
Evil Angel


You pouted, *No hope.*
Minho came up to you with a map in his hand, "So... where do we go?"
Onew hit his shoulder, "Yah. She doesn't even know where she lives."
"I'll be right back." you told them. You went to a lonely corner, "Finally." you looked through your pictures. You remembered that you took a picture of the hotel. "Found it!"
"Guys!" you ran up to them, "I remember."
"Mhm." you nodded cutely.
Suho walked back and forth biting his nail.
Kai looked at him from the couch, "Sorry."
Chanyeol rubbed his temples, "Dude. You've said that to him millions of times already. He knows."
Suho looked at Kai who was looking down, "And I said I already forgave you." Suho sat next to Kai, "It wasn't your fault. Most of it."
Kai chuckled, "I know. I should've watched her like how you told me to. But my girlfriend was there! She would get curious of us."
"At least she told the truth."
"Well yeah. She said we're friends. And we are!" Kai sighed in frustration.
"Don't worry too much, Suho. There are people out there that can help her get home." Kyungsoo told him.
Suho sighed and leaned back, "That worries me even more."
"Oh my god, Thuho. Ith's okay. The's thmart. Right Baek?" Sehun said.
"Mwo?" Baekhyun tilted his head, "Oh yeah. She is smart. Sorry, I couldn't register everything what Sehun said."
"Hey! Not funny." Sehun pouted.
"I'm bored. Can I watch the news or something?"
Suho blinked, *news.*
~flash back~
"I'm gonna watch the news."
"Don't!" you shut the t.v.
~flash back gone~
"The news!" Suho jumped up and grabbed the remote.
"Yay! Suho finally bought a real T.V!"
"I know. Now quiet." Suho's heart ached to know why he couldn't watch the T.V.
Suho clicked to the news channel and waited for the commercial to end.
"Aish. Darn commercials." Chanyeol grumbled.
"Welcome back to~" the news channel came back on live.
Suho waited. *Why did she not let me watch only the news? What happened?*
"The case still goes on for the meteor in the sky. An old women looked up in the sky and she said that she thought she was a meteor flying down to earth. Police and citizens have looked everywhere but found nothing. Here are clips of what happened in the sky."
Suho watched a white stream shoot across the sky and fall down towards the ground and it was no where to be seen after it fell.
"What? She doesn't want me to see a meteor?" Suho's eyes furrowed.
Knocks replayed on Suho's door.
"Got it!" Baekhyun opened the door and two gasping figures came inside.
"You?" Suho pointed to the familiar girl, "I forgot your name."
"Nana? My name? Nana. So. Where's Eunji?" Nana looked all over but only found boys.
"She ran away on accident."
"Mwo!?" she gaped at Kai. "How, Kai!?"
Kai's eyes widen, "You know my name?"
"Of course. I'm an angel like her."
Yonghwa pointed at Nana, "It's true. She showed me her wings. Like an angel."
"Yeah~ now shut up. But how!? She can't just randomly run away."
"She got scared." Kyungsoo said, "that's why she ran away."
"Jeongmal?! She got scared? I thought she never got scared before." Nana panicked.
"She did. She's already experienced it before she ran away." Suho said while leaning back on the couch.
"Really? Okay then." Nana sighed, "Does anyone know where she ran?"
"Nope. No one was there when she ran." they spoke.
Nana looked at Suho and pointed to him, "You!"
Suho stood straight ad blinked, "Mwo?"
Nana tilted her head, "Aren't you guys..... lovers?"
Suho blushed a little before looking down.
"That means a yes." Nana rose an eyebrow, "She broke a rule. Of course she would, she's evil remember. Be happy. She's a good girl once you know her."
"I know." Suho mumbled.
"Then why are we not lovers?" Yonghwa crossed his arms.
Nana glared at him, "Idiot. I already have a boyfriend. I told you that millions of times."
"Who's your boyfriend?" Sehun asked.
"It's no other than Justin Bieber!" Nana joked.
Mouths dropped.
"Just kidding." Nana chuckled, "His name is Bi Rain."
"Bi Rain? So he's the ran in the sky."
"Yep. y." Nana smiled.
Chanyeol said in a high pitched voice, "Awkward."
"So what power do you have?" Sehun asked Nana happily.
"Power of water."
"Show me~" Sehun said cutely.
Nana opened her hand and a ball of water started forming larger.
"Hey! Hey! Don't get my carpet wet!" Suho pointed.
Nana closed her hand and the water disappeared, "I know."
Suho looked at Nana, "Nana?"
"Eunji told me to not watch the news. Waeyo?" Suho's heart thudded for the answers.
Nana blinked, "What's wrong? Wait.... do you remember when she first landed?"
"Yeah. I was walking back to the hotel and I was her hurt on the ground."
"What else happened?"
"She told me to take her away from the cops so she won't get caught or something. I looked over to where she was talking about and there were cops talking to a lady." Suho said. Not understanding.
"What was the lady doing?" Nana rose an eyebrow.
"She was pointing.... to the sky..." Suho thought for a moment.
Nana smirked, "You got it now?"
"I got it!" Suho jumped. "The cops, the old woman, the sky, I got it! Thank you, Nana. But why did she hide it from me?"
Nana sat down, "Duh. It's obvious. She doesn't want you to worry about her. She's really independent. She only has a mom and she's a single child. Her past... she doesn't remember."
"What do you mean?" Kai leaned in for more information.
"Angel's were human before. And when they die they either go to hell or come to heaven. So Eunji went to heaven and met her mom that she remembered. She became friend with me and other angel's. We were talking about our past lives and how we died. But Eunji was the only one who couldn't remember." Nana nodded.
"So.. there should still be records of when she was alive?"
"So, she lied to me that she was born as an angel and not a human first?"
"Oh that! Psh! That's our ways we talk, bro!" Nana said, "We were humans but we were born to die as angels. Get it now? It's not very understandable before we actually tell you what it means."
"I get it now." Suho nodded.
"Don't worry. She'll come back to you." Nana patted Suho's shoulder.
"I know she will. I have faith in her."
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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 27: Seriously... come on author nim update soon I can't wait
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 25: It was cute. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 10: LOL Chen and Tao!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 8: That's sad. =(
Chapter 24: The last part was funny :D
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 22: Is that Chen?
Chapter 19: Hello^^~ I am the new reader ... I love this story..
Very interesting ..

So,update soon^^!!