Another Lost Day

Evil Angel


Suho's heart raced as your word's repeated in his head non-stop. *Don't let me go..ever.* It was getting hot for him even when it was cold. He saw a little park catch his eye. Suho stopped and went towards the park. He carefully set you down on the empty space between the park where two people could fit.
You felt the warmth of Suho disappear. *Not comfortable anymore.* you slowly opened your eyes right about when Suho put you down.
Suho's eyes shot up. Shy, nervous, not knowing what else to do with his crush. "S-sorry to wake you." he looked down.
You shake your head, "It's okay. Just lost a lot of warmth." you say innocently. Suho looks back up and he sits down next to you. "Sleep."
You looked at him. His cheeks and nose were red. He was shivering after he put your down. *He's freezing cold.* you felt guilt build inside of you. "Sorry if I was heavy." you say quietly. *Wait. Why am I acting like this. Now I just go all shy?*
Suho chuckles, "You weren't that heavy. But you do need to eat more."
You shot him a glare and hit his shoulder, "Yah."
Suho laughs, "Don't worry. I'll feed you until you're 200 pounds." he jokes. You laugh along with Suho.
Your heart raced when you looked at him. His cheeks were pink and his skin was soft. His hair kind of messy after wind being blown through it. You sighed and took of your coat, "Here." you wrapped the coat around you and Suho.
Suho's eyes widen. His heart stopped. "" he couldn't say a single word. *I've never seen her so kind. Or have I?*
You laughed, "You're welcome." you looked up at the bright glowing stars. Seeing how beautiful the sky is.
Suho looks at you. Your soft pale looking skin. The pink cheeks and a bit of pink on the tip of your nose made you look cute. The twinkling brown eyes and the eyelashes, perfect. Your soft brown black hair.
"Is-" you look at Suho and see him staring deeply at you. You heart raced. You both looked away. "I'm going to sleep." you said as the sleepiness kicked back in. You took off the coat and layed it on top of you. You stared at Suho. "Sleep."
Suho nods and layed next to you. You wrap the coat around him. Sharing the same coat. Suho smiled when he turned his head, the back of his head facing you.
You closed your eyes and thought. *He likes me right? Does he? Do I? Sorry, Suho can't fall for me.* you sigh and fall into a dream.
Suho was still awake. *Can't I just take one look? What if she's awake? Staring at me? No. Yes? Ugh! So hard.* Suho couldn't take it anymore and looked at you. You were sleeping peacefully. Suho smiled *Kyeopta.* he saw your beautiful sleeping face. Suho felt tiredness kick into him. Suho fell asleep.
You felt warmth. One on your chest and coldness on your back. You felt something beating, like a heart. But it was fast and warm. *What is warm, comfortable, and has a fast beating that sounds like a heart?* you asked yourself as you rubbed your eyes. Your visioned focused and you see a shocked, nervous, embarrassed, scared, not knowing what to do Suho staring right at you.
Suho gulped as he saw you staring with no face expression at him. 
You smiled, "So it was you?" you plop your head back down on him. "Where am I?" you hear the same beating. Dumbfounded.
"O-on me." Suho whispered.
Your eyes lit up and you lift your head and looked around, underneath you. "I'm laying on you? And my head was just on your chest? No wonder I felt fast beating. It's warm." not having any feeling you snuggled back into his chest.
Suho's heart beat faster. *Does she not notice anything.*
The you finally realized, "Oh yeah." you laugh sheepily. You slowly get off of Suho and sigh in relief but sad. *He was warm.* you hid your frown. "How did I do that though?"
Suho blinked as a flash back came into his head.
~flash back~
Suho groaned as he felt breathing next to him. Warmth on him, but it was heavy. The sun shone in his eyes and Suho rubbed his eyes. He was going to put his hand to his chest but he hit someone instead. 
His eyes lit up. *Eunji.* he blinked, shocked. *How did she get on top of me?* Suho's heart beat faster. He stared at you, not knowing what to do. Then he heard you groan. *!* Suho kept staring at you slowly wake up.
~Flash back gone~
"I-I don't know. When I woke up you were on top of me." Suho gulped the lump in his throat.
You nod. Feeling normal, embarrassed, and stupid. "Hehe. Sorry." you pat his shoulder and look around, "Let's try to find our way back." then your stomach growls just as you put on your coat.
Suho smiles, "Let's go find something to eat while we walk." feeling comfortable around you, he grabs your cold hand and walks you away. Warming your hand up.
You smile then nod. "Assa!" you pump your free hand in the air and start laughing.
Suho smiled, *Kyeopta.* walking hand in hand. Side by side. *This might be the best days of my life.....with her..only her.* Suho looks back at you. You raise an eyebrow. Suho shakes his head and keeps walking.
"Aish! Suho, I'm getting tired of walking."
Suho tsks, "Not yet, lady." he wags his finger with his free hand.
You grumble. In a blink your eyes go red. Then something catches your eyes, "Street buffet!" you drag Suho into the seat of a street buffet. *Finally!*
Suho sighs, "Finally." the chef came out. A nice ajima.
"What would you two lovely couples like?"
Suho's eyes widen. Feeling shy. You raised an eyebrow, "Correction," you clear your throat, "Guardian. Can I have some kimbap and some kimchi."
Suho smiles nicely as he takes out his wallet, "Hot pot, please." he hands her enough money to get at least seconds or more.
"Psh," you cross your arms, "So much money to waste."
Suho wags his index finger at you, "Ey. I earn a lot of money by signing contracts and other things like that."
You scoff, "Yeah. Then would you sign a contract to never fall in love with me?"
Suho's heart skipped. "Um.." Heat blew on him. He looked away, "No. Never."
Your eye lit up. You uncrossed your arms and stared at him. You gulped, "Wae?" your heart went faster. You just wanted to know the answer.
Then the ajima came out, "Here you go. Get seconds if wanted." she smiled and set down the food. You and Suho nod and ate silently.
You hate it when it get's too quiet. You grumbled. "Here." you put a piece of kimbap in front of his mouth.
Suho nods and stuffs it in his mouth. Still being silent.
You grumble even louder and your eyes go red. "Ajima! Give me a hot pot as well."
"Nae." she looks at you and looks away. She looks back at you, *Her eyes were just red. Or was it? It's brown now.* she goes back to work. *Dafuq!*
*Oh ! Granny saw me eyes!* you cursed inside your head, *I don't want to paralyze her and accidentally make her have amnesia like the other one.* You sigh and wait for the hot pot.
"Here you go." she put the hot pot on the table. Ignoring your eyes.
You nod ad start slurping. You looked at Suho. Silent. "Suho-ah~" you said with your mouth full.
Suho looked at you. Your cheeks were puffed out because of the food. Suho his his smile, "Nae?" *Don't smile. Don't smile.*
You gulped and smiled, "You smiled!" you cheer to yourself.
Suho sighed, *. I failed.* Then he felt your hands cupping his face.
"I made you smile. Finally! I thought you were going to stay a pabo forever."
Suho smiled, "I'm not." He watched you uncupped his face and starts eating again.
"Ah~" you rub your stomach, "Much better."
Suho laughs, "Same." *Christmas is tomorrow. Today is Christmas eve.* Suho faked a smile at you as he thought.
"Oh yeah, Suho?"
Suho hummed. Wanting the right answer from your mouth.
"Thank you." you pat his head.
"Yah." *Not the right answer.* he moved your hand, "I'm not a puppy." he pouts.
You pinch his cheek which caused him to go red, "But your cute like one. And I'm like the owner. Telling the puppy what to do." you unpinch his cheek and keep walking foward.
Suho's heart skipped. He looked back foward.
You and Suho are in a small town filled with the older people. You and Suho decided to stay for maybe another day unless if a bus comes because of tired feet and food to eat by others. You and him stayed at one of the ajishi's place.
"Yah, Suho!" You slam the door open and see him topless.
"Boya!" Suho got controlled onto the small mattress on the floor.
Your eyes went red and you layed on top of him. Suho went red. You stare at his lean abs then back at him, "Nice. And why didn't you tell me that Christmas was tomorrow!? The older people were just saying that. Don't you know how mad I am at you!?" you stare back at him. You put your hands on his abs. You were craving to touch them. "Talk to me, man!"
Suho flinched at your touch, "Oh uh....mianhae. I-I sh-should've told you." his heart went crazy. Still topless, touching abs, you touching, you mad about Christmas, why?
You got off of him and growled, "Damn it leave me alone." you stomped out of his guest room and go to your guest room.
Suho felt guilty. He quickly put on a shirt and plopped back onto the mattress. He laid an arm on his head, "I'm such a pabo." he whispers to himself. Christmas was just in three hours.
You growled and sat on your mattress. *Why didn't he tell me?* you sighed. *The only important day that I remember is his birthday.* then you smiled as a flash back of is abs popped into your mind. Smiling like a goofball you start fan girling every time his abs come into your mind.
"Two hours left." Suho panicked. *What am I going to do?* he dressed up warm and walked out of his room to your's. He knocked three times, "Eunji-ah." no answer. "Eun-" she door slid open.
"Nae." you said with a poker face. You looked at him. All dressed up warm.
"W-want to go to the celebration thing with me?" Suho said, looking down, waiting for his reject.
You nod, "Sure. I'll be right out." you close the door and put on your coat and slide on your purse since you didn't change. You opened the door back up to see Suho waiting patiently for you.
Suho smiled and held out his hand, "Kaga." you took his warm hand and you two walked all the way to where the celebration was at.
It felt like forever at the celebration since it wasn't time yet. Two hours have already passed and it was just a few minutes before Christmas.
"Ugh. This is forever."
Suho squeezed your hand, "Just stand a little longer. Okay?"
You squeezed back, "Fine. But I still need to ask you something."
"What is it?" Suho stared at you.
"Remember when I asked if you would ever sign a contract to never fall in love with me? Why did you say no?"
Suho's heart thumped. "I'll tell you on Christmas."
The the bells rung. CHRISTMAS. People cheered and kissed each other under mistletoe's. It was cute because they were old couples.
"Suho did you see-"
Suho kissed your cheek softly.
Your eyes lit up. Standing there frozen. You blink and look at him.
"Because I already fell for you."
Your heart went crazy. You just wanted to jump on him and attack him. You looked down. Shy. Face red.
Suho smiled and hugged you. You hugged back. The hug broke after a minute.
You look at him and smiled. Suho smiled back.
"I have a present~" Suho sang.
"Wh-what is it?" you say, still looking at him.
"Jzang!" Suho pulled out a mistletoe and hung it over you two. He stared at you and smiled.
"Boya." you hit his arm lightly. You went up and pecked his lips.
Suho's eyes bulged. He froze. His heart went crazy.
Your cheeks went red. You laugh at Suho's stillness, "Yah? Wake up." you shake him lightly.
Suho shakes his head and smiles at you. "Kangsangmitha." he stuffs the mistletoe away.
"I already gave you my present."
Suho blinked, "You did? Show me again. I didn't know gave me a present."
You sighed, "Seriously? Now? Again?" you raised your eyebrow at him.
Suho nods, dumbfounded.
You pecked his lips again, "My present to you." you pat his head.
Suho's face went red, "Oh." *So that was my present?*
"Oh yeah. I almost forgot, Suho." you looked at him and smiled.
"What is it, Eunji?"
Ah! Suho confessed to her on Christmas! Didn't you go crazy when he said that!? I did. Kekeke. *fangirl* well I'll update another one soon! And what do you think Eunji's going to say to him. Duh-duh-duuuuuuuh. Find out on the next update.
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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 27: Seriously... come on author nim update soon I can't wait
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 25: It was cute. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 10: LOL Chen and Tao!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 8: That's sad. =(
Chapter 24: The last part was funny :D
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 22: Is that Chen?
Chapter 19: Hello^^~ I am the new reader ... I love this story..
Very interesting ..

So,update soon^^!!