
Evil Angel


You laughed, "Jeongmal! Bwahahaha!"
"But that was only one time!" Chen pointed.
"How about you, meimei?" Tao asked, looking at you, "Have you ever had a boyfriend before?"
You looked at him, "Boyfriend? What's that?"
Eyes widen, especially Suho's. "You know.. a guy and a girl loving each other?"
"Oh~!" you thought, "Yeah."
"You know I've been thinking," Luhan looked between you and Suho, "A guy and a girl living together... aren't you two...."
"Dating!?" they squealed.
You nodded, "Didn't you guys know that from the beginning."
Kris thought also, "But living together...." he smirked at Suho.
Suho blushed and waved his hands, "A-aniyo! We never did THAT before."
"Seriously! I don't even think Eunji knows what it is.." Suho mumbled the last part.
"Know what?" You asked, curious.
"I guess she doesn't. Have you and Suho... done IT before?" Xiumin asked you.
You blinked, "Done what?"
"You know... IT?" Xiumin questioned again.
You blinked, "What?"
"Yeah she doesn't know." Xiumin gave up.
"Ommo! So she never had it with a guy before!?" Lay gasped.
Chen eyed Lay, "Have you done it with a girl before?"
Lay hit the back of Chen's head, "Aish."
"What?! You have!? Why didn't you tell me?!" Tao whined.
"I haven't! Eesh." Lay sulked.
"Have you, Duizhang~?" Luhan wriggled his eyebrows. You watched, dumbfounded.
Kris reddened, "No."
"I guess none of us did, huh?" Xiumin nodded.
"Except for meh!" Tao rose his hand, "I make love with my blanket!"
They hit Tao, "Stupid idiot!", "Get a life.", "We don't need to know your love life."
"What's going on here!" feeling left out, you asked.
"Oh, Eunji! Almost forgot you! Just stuff." Luhan nodded.
You rose an eyebrow, changing the subject, "So when are you guys leaving?"
"Waeyo~ do you want us to leave?" Tao pouted.
You nodded honestly, "Yes."
"Well she DOES~ need time with her boyfriend." Lay wriggled his eyebrows.
Suho blushed while you stood there dumbfounded, "What's wrong with you?"
"What?" Lay smirked at Suho.
"Are you perhaps... gay?" you asked.
Lay choked on his saliva while the other laughed, "What!? No! Of course I'm not! What makes you say that I am!?"
"Well you're looking at Suho lot and giving him 'looks' and eyeing him head to toe."
Lay face-palmed himself, "OMFG. No I'm not. It's just- you- ugh never mind."
"That was hilarious!" Kris fell on the ground with the others.
"What?" you looked at the guys laughing their asses off on the floor.
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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 27: Seriously... come on author nim update soon I can't wait
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 25: It was cute. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 10: LOL Chen and Tao!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 8: That's sad. =(
Chapter 24: The last part was funny :D
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 22: Is that Chen?
Chapter 19: Hello^^~ I am the new reader ... I love this story..
Very interesting ..

So,update soon^^!!