The Warning

Evil Angel

I've decided! I'm still gonna write for this fic. so..... have fun! because I've thought a lot about the story.


"Okay, bye guys!" You waved and shut the door.


Suho sighed, "Never, bring strangers to your house."


"My house? It's yours." You snorted.


You felt a sudden gush of wind pass you, "What was that?"


"What was what?" Suho looked back at you.


"Nothing." You looked around, It must be a warning or something...


"Eunji-ah~" Suho held out a popsicle, "Want one?"


"What's this?" Eunji took the popsicle in thin air and flew it to her open hand.


"It's like.. cold candy.. just eat it." Suho sighed.


You took a large bite out of the cold "popsicle" and your shoulders started lifting up, "It's cold!"


"Who told you to take sush a big bite!" Suho scolded and ran over to you.


"You told me to eat it." you muffled out, the cold liqiud running in your mouth.


"Aigoo," Suho laughed, "You're a human being and you don't know this?"


"I'm dead!" You reminded him.


Suho's face saddened, "Oh yeah."


"You quickly sqallowed the melted popsicle and threw the rest of the popsicle away, "I'm never going to eat those again!"


Suho gasped, "Everyone loves popsicles!"


"Except for me!" You growled.


"You're so--"


"I'm warning you!" You pointed to him, "Come any closer and you're in big danger."


"Fine." Suho stepped up to you but you waved your hand and flung him across the room, making him fall onto the bed.


"I feel like there's something bad going on soon." You mumbled to yourself sadly.


"Hey, Eunji?" Suho grunted as he tried to get himself off the bed, "You know--"


"Do you want to see me fly?" You randomly asked.


Suho stared at you from afar, "What?"


You lokked at him, "You want to see my fly. And you said you wanted to see my wings too so.. want to?"


Suho's tongue got caught, "I--... uh.. I-..."


"Follow me." You dragged Suho out of the room and outside, "Lead me to a place no one would ever go to."




"Wait, so I'm really gonna see you fly? You're kidding, right?" Suho said as he took you to a long meadow filed where no one was available.


"Sure." You smiled at Suho and ran into the field, almost in the center.


Suho panted as he chased after you.


"Are you exited?" You asked him.


"Sure." Suho mocked.




Suho nodded, worried, scared, and exited.


"Three.." you counted off.























Short chapter!!! Sorry! I'm leaving you guys with a cliff hanger today! JUST TROLLING YOU GUYS!


I made a really quick poster so it kind of looks bad.

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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 27: Seriously... come on author nim update soon I can't wait
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 25: It was cute. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 10: LOL Chen and Tao!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 8: That's sad. =(
Chapter 24: The last part was funny :D
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 22: Is that Chen?
Chapter 19: Hello^^~ I am the new reader ... I love this story..
Very interesting ..

So,update soon^^!!