The Feeling Of...

Evil Angel


You grumbled on the way to Suho's work place.
Suho heard and looked at you, "What's wrong?"
You sighed and rubbed your temples, "Can't figure it out."
"What?" Suho thought, "Oh~, the riddle. I see. Need help?"
"No. You have thinking stuff to do too."
"Wow. I never knew my Eunji could be nice." he joked.
"Yah." you hit his arm and both chuckle.
"Ahahaha! You should've seen his- oh hi guys!" Sehun waved to you and Suho as you both walked in the room.
"Wow," you looked at the 5 boys already there, "I didn't know you guys could be so early."
"No. It's just that you're late."
"What?" you raised an eyebrow at Suho.
"Daylight saving day. That's why we came late." Suho said as he took off his coat.
"Oh.." *What's that?* you furrowed your eyebrows.
"AHAHAHAHA!" The five boys burst into laughter as they watch a funny Harlem Shake video on YouTube.
Chanyeol jumps out of his chair and claps like a seal. Silent laughter, epic face.
Baekhyun keeps slapping his knee and laughing, his eyes into crescents.
Kai stands there and laughs, squeezing his eyes shut and jumping around.
Sehun runs around the room laughing loudly.
Kyungsoo slaps his face with his hands.
Suho rolls his eyes, "Those aren't even funny. Who thinks it's funny?"
"I do!" the laughing jocks say in unison.
You move your hand and the computer screen faces you. You see guys dancing and shaking like crazy. "It's not funny... I think it's..... gay."
Suho laughs, "AHAHA! See! She agrees with me! Yay! Good job my Eunji."
You roll your eyes and face the screen the way it was. "No offence but people who do that have no life."
"Agreed!" Chanyeol raises his hand and clicks out of YouTube.
You sigh, "Get to work."
"Oh yeah," Suho reminds you, "Do you still have that spell thingy on the camera."
You sigh, *I've been sitting here for three hours and my hurts. And I'm super bored.* "I'm bored... can I do something?"
"Wow," Kai says in amazement, "I didn't know Suho's girlfriend could be nice?"
You gave him a glare, "Wanna die?"
"Can you give me bubble tea? I was gonna tell D.O to take me but you asked. Give me bubble tea, please?" Sehun smiles before going back to work.
You let out your hand to Sehun, "Where's the money?"
Sehun looks at you, "Don't you have your own?"
You pretend to think, "Hm, I have gold coins but they would think I've been watching too many old movies, now gimme."
Sehun pouts and takes some money out of his pocket. "Here. Give me the change."
"No duh." you roll your eyes.
"I can come with you." Suho says worried.
"I got it. Don't worry."
"No. I'll come with you."
"Stay. I'm fine."
"Do you know where you can get bubble tea?"
"Yeah. We pass the shop everyday. I'll be fine, Suho."
Suho frowns, "But-..... I guess." His heart pounding, worried, scared. *I don't want you to be alone at night.*
You walk out the doors of the building and head to the place? *Am I going the right way?* You sigh. You see a split alley. *Dammit. Just like in the movies. Hey! You go that way and I go this way! And then when the both come out the same way, one person doesn't come out.*
You walked into the alley with the brighter lights. A weird feeling came to your heart, pounding... what is this weird feeling? You gulp and look around, *Too quiet.*
"Ey." someone taps your shoulder.
You squeal and turn around to see a man. "Wh-what?"
He smirks, "Where are you going?" he steps a little closer to you.
You back up, "No where you need to know." You couldn't think. Didn't know what to do. *Suho.* You chest heaved up and down rapidly.
The man held your arms, "Come with me. I'll take you somewhere."
"Let me go!" You tried getting out of his grasp but the man held tighter. Hurting your arms. Your eyes filled with tears. 
"It's okay. I won't hurt you." he smirked and tried making you walk.
"No! No! Let me go!" the tears fell.
"Hey!" you and the man turn around to see Suho.
"Suho." you smiled a bit.
"Who the hell are you?" Suho steps up to the older looking man.
"Wh-what are you talking about?"
"Don't touch my girl."
The man gestured his hands, "She fell and I helped her up. Right?" he looked at you.
Suho turned to look at you, "Eunji?"
You pointed past him, "He ran." still, the weird feeling inside of you.
Suho embraced you into his arms. You cried quietly. "He's gone. I will never leave you again, promise."
*What's the feeling. It's so weird. Suho, my lifesaver.* you couldn't think of anything but being in Suho's arms.
"Let's go back." Suho took you back to the hotel.
You lightly shook, heaving chest, hard breathing, sweat rolling, heart racing. What's this weird feeling inside you.
You and Suho layed in the bed, facing each other, cuddling.
Then you figured it out. You looked up at Suho who was looking at you the whole time, "I figured it out."
"The mission." Suho whispered.
You nod, "This is... the feeling......" you looked at Suho again, "This is the feeling of being scared."
Suho let you snuggle into his chest. He your head, *This is her first time being scared. So... strong.*
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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 27: Seriously... come on author nim update soon I can't wait
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 25: It was cute. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 10: LOL Chen and Tao!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 8: That's sad. =(
Chapter 24: The last part was funny :D
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 22: Is that Chen?
Chapter 19: Hello^^~ I am the new reader ... I love this story..
Very interesting ..

So,update soon^^!!