
Evil Angel


Suho woke up by the smell of sweet and tasty. He slowly flung his eyes open and looked around to see you sitting on the couch watching T.V and breakfast on the table. Suho stretched on the bed and groaned.
You heard noises coming from Suho and looked at him stretching as he sat up. You and Suho locked eyes, "Morning. Took you long enough." your eyes went back on the T.V.
Suho stood up and wobbled but caught balance again, "Woah~" he started walking to the bathroom, "How long was I out?"
"Yesterday and today."
Suho stopped and stared at you, "I slept for two days!?"
"Nope. You were drunk. I counted yesterday night as part of your sleeping. snapshot!" you took out your palm and took a picture of Suho's wake up look. You stared at the picture in your hand. Suho had a cute face and messy hair. You laughed at it and closed your palm and opened it to see nothing there.
Suho rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom to shower because he smelled like beer. *Wait a second.* he poked his head out of the bathroom and looked at your clothes, *Are those?...* "Hey! You're wearing my sweatshirt again."
"Huh?" you looked at Suho's clothes that were on you, "Oh yeah. I had nothing else to wear. Doing laundry later. I remember this since I first wore it. Fuzzy." you touched the sleeves.
Suho sighed and went back in the bathroom.
Suho came out of the bathroom with a sweater and was topless. He was wearing blue jeans and your could see his Calvin Clien boxers underneath. You turned red and looked away, *Why does he look so y like that?*
Suho went to the table and zipped up his sweater all the way. He ate breakfast quietly. Not thinking about anything.
"You know," you broke the silence, "You're going to be late for work." you stood up and leaned against the door. "So hurry."
Suho's eyes widened *Oh ! I forgot!* he quickly ate and almost choked. "Damn it. Damn it." he murmured to himself as he got out of his seat and ran to get ready.
*After being drunk, he doesn't remember about work. I do. Always. But why? Oh yeah. Got to finish my new mission: Three of the same digit numbers, it will cry like rain on you. Heal the wound by removing a memory.* you furrowed your eyes and your eyes went red, *Damn it, omma. I don't understand riddles. I don't have time for riddle .* you growled and didn't notice that Suho was in front of you. Faces, inches away.
Suho furrowed his eyebrows, *Is she mad? Her eyes are red.* "Uhh.. Eunji?" No reply. "Guardian?" *Nope.* "Angel?" Nothing. "Ayo wassup, dawg!" Suho did a peace sign in front of your face, "Asian style."
You snapped out of your thought and stared at Suho, "What?"
Suho scoffed, "Now you realize. Let's go." You moved over and followed Suho down to the lobby doors.
While you followed behind Suho, you kept trying to figure out the riddle. *Three of the same digit numbers, it will cry like rain on you. Heal the wound by removing a memory. Huh?* You felt warmth in your hand and stared at your hand, someone else's hand was in yours. You looked up to see who the person.
Suho smiled and kept walking. Holding hands with you felt right. He kept walking and in minutes he reached the building. Suho gulped, "I hope I'm not late." he checked his watch, "Just on time." Suho walked in you both bowed to people as his hand was still laced with yours.
You raised an eyebrow and unlaced fingers with Suho and let your hand fall to your side. Suho stared at you curious why you had done that. Suho shrugged and you followed Suho to his office.
"Ugh. Finally." You sat down in a chair next to the door. Your current spot you usually sit in everyday. Not caring for the others around you, you kept thinking about the riddle.
Sehun raised an eyebrow as he walked in, "Thse's back? I thought Thse was only here for that one day."
Suho sighed then smiled, "Nope. She has to follow me everywhere."
Sehun gasped, "Thstalker."
Suho chuckled, "No. She's my guardian. Remember?"
Sehun crossed his arms over his chest, "I don't believe her. Or maybe a body guard. Thse looks like an angel but not the real angel type of way. Juthst pretty." Sehun smirked at Suho.
Kai walked in and stared at you not even paying attention to anything else around you. "Oh?" Kai raised an eyebrow, "She's back." He his Ipod and Infinite's "She's Back" came on.
You growled as your couldn't concentrate because of the music. Your eyes turned red. You motioned your hand and Kai's Ipod went floating towards you.
"H-Hey!" Kai stared at you.
You paused the musuc and turned off the Ipod. You moved the Ipod on the ceiling and left it there, "Shuddup, tan man." and kept concentrating.
Kai growled and tried to grab his Ipod from the ceiling but the ceiling was to high so he couldn't reach it. "Suho." Kai whined.
Suho shrugged, "What can I do?" Kai stomped to his desk and pulled out some files to work on.
Kyungsoo came in and eyed you, *She's still here?*
"Yeah." Suho said while he worked.
"You read my mind, Suho." D.O winked at him and sat in his desk and sipped on his coffee.
Chanyeol happily came in with also happy Baekhyun. Not caring for you and sat down in their own seats and got right to work. Still laughing at each other.
You motioned your hand to Kai and his Ipod came off the ceiling and made a small thump on his desk.
Kai smiled, "Thanks."
"Don't do that again. I'm concentrating too." you went back to the riddle.
"On what?" Kai looked at Suho.
"Oh um... Long story."
"I want to know too!"
"Me too!"
"Pleashe, Thsuho? Buing Buing~"
"Alright! Alright!" Suho sighed and settled down, "Her angel mom talks to her in her mind and she has missions to complete before she goes back to heaven."
They understood but not everything. "Eunji? Whatever your name is?" Baekhyun asked you.
"What?" you glared at him with red eyes.
Baekhyun stared at your red eyes, "Why are you guarding Suho? We need a long story so we know you better so I won't call the cops-"
"Don't!" You yelled at Baekhyun. "Don't. Angels are to not be caught by cops. That's why they have to land secretly."
"Oh yeah. Your was so secret, Eunji." Suho rolled his eyes.
"Shuddup, you." you pointed to him.
Suho put his hands up, "Okay."
"Go on with the story." Kai impatiently said.
"Well. Angels come to protect people and kill dark evil shadows at the same time. They have missions to do and they become harder if you do something wrong. Since I did something wrong, then I get harder ones since I did something REALLY wrong and too far. Angels have to secretly land at a spot and find their person. Luckily Suho found me so that's good so my feet won't ache. And I just have to protect him in case if the shadows attack him. Angels have a type of power they are born with. We study the people we need to guard before we leave to come to earth."
"Wah~ Angels, huh? Are you even telling the truth?"
You eyed Chanyeol, "Of course I am. Didn't you just see what I did to Kai's Ipod?"
Chanyeol shook his head, "No. I wasn't in here by then." You rolled your eyes.
"What rule did you disobey?" Kyungsoo asked.
"A rule I should never ever do again."
"Aww~ I wanted to know. Thsuho~?" Sehun whined.
"I would've been dead in one second if I said it." Suho rubbed his neck.
"Got that right." You scoffed.
"Aww.... tell us." They all whined.
Your face turned red but instead your eyes did, "Yah!" you shouted and stood you from your seat. "Shut the hell up or I will go guard those guys from the club instead."
The whined and pouted, throwing fake tantrums. You rolled your eyes and let them do so while you watched them work.
Suho stood up from his seat and stretched, "I'm going to the bathroom." he walked to the door.
Baekhyun stood up and followed Suho, "I am too."
You were too concentrated on the mission riddle and let them do so.
Suho washed his hands as he finished doing business. Baekhyun came up to the other sink and washed his hands.
"So what happened?" Baekhyun asked, looking at Suho's reflection from the mirror.
"What?" Suho looked at Baekhyun's reflection.
"What did she do wrong that made her have harder missions."
Suho blushed red, "Nothing."
"Aw c'mon! I went with yo so I could know. I will keep it a secret. I promise. Never ever tell anyone. Not even Chanyeol." Baekhyun pleaded.
"Okay, okay." Suho sighed. Baekhyun smiled. "I kissed her." his face went red.
Baekhyun's mouth dropped with a smile, "jeongmal!"
Suho covered Baekhyun's mouth, "Shhh!" he looked around and let go, "People might hear."
Baekhyun nodded and whispered instead. "Seriously?! You kissed her, or did she?"
"I did."
"Kya! Did she kiss back? Was it fun? Did you go too far? Or" Baekhyun gasped.
Suho hit him, "Aish. Nasty. And yeah she did. And why would you ask a question like that but I guess. Maybe a bit too far, we didn't just kiss. and No! Of course I didn't!" they were now walking in the halls back to their sharing office.
"So.... french kissing?" Baekhyun raised an eyebrow with an amused face.
"Sure. But it was an accident." *I think.* Suho blushed red again.
"OMG!" Baekhyun squealed again. When they both came back in, they acted like nothing happened. Exceot Baekhyun would wink at Suho sometimes and glare at each other.
"Whaths going on guyths?" Sehun asked.
"Shuddup, lisp boy. I have a phone call." Kyungsoo hissed and went back talking on the phone.
Sehun crossed his arms and leaned back to his chair, "What'sh hiths problem.. Juthst becauthse I have a lithsp doethsn't mean I can't take it out." Sehun took out his retainer and put in his retainer box. "Better? Sheesh, guys." Sehun went back to work.
"Thanks, Sehun." Kai joked.
"Hey~" Sehun whined. D.O glared at them and they both hushed.
Baekhyun smiled widely a Suho. Suho rolled his eyes but his cheeks will still go red. 
You noticed the glares with Suho and Baekhyun, *What the hell is wrong with those two?* You raised an eyebrow.
Oh god!!!! O.O Seeing Suho topless with abs is awesome. Especially with calvin clien boxers showing /smirks/. Well I updated it. Hope you liked it. KANGSANGMITHA! (Bows 90 degrees.)
New fic I'm starting soon, thought I'd like to show you my image art:
Characters are....... Duh-duh-duuuuuuuuuh! Who knows what may happen..... :) Subscribe! and comment!
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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 27: Seriously... come on author nim update soon I can't wait
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 25: It was cute. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 10: LOL Chen and Tao!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 8: That's sad. =(
Chapter 24: The last part was funny :D
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 22: Is that Chen?
Chapter 19: Hello^^~ I am the new reader ... I love this story..
Very interesting ..

So,update soon^^!!