In The Office

Evil Angel

You groaned as a sharp pain hit your back area. Your eyes furrowed, to tired to open your eyes. *The ?* You opened your eyes and you noticed that you were lying on the floor, facing the bottom side of the couch. You turned your head and saw Suho sleeping with hair in his face. *Is it just me or did Suho turn into the angel?* you joked to yourself. Your heart fluttered by his image and your lips curled up into a smile. Then a word popped up in your mind, *Work.*


You lightly shook Suho, "Suho?" you whispered, "Suho, wake up. You need to go to work. AND GET AN ALARM NEXT TIME!" you almost yelled.


"Huh?" Suho's eyes flung open, you can still see the tiredness in his eyes. He smiled, "Morning,Princess~"


"Good morning, charming. You have work. NOW GET UP!" You controlled him onto his feet and watch him walk to the bathroom himself. You sighed, "Yay~ we're eating ramen again!" You jumped up and ran to the kitchen.


You and Suho took turns doing your morning routine and ate your breakfast, ramen.


"Let's go." Suho held out his hand for you to take it.


You smiled and laced hands with him. *Warm.* "Let's go." You followed Suho to work again. You already know directions to his work place because he goes there everyday with you.... except for breaks and days off.


While you and Suho walked, a question came to your mind, "Hey, Suho?"


"Hmm?" he said without looking back.


"If I had three wishes for you, what would they be?"


"Let me think..." Suho thought while walking with you. "First wish, to be wealthy. Second, to be happy forever... maybe. And lastly, For you to be by my side forever."


Your heart fluttered and you blushed, "O-okay?" you ducked your head.


"But for the last wish... that already happened." You smiled at Suho.




"Ey, Suho- woah~!" Kyungsoo stopped as he saw your and Suho's hands laced together. He blinked then smirked, "Ey~" he siad like he knew what was going on.


Kai came in with his hands in his sweatshirt pockets. He stared at you and Suho and noticed something happened. His eyes widened, "Hell no."


Chanyeol ran in and stopped at the same thing. Mouth dropped.


Sehun came in and started giggling.


Baekhyun sat down as he came in and smiled, "I knew it."


You and Suho looked up, "Knew what?" both said in unison.


Sehun clapped his hands together and looked up and sighed like those ewwy love movies, "Love."


You blushed a little, "Oh yeah. THAT happened..... is there something wrong?"


Kyungsoo closed the door and a few seconds later, he started wooping, along with Chanyeol and Baekhyun.


You chuckled and shook your head, "Silly boys. They'll never learn to grow up."


"Actually," Baekhyun stopped, "We did. WE WENT THROUGH PUPERTY!" And started cheering again for minutes before sitting back in their places.


"I have a meeting with a gym teacher at five. And he lives kinda far so I better leave now." Kai stood up and packed his things. He winked at you, "Good luck."


Your mouth dropped, "Yah. Do you want to die?" You came up to him but he slammed the door in your face. "Idiotic young adults."


"I know right." Sehun smirked without looking at you.


"Uh-huh...... yep.... okay..... no you dont have to...... now? Of course, when?...... I'll be there. Yep thank you too." Chanyeol hung up the phone, "Meeting with nun at 3. I hope she stays a nun." he shivered.


Sehun laughed loudly, like he usually did. "OMG, HYUNG! What if-"


"Shut up, maknae." Chanyeol gave a cold stare.


Sehun laughed quietly and went back to work.


Baekhyun put down his pen and looked at the new couple, "How did it happen?"


You and Suho looked up at Baekhyun who ws leaning on his chair and waiting for an answer.


"Huh? Oh...... I....." Suho was too shy to tell.


"He asked me out. Dont guys usually do that?" You said loud and proud, not embarassed.


"Yeah... what she said." Suho smiled.


Baekhyun nodded his head, "Ah~"


"That's what he said." Kyungsoo mumbled.


Sehun and Chanyeol laughed along with Kyungsoo.


Baekhyun rolled his eyes and stared right back at the couple, "So... is it true? that your an angel?"


"Huh?" you eyebrows went up. "Oh. Of course. Angels always tell the truth. Unless...... you still dont believe me."


"Nope!" the boys said in unison.


"Maybe someday I'll show you guys. Some day." You sank in the chair.


Kai slammed the door open with a furious face, cursing mumbled words.


"Woah, bro. What happened?"


"! That gym teacher was... HE WAS GAY!"


"What!?" eyes flew open wider, "Jeongmal!?", "Chincha!?".


"Ugh! I'm never going to him again. He took me to his room and... almost! JUST ALMOST! But I hit his balls and ran away." Kai nodded his head cooly.


"Want me to kill him for you?" You asked with a smile.


Kai raised an eyebrow, "Can you even kill?"


"Yah, did you hear what I said?"


"NOPE!" Kai teased.


"Yah, do you want to die."


"I dont care." Kai stared blankly.


"As you wish." you smirked and flew across the room pulling out the mini sword and enlarging it.


Kai's and everyone elses eyes widened, "Yah! Yah! Stop! Stop!"


"I was just kidding!"


Your smirked and you minimized the sword and put it away, "Oh really?" you gave him a cold glare, "Do that again and I will put a curse on you."


"Whatever." Kai rolled his eyes and went back to work.


*Will they have to leave each other for a reason if they do?* Sehun looked at you and Suho then sighed. *Who knows. God only controls what happens.*

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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 27: Seriously... come on author nim update soon I can't wait
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 25: It was cute. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 10: LOL Chen and Tao!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 8: That's sad. =(
Chapter 24: The last part was funny :D
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 22: Is that Chen?
Chapter 19: Hello^^~ I am the new reader ... I love this story..
Very interesting ..

So,update soon^^!!