Evil Eyes

Evil Angel


You and Suho were walking back to the ajishi's house, hand in hand, side by side. You guys stayed quiet walking back.
"Hey, you know what I just remembered?" you broke the silence.
"What?" Suho smiled, waiting for your answer.
You smirked, "You broke my rule. Now I get to punish you."
Suho nods, "I did. Which one?" he joked.
You blinked, "You don't know which one? Well psh! It's obvious." you roll your eyes.
Suho chuckled, "Nope." he lied, "Don't remember."
You raised an eyebrow. *I don't believe you. You know that right, Suho?* "Sooo. Do I- I mean, can I do my punishment?"
Suho nods, "Sure. I don't care."
You looked around and saw a small frozen lake. You smirked and your eyes went red in a blink. "Ready. Follow me." you dragged Suho at the lake.
"What am I doing here?" Suho's heart went scared. Suho gulped, "Am I..."
You nod, "Yep. It IS a punishment." you smirk and motion your hand out and move Suho on the thin ice.
"Yah! Put me down."
"Do you want to freeze up!" you laughed.
"No!" Suho looked at the thin ice that was about to crack. He was moved on the ice. "YaaaAhhhhAhh!" Suho closed his eyes.
You laughed at his reaction. "Isn't it fun?"
"Hell no!" Suho opened his eyes and he was in front of you. Faces inches away from each other. Suho gulped and his heart thumped.
You smiled, "Fun right? Let's go back. It's getting cold and I'm tired. We'll leave in the morning."
Suho nods and smiles. He watched you walk ahead. *Did I really fall for this girl?* "You're cold, right?" he put his arms around your neck and rested his chin on your shoulder.
"Get off." you said, clenching your teeth. Suho removed his hands and walked next to you. "Thank you."
Suho pouted, "Waeyo~" 
You raised an eyebrow, "You know aegyeo doesn't work on me?"
"Or does it?" Suho smirked.
You blinked *He smirked?*
"I'll prove that aegyeo works on you." Suho pointed to you.
"Sure sure." you rolled your eyes.
"Good night, Eunji." Suho waved to you.
"Uhh...night?" you waved back and closed the door.
Suho scoffed, "Was that even a question?"
You took off your jacket and hung it on a coat hanger. You layed down on the mattress and sighed. You thought back about what Suho said, *Because I already fell for you.* you smiled as you thought back.
Then you frowned, *I must be going crazy. I can't fall for him. I'm his guardian. I'm not suppose to love him. Omma chaebal, help me.* (A/N: chaebal means please in korean.)
*Darling,* your omma said in a whispery voice, *You're on the next mission by tomorrow. Do what you feel like. Don't regret it. Think carefully.*
"Thanks, omma. I'll think about it." you sighed.
Suho was about to knock on your door until he heard you say. "Thanks omma, I'll think about it." *Maybe I shouldn't bother her.* Suho went back to his room. *Think about what?* he was dying to know but it would've been rude to ask so he went to sleep.
"Wake up, sonny boy." ajishi knocked on the door. "I got breakfast."
Suho groaned. He looked at the time, "It's only god damn 6 in the morning. Let me sleep a bit longer." Suho put the blanket over his head.
Suho's door opened and closed. "Yah, wake up." you shook him lightly. No answer. You sighed, "Aish chengcha." (A/N: chengcha means seriously/ really in korean)
You pulled off the covers and found him topless and only in black boxers, "Yah! Kim Joon Myun!" you put your hands on your waist. Your eyes went red after you blinked.
Suho opened his eyes and saw you. He remembered it was hot last night and he only was in his boxer, "Yah!" he covered himself by putting the covers on him, only his head showing. "H-how do you know my real name?"
You rolled your eyes, "I learned about you, remember? You had a girlfriend, she liked calling you Suho. Then other people started calling you that. You also liked the new name. Girlfriend broke up with you. You sad. Stayed with the same name. The end."
Suho blinked, "Wow. You basically know my whole life."
"Of course I do. I had to. Now wake up!" you hit Suho's head and leave the room.
Suho rubbed his head and put on his shirt and some pants. He fixed his hair and came out of the room. "Yeesh. So mean." he whispered to himself.
"Wait, Suho." you some up to him.
You smirk and lift up his shirt and took a picture with your palm, "Snap shot! hehe." you stared at the picture of his abs in your hand.
"Yah. Boya?" Suho pouted, "What was that for?"
You closed your palm and opened your hand back up to see nothing there, "I can show my friends later. They like hot boys."
Suho smirked and followed you, moving his head so he could see your face. "So then do you think I'm hot?"
You stared at him, "Waeyo?"
"Well, you just said that your friends like hot guys."
"Hmm....in a way."
"What do you mean 'in a way'?"
You raised an eyebrow at him, "Didn't you just have all of your clothes off except your boxers in the middle of winter?"
Suho blushed as he remembered to staring at his body, "Um....I guess." Suho rubbed the back of his neck and laughed sheepily.
You rolled your eyes and sat down, sitting across the ajishi. Suho sat next to you.
"So... did you guys come here for a date?" the ajishi smiled at you and Suho as he watched you two pick out some food with you chopsticks.
You stared blankly at the ajishi, "We did? I thought we explored."
Suho smiled, "We just came exploring. She's new from where I live so we explored around and we went a little too far and landed here. We kind of got lost." Suho stuffed a piece of meat and rice in his mouth.
The ajishi nodded, "Ahhh.. I see now. So your girlfriend?" You and Suho choke on your food and satred at each other.
"Ani. Just a chingu" "Ani. Just a guardian." you and Suho say at the same time.
You and Suho stare at each other, "Boya?" you mouth to him. Suho shrugs.
"A-ahh.....chingu then. Okay. Well keep eating until your full. When will you guys be leaving?"
"Um," Suho thought, "Maybe at eight. Morning."
"That's what he said." you whisper. Suho hit your arm. You rubbed and controlled his hand to go in his pants.
Suho's eyes lit up and smiled at the ajishi, "Well, let's eat ajishi." Suho took his chopsticks with his free hand while his other hand almost touched IT.
You held your laugh. You let go of his hand. Suho quickly took his hand out of his pants. Suho gave you a death stare. You stuck out your tongue at him.
Suho washed his hands and splashed water on his face.
"Ah!" Suho jumped which made him turn around and fall into the tub of water.
"Hahahaha! Gwenchana?" You laugh.
Suho frowned, "Not funny." he was soaking wet.
You put your hand out and Suho held it and you helped him out of the tub. "Hahaha! G-go dry up."
"Help me." Suho dragged you into his room. Suho took off his shirt in front of your eyes. He looked at you to see your reaction. You had a blank face.
"Okay?" you pulled out a towel and threw it to him. "Dry up." Your heart went crazy just seeing him strip off his shirt. Suho ruffled his hair with his towel. Your heart was about to explode. *Dammit!* you opened the door but Suho grabbed your hand and jerked your back.
Suho pulled to hard and made both of you fall onto the mattress. Suho layed on top of you. You stared at each other. Suho gulped. He could feel his and your heart beats go crazy. You and Suho heard a noise and looked over to see the ajishi walking away. Suho quickly got off.
You stood up and looked away. *! ! ! Don't think wrong, ajishi!*
Suho took glances at you as he looked away. *Oh my god. What just happened. Don't think wrong, ajishi.*
"Uh- I-I'll be waiting." You run out of the room and shut the door.
"Uh-huh." Suho watched you leave. Suho watched you close the door. Suho sighed in relief and dried to dry his shirt. "Damn it all of my clothed are wet."
The door opened and Suho looked. The ajishi had clothed in his hands, "Here. I saw your clothes were wet to wear this." he handed the clothes over.
Suho bowed, "Kangsangmitha, ajishi." and watched the ajishi close the door as he left. Suho quickly changed into the clothes and looked at himself. I look like a gangster. Baggy pants, Black t-shirt, and even black boxers that fit him. Suho quickly dried his hair.
"Aish. What's taking him so long?" you said, trying to forget what happened. Then a random question popped in your head, *Wait. When he said he already fell for me, are we dating? No. Can't be. I can't do that either.* you shook the thought off and turned around and saw Suho wearing the weirdest clothes you ever saw him in. "Hahaha!" you laughed, "Wh-what's that?" you looked again.
Suho pouted, "Yah. I fits me though." Suho tried to forget what happened also. "I can make me look cute." Suho did buing buing which made you put a blank face.
"No. Just....no." *It's actually kind of cute.* you tried not to smile. Suho frowned.
"Then let's go home."
*Psh! Which home. Your's or mine?*
"Just a second!" The ajishi handed a box full of kimchi and kimbap and rice.
"Oh we don't need it-"
"Take it. My Christmas gift to you two."
"Okay then thank you." Suho bowed.
"Did you give each other gifts too?"
Suho blushed as he remembered his present from you. You blushed as well as you remembered his present to you. "N-nae." you both say in unison. both cheeks pink.
The ajishi bowed, "Come again soon for Christmas."
You both bowed back and walked farther away to where the ajishi told Suho where the bus stop was.
"Psh! Not Christmas." you cross your arms.
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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 27: Seriously... come on author nim update soon I can't wait
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 25: It was cute. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 10: LOL Chen and Tao!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 8: That's sad. =(
Chapter 24: The last part was funny :D
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 22: Is that Chen?
Chapter 19: Hello^^~ I am the new reader ... I love this story..
Very interesting ..

So,update soon^^!!