Don't Let Me Go

Evil Angel


Weeks passed after Suho's job. Since it was starting to become winter. Suho had two weeks off of work.
"Yes! No more sitting on chairs in a lame office!" You cheered as you read the note in Suho's hand behind him.
Suho covered the note to his chest, "What the hell, Eunji."
It was the first time you heard him say something like this, "Nice word choice." You smirk. Suho's face went red and he looked away. You motioned your hand and took the note away from him.
"Yah." Suho tried to grab it but you stuck it on the ceiling. 
"Let's go exploring. I want to learn more about here." You followed a mission that your omma gave you, *Your first mission is to explore around. To get comfortable with earth.*
Suho smiled, "Sure. It's always fun to go a little exploring." Suho grabbed his bag and stuffed it with "in case" stuff.
You rolled your eyes. Then you remembered Suho's birthday
~Flash back~
"Suho wake up!" You shook him lightly.
Suho groaned and rubbed his eyes, "What?" he didn't remember that it was his birthday.
You smiled and watched him stand up, "Follow me." you covered his eyes and walked him by the table, "Tada! Its already the afternoon you know. You slept a long time."
Suho's eyes widened, "You remembered?"
You scoffed, "Of course. How can your guardian forget such an important date like this?"
Suho was touched by your words. "Thank you."
"Okay! Okay! Sing Suho!" You and Suho sang the birthday song together.
"Wooo! Happy birthday, Suho!" You hugged him quickly.
Suho's heart went crazy and his eyes widened but he snapped out of it, "Hehe."
"I have a present for you~" you sang to him.
"Where? Show me." Suho smiled.
"Follow me, again!" You laughed and went to the living room. You went to the bed and showed him the present, "Ta da!" it was a collection of different bow ties. "Since you work. Keep it and use it for important reasons." You put on the dark red bow on him and fixed it. "Very handsome."
Suho blushed, "Thank you." then you dragged him back to the table.
"Lets eat." you grabbed a knife and cut split it in half, "Since the cake is small..then I'll just cut it in half." you grabbed plate and put your side of the cake on the plate. You scooped up some frosting with your finger and put it on his nose, "Ahahaha!" you laughed.
Suho did the same thing and put it on your cheek, "Haha." he laughed quietly.
You growled and scooped up with two finger. Suho did the same, "Yah! Come here!"
~Flash back gone~
You smiled at the flashback. You and Suho had a lot of fun that day.
"Lets go." Suho gestured his hand to lead you out. You pat his head and walked out the door.
As always. The hotel girl at the desk would always give you death stares. You would just smirk because you make her mad. "Hehe.." you walked outside and waited for Suho.
"So......bus?" Suho said as you and him walked side by side.
"Hmmmm..sure. Why not?" You grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bus stopped.
Suho's heart skipped. The warmth of your hand always made him go crazy, even your soft skin did too. Suho let you drag him on the bus.
"I call window this time. And thanks for the clothes. I like it." you looked at your new outfit Suho bought you a few days ago.
Suho smiled, "Your welcome. I wasted a lot of money on that." he mumbled.
You smirked, "I know." you loved to .
Suho crossed his arms on his chest.
You looked out the window, it was kind of sunny in the middle of winter. Suho stared at you.
*So beautiful.* his heart thumped, *Now all she needs is a book.* he joked to himself. He kept his eyes on you. Suho didn't notice that you were staring at him. Suho was too busy because he was staring at your pretty eyes.
You furrowed your eyebrows, "Are you okay?"
Suho blinked and hummed. Still not noticing.
You growled. *I hate it when people stare at me like that. But I'm a little comfortable around him.* then your heart thumped. You stared into his eyes. They were very pretty. "Suho-ah~" you said softly.
Suho hummed. Still not noticing anything. Then he realized what he was doing. He quickly snapped out of it with a blink and looked away.
You huffed and crossed your arms, "I was waiting for when you would stop staring." You lied a little. You liked the stares with him. You never noticed his pretty eyes. You were actually kind of jealous of his eyes.
Suho's face went red. *Whoops.*
Minuted pasted and you were still in the same place.
"Suho I'm getting tired." You rubbed your eyes.
Suho patted his shoulder. He was getting sleepy too. Your head fell on his shoulder and you quickly fell asleep. Suho's heart thumped but he ignored it because of how tired he was. He fell asleep, his head laying on top of yours.
"Um guys. Wake up." the bus driver poked and shook them lightly.
Suho popped his eyes opened and looked at the bus driver, "Oh, sorry." he saw you sleeping on his shoulder. His heart thumped. Suho swallowed the lump in his throat. "Eunji? Wake up." Suho whispered in your ear.
You nod and slowly opened your eyes to see Suho's face close to yours. "Lets go." you ignored it and stood up. You followed Suho out of the bus. The bus drove away.
"We are at the southside of the country." Suho said as he stretched his arms.
You looked around, *Daytime still.* "Its very pretty. Let's walk around. Its not that cold." you walked ahead of Suho. The you backed up to walk side by side to him.
"Why'd you do that?" he was waiting for an answer he thought you would say.
"I'm your guardian."
"Oh." Suho's heart broke a little. *I was expecting you to say, 'because I care for you' or something like that.*
You and Suho kept walking and saw beautiful things. You guys were so amazed that time ran too fast and you guys were lost.
"Ey....? The sun is going down. Half way already." you pointed to the sun.
Suho blinked, "Lets go back." he turned around but saw nothing behind him. There was no trail. Just all grass, covered snow, and trees. "Umm..." Suho turned to look at you. He rubbed his neck, "I think we're lost."
You face palmed yourself, "Seriously?" he nodded. "Damn it." you whispered to yourself. "Then I guess we try to find our way back." you walked ahead of him. Suho caught up to you.
Minutes past and you and Suho were still no where. It was finally dark. Just the street lights were on. Street lights were put in random places.
"Whoever put these lights at random places are stupid." You huffed.
Suho tsked, "These are just lights for farmers when they need to go back. It's just 7 pm."
You kept walking. You pouted, "This is forever." You blinked and your eyes went red.
Suho sighed and let you do whatever.
You were getting tired, and so was your feet. "Suho I'm tired."
Suho's heart thumped. "D-do you want a piggy back ride?"
You smiled, "Sure." Suho went in front of your and crouched for you to get on his back. You went on top of him and he held your legs and stood back up. You wrapped your arms around him and snuggled into his neck.
Suho's heart went crazy. "You're warming me up a lot, Eunji." Suho heard you mumble something. "What?"
"Dont let me go. Ever." you mumbled and fell asleep.
Suho's eyes widened. *Which one? To keep this position or.....stay by your side forever?* Suho swallowed the lump in his throat and kept walking. He heard you lightly snore. Your warm breath on his neck.
Then he knew something that he didn't know a long time ago, *I like her.*
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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 27: Seriously... come on author nim update soon I can't wait
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 25: It was cute. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 10: LOL Chen and Tao!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 8: That's sad. =(
Chapter 24: The last part was funny :D
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 22: Is that Chen?
Chapter 19: Hello^^~ I am the new reader ... I love this story..
Very interesting ..

So,update soon^^!!