Drinking Contest

Evil Angel


You grumbled and started mumbling bad words and Kai brought you back to the table.
"Where were you?" Baekhyun gasped, "Did you two-...!?!?!?"
You stood up and put a fist in front of his face, "You wanna die!?"
Baekhyun raised his arms in defeat, "I didn't say anything."
"Aish." *Stupid guys. Don't mess with me. S!!!*
"Hey~" you heard a voice say next to your ear.
You looked over and saw Suho worried, "What?"
Suho furrowed his eyebrows, "What really happened over there? You're so.... cranky."
You blew your bangs from your face, "A ty guy trying to make me sleep with him. Dumb ."
"Which is me!" Chen pointed to himself happily as he sat down across from you, "Hi, my name is Kim Jond Dae. Call me Chen." he gave out his hand, happily, to Suho.
Suho faked a laugh and shook his head, he whispered in your ear, "So that's who you're talking about?"
The rest of the other unfamiliar guys sat down next to Chen.
"You." you pointed evilly to the panda eyes, "Don't mess with me. AND you!" you pointed to Chen.
Tao frowned, "Fine." He huffed and looked away.
"Hey. That's my seat." Kai said to the person who looked like the nicest, sitting at the end.
"Oh. Mianhae." he stood up. Kai smirked and sat down in his seat.
"Lay!" Luhan hissed, "What the was that for!? Oh my fllkfglsdkgkdbks."
Lay smirked and sat next to you, "Then I get to sit here."
Luhan's mouth dropped, he smirked quickly *Good job, Lay.*
Chanyeol's mouth dropped as he saw someone sitting in his seat, he popped his bottle out of his mouth, making a pop sound. "Who are you?" he stared at the tall y figure.
He turned his head to meet Chanyeol's face, "Me? I'm Kris. Sit there." he smirked and pointed to the seat across from him.
You sighed, "What are you guys doing? Playing the staring game?" You rolled your eyes as they all stared at each other from across the table. One side on one side and the other on the other side.
"Lets play a game."
"Ooh! Ooh! I pick! I pick!" Tao jumped up and down, raising his hand like a little kid.
"Shuddup, Tao. I pick," Kris smirked, "Let play a drinking game."
"Spin the bottle! Please~ Do spin the bottle!" Tao pleaded to Kris.
Kris gave Tao a glare and Tao sunk back in his chair.
"20 bottles of bud light!"
Your eyes widened, "20!? No don't-" you saw the waitresses already setting up 20 bottled and giggling as they stared at these 12 handsome boys that are going to get drunk and crazy later.
The 20 bottles was served and the game started. 
"Circle of death? What's that game?" You raised an eyebrow as you looked at all of the playing cars set out on a circle. 
(If you know how to play "Circle of death" then you're awesome! Played that game, but no beer since I'm still kind of young. Used soda instead. MY EYES!)
"Yah, Suho! Not too much! I'm not going to drag you home!" You watched Suho gulp down a whole full bottle. 
Suho finished the bottle, he started to get a little dizzy and drunk.
"Holy ! We have to see drunk Suho again." Chanyeol clapped, both drunk and crazy.
You watched the 12 drunk boys play another game, "Spoons!" they cheered. You rubbed your temples, your feet were getting sore from standing.
"Here." a girl that was smoking pulled a chair next to you, "I know how you feel." She rolled her eyes and sat back down at a table with older men.
You raised an eyebrow and sat in the chair, adjusting and moving it so you could see what was going on.
"No!" Tao slammed the table as he lost. "Gege. I'm still young. Pwease~" He pouted cutely at Kris.
"Nope. Keep going. You're already past the age of 18."
Tao drunk down his cup in one. "That was nasty." he shivered. Tao laughed, drunk, "Just kidding! C'mon! I have to win this time!"
You rolled your eyes, *I should just blast my powers in public and be caught and die.* you sighed and watched them have fun while you didn't.
They all were really drunk after three games. Laughing about random like unicorns pooping out rainbows and eating out of the pot of gold from the end of the rainbows. Damn weren't you annoyed.
Most of them had past out on the table and a few tried to go to the bathroom. Some even wet their pants and fell on the floor, crawling to the bathroom like a bunch of jerks.
You rolled your eyes as you saw that they all had past out or either drunk walk to the bathroom. You looked at Suho, he had past out on the table. You raised an eyebrow, "He didn't even go crazy. He just stood there and a few minutes later, he knocked out." you went over to him and carried him on your back, you used your powers and lightly pushed him up and moved him around with you so it looked like you were carrying him on his back while he floated in the air.
You went past the guard. The guards eyes widened as he saw a man behind your back that past out. "Don't think wrong." you told the guard and walked off.
*So damn embarrassing!* you hid your face as you walked into the room. *People are just staring at me like I'm kidnapping him or something. Damn you, Suho.* you controlled Suho to the bed and pulled the covers over him. It was late at night and you were tired. You grabbed the blanket and layed down on the couch, the blanket covering.
Suho stirred in his sleep. He touched his head with his hand *So dizzy.* he tried to sit up be he couldn't. "Eunji?" he called out to the dark, the light only shined through the window so you could only see a little. A shadow sat next to Suho.
"Suho. Go back to sleep." Suho heard the familiar voice.
"Eunji, I can't. I can, but I can't."
You sighed, *Boys these days are just so confusing.* "Sleep. I'm going to sleep." you stood up but someone grabbed your wrist. You looked back at Suho.
"Stay." he tried to pull you but he was too weak. Suho took his hand off your arm and rested it on his head.
You sighed, "Seriously?"
You sighed and sat down next to the bed.
"Sleep next to me."
"No-...." You felt a little guilty. *Why am I suddenly being so nice to him?* You shook your head.
"Please, Eunji. I can only sleep when I'm by you."
You raised an eyebrow, half blushing, "Because you like me." you gave up and slept next to him.
Suho turned his body so he could see you. The light shined and he could see your face. *Blurry vision.* Suho was still half drunk but awake. He noticed that you had already fell asleep. He snuggled in with you but something shocked him. You snuggled with him as well. Suho smiled and wrapped an arm around you. Your head touched his chest and he fell asleep.
Ahhh~! Mianhae! Late update! *Bows tons of times that you get tired from watching and watch kpop instead.*
I was busy....... yeah. Hope you liked it though. :)
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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 27: Seriously... come on author nim update soon I can't wait
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 25: It was cute. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 10: LOL Chen and Tao!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 8: That's sad. =(
Chapter 24: The last part was funny :D
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 22: Is that Chen?
Chapter 19: Hello^^~ I am the new reader ... I love this story..
Very interesting ..

So,update soon^^!!