. Suho's eyes bulged, "Y-your eyes."
"They do that when I'm mad. I'm mad because of my past life. Ignore me, Suho." you smirk at him and hand him your bowl, "Wash it for me."
Suho hands it back, "You do it. It's your responsibility."
You kept the smirk. You put down your bowl on the table and motioned your hand and made Suho hit the wall across the room. Suho groaned. You walked up to him, bodies touched. Suho's eyes bulged. You ran both of your hand through his hair and slid down his back, "I said wash them." Suho nodded. You let go.
*Holy !* Suho quickly washed your bowl. He would glance at you sometimes. You watched him. Suho's heart skipped and he was sweating. *She's evil.* Suho looked into your eyes. Red.
You tilted your head and blinked, the red went away. "Thank you, Suho." you smiled at him.
Suho blinked as he stared at you, *Her eye color. It's not red anymore.* he shook his thoughts and wiped his hands with a towel. "So um...do you do this often?"
You nod and cross your arms, "If I get mad then I'll do it. I take control of both sides of me. Some people call me bipolar. I agree. I don't know why I have an evil side, all of my friends don't."
Suho raised an eyebrow, "You know I still don't believe that you're an angel right?"
You nod, "I know. You will someday." You sat down on edge of the bed.
Suho sat next to you, "So....do you have wings then?"
You nod, "Of course. How did I get here then?" you roll your eyes.
"Can I see them?" Suho smiled.
You thought, "Maybe another time. When it's time I will."
Suho frowned, "I guess."
"Dude. You're too quick. Take it step by step. hmm...let's go outside." you grabbed Suho's hand and dragged him out the room.
Suho blushed, *She's holding my hand.*
You felt Suho squeeze your hand. You ignored it. "Ahh..refreshing." you said as you and Suho got out of the hotel. "Take me exploring. It's my first time."
Suho walks ahead, dragging your hand. Suho realized that he was holding your hands, he quickly let go, "Mianhae."
"It's okay. It's not like I put poison ivy on your hand or something. You're so funny, Suho." you laugh.
Suho bit his lip and walked ahead, you followed. Suho walked you out of the alley and into town. "This is town."
You looked around. "It's nice. If I was in the city the I'd get lost right away. Guide me." you smiled and held his hand.
Suho blushed again. He felt you squeeze his hand. Suho walked, "That's my favorite market." he pointed to a small market where old people worked. You nodded and he walked on. "I have a favorite park I go to." Suho said happily and walked you through a walking trail. Suho saw many couples there. Suho's heart skipped as he saw you smiling.
You raised an eyebrow, "Yes?"'
Suho looked down, "It's kind of weird how there are so many couples around and we're not even one."
Yuou shrug, "I agree. Just act like nothing's there but the nature."
Suho looked up into your eyes, "Really?" you nod. Suho smiled and you and Suho walked side-by-side.
"Did you see that dog!?" You point to a small cute puppy. You point to Suho, "It looks like you!" you laugh and swing both hands.
Suho liked this side of you. You're bubbly. So couldn't resist it. He laughed along with you. "That's you!" Suho pointd to a bush.
"No that's you!" you pointed to a twig, "Shorty." you laughed.
"Actually. I think I'm taller."
You smirked, "Want to test it out?"
Suho smirked, "Sure."
"Come here." you were standing in front of Suho. Faces just inches away. you looked up at your hand.
Suho looked into your eyes deeply. *So beautiful.* Suho saw you give a smile to him then looked back at your hand.
You pouted, "Aw. You're taller by two inches."
Suho pushed your head with his index finger, "Aigoo. I told you so." he laughed.
An icecream stand was nearby, "Ice cream! Let's go get some." you tugged on Suho's shirt.
"Okay." Suho let you drag him while he took out his wallet with his free hand.
"Hello there. Which do you want?" the man smiled at you.
"Suho?" you turn around to look at him.
"Vanilla, please." Suho smiled at the man. The man gave him a lazy smile. He smiled brightly at you.
"The same." You nod. You look back at Suho and smirk. The man made the cones.
"Here you go." the man handed the cones to you and Suho. You both bow to him. Suho paid him and you two left.
"He was jealous." You blurted once you two reached a small pond.
Suho laughed, "I know. He gave me deathly stares." You and Suho laughed. 
Something hit your head, "Aish." you rub your head and looked around to whoever threw that thing at you. "Who in the wor-" you stopped when you saw a small ball that looks like water. You picked it up *Nana?* you looked around. You stood up, your eyes went red, "Nana I know you're out there. Get out of the pond." you stared at the pond.
Suho looked at the pond to where you were. There was water coming out of the pond and it went behind  tree. *The water! It moved! By itself!* Suho's eye's bulged out and a girl came behind the tree, wearing a blue and black striped baggy-fit shirt. A guy's shirt. And Jean shorts with suspenders hanging down, wearing red converse.
"Hehe. I played with you Eunji." Nana said.
"So that's your name!?" Suho pointed to you, "Eunji."
"Yeah. And where's your person?" you blinked and your eyes went back to normal.
"Right there." she pointed behind you. You turned around to see an out-of-breath man. He waved then stood up.
"I thought I lost you, Nana." the man said, "Oh yeah. The names Yonghwa." he smiled at you.
You smile back, "Yo wassup. The names Eunji."
Suho bows, "Annyeosayo. I am Suho."
Honki bows, "Annyeong. So she's protecting you as well?"
Suho nods.
Honki smirks at him, "Want to trade?"
You roll your eyes, "Our masters..so called omma's, tell us who we guard. We don't trade. And I kind of like Suho," you wrap your arm around Suho's shoulder, "He's funny in a way."
Honki huffs, "Nana's pretty and bubbly."
Suho scoffs, "She's bubbly and evil."
You smirk at Honki. Your eyes go red for a second, you blink and the red disappears.
Honki's eyes lit up, "Oh."
Nana dragged Honki away, "You two follow. We need to talk, Eunji."
You follow Nana into the alley. "It's okay if we talk about it. They won't believe us anyways."
You nod, "Go on."
"So you know about the dark souls right?" you nod. Suho and Honki listen as well, not believing. "Yeah. I saw one follow us. That's why I left Honki. To go kill it. It looked weird. It looked like a human being but all shadowed."
You nod, "I know. Didn't you do the research? Did it fall and die or did it disappear?"
"Good. Leaving it may cause problems. It can regain health and follow again. And did your person believe that you're an angel?"
Nana scoffed, "No. He only believed in my power. You?"
You sigh, "Same. I'll probably have to teach him a lesson at home." Suho's eyes widen. 
"Go all evil on him." Nana nudged your arm. You laughed.
"I just went to get fresh air. That's all. I can't wait to leave."
"Me too. Spending one year with some one until they are completely safe by the master's orders." Nana agreed.
Suho and Honki looked at each other, "A year?" they looked back at you and Nana.
"Well I got to go. My omma told me I had a mission." Nana gave you a hug beforeshe dragged Honki out, leaving you and Suho alone.
"A year?" Suho made a curious face.
You sigh, "Yep. And it . Remember my rules." you say as you and Suho walk back to the hotel.
"I should've bought two cones." your eyes went red after you blinked.
Suho shook his head, "Maybe next time, Eunji."
You growled and cross your arms. "One year. One fricken year!"
Suho frowned, *Does she really want to leave?*
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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 27: Seriously... come on author nim update soon I can't wait
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 25: It was cute. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 10: LOL Chen and Tao!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 8: That's sad. =(
Chapter 24: The last part was funny :D
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 22: Is that Chen?
Chapter 19: Hello^^~ I am the new reader ... I love this story..
Very interesting ..

So,update soon^^!!