Going Where!?

Evil Angel

Suho stirred in his sleep. He growled. *Can't sleep.* Suho sits up, adjusting his eyes to the dark. Suho now saw everything because the light of the moon from the window. It was so quiet that he could hear you breathing. Suho's heart thumped as a question came across his mind, *When will she ever fall for me? I know that angels....I still don't believe that she's an angel. But I know that her as a guardian isn't suppose to fall in love with people. But, that's like the dumbest rule ever. Love is mysterious. It can go anyway. Hehe, copying from a book. because the last part says, "Love is mysterious. But after a long time love will just kick you in the !" JK I made the last part mysel. But Wae~?* Suho frowned, thinking to himself. Suho popped out of his thoughts and stood up. Walking towards the bed where you slept.


Suho gulped, *She's sleeping.* Suho stood next to you. *Her face is beautiful.* he satred at you. Long lashes and pink, soft, plush lips. Suho gulped again. He slowly went up to your face and kissed your lips. Suho smiled as he retracted and kept staring at you. Suho yawned, *Now I'm tired?* Suho quietly scoffed.




You stirred in your sleep as you felt warm lips on yours. You slowly open your eyes to see Suho sleeping next to you. Lip to lip. *Dafuq. How did this happen?* you didn't notice the kiss. Suho flickered his eyes opened and blinked at you. You're eyes widened as you noticed that you both were lip to lip. You push Suho away.


"How did I end up here?" Suho looks around. *Oh yeah. That night when I went back to the couch I couldn't sleep and I went back to you and I was sleepy again so I ended up sleeping on the bed with you.*


You eyes widened and you got off the bed, pointing at Suho, "How the hell did you get here? On the bed. Kissing me."


Suho blinked at you. "Kiss? You thought we were kissing while I was sleeping?"


Your face went red, "Whatever. J-just don't do that again." you face your back to Suho.


Suho went behind you and wrapped his arms around your neck. Suho tilted his head to your face and rested his head on his arms. "Do you still like me?"


Your heart thumps, "Aish!" you push him off you. "Why do you always ask that? No!" your eyes glow red and you stomp off to the bathroom.


Suho frowns. *Seriously?* he sits on the couch and turn on the T.V.


You were scrubbing your head with shampoo. *This is omma.* A voice said in your head. "Really omma. Now?"


*Mianhae. Since you weren't thinking about anything. I have a new mission for you.*


"What now?*


*Listen closely. I will repeat this twice.*


"I'm listening."


*Lights are flashing. Bodies are heat. Once you swallow, you're put away.*


You sighed, "Great. Now we go to poems and ."


*I'll repeat again. Lights flashing. Bodies are heat. Once you swallow, you're put away. Be careful.* and the oice fades away.


"Thanks. I'll be careful. , I don't even know what you're talking about. I'll figure it out soon." You grab your towel and wrap it around you. "My missions are getting harder now." you growled, "I'm never kissing him again."


Suho is at the kitchen, making noodles. Mumbling to the lyrics of a new song that came out "What is love?"


You raised an eyebrow and watched him. "Watchya singing?"


"Hmm?" Suho turns to look at you. "Just a song." and goes back to work. "I have work today so I'll be home at 7 pm. Nae?"


"Mhm. That's awesome." you motion your hand and a water bottle comes floating towards you. You grab the water bottle and take a sip.


Suho blinked and watched you.


You looked back at him and smirked, "Indirest kiss?" Suho blushes and looks away. *I just love teasing this kid.*




"Annyeong~" you wave to him with a plain face.


"Annyeong~!" Suho waves back and smiles.


You stare at the bow tie he wore. One of them you gave him for his birthday. "I told you the light blue one works fine."


Suho rolls his eyes and closes the door behind him. Leaving you alone.


"Well now that he's gone. What am I suppose to do? Tease the mirror? Haha. Great joke, Eunji. Wait....I'm talking to myself?" An idea pops in your head, "I'll work on the poem mission." You walk around the room, thinking and trying to know what it means. "Lights flashing. Bodies are heat. Once you swallow, you're put away. Be careful...Agh I don't know."




The boss raises an eyebrow at the bow tie, "Nice ow tie, Suho."


Suho smiles, "Ah. Kangsangmitha."


"Sooo," one of the workers, Kim Jong In AKA Kai rolls his chair next to Suho, "How did you get this?"


"Birthday present."


Kai's eyes widened, "Did you hear that Kyungie. Suho has friends now."


"You do? Congrats!" Kyungsoo cheers.


Suho rolls his eyes, "I had this friend long ago guys. And I'm not a loner." Suho pouts and crosses his arms over his chest.


"Ehem. Park Chanyeol? What are you doing to umm...the newbie?"


Chanyeol stops what he's doing. "Hehe. Nothing."


Sehun gives him a glare, "He tried to ra-"


"I-It's nothing, boss. Get back to work. We got everything."


Sehun moves his hands away and the boss closes the door. "Aish. You're so michotho"


"Who is?" The rest say in unison.




Baekhyun and Chanyeol starts giving each other high fives. "I know! I know! Just too awesome for maknae."


The other members roll their eyes and go back to their desks.


"Oh. And you is this friend, Suho?" Kai smirks and leans his arm on the table.




The door slams open. They all stare to see who barged in. You.


"Uhh.....Who are you?"


You glare at the two guys that were holding hands. You raised an eyebrow, "Are you two....."


Baekhyun and Chanyeol look at each other, their hand. They retract their hands and chuckle. "A-aniyo. It's not like that."


Suho glares at you and hisses, "What are you doing here?"


"Don't you remember." You close the door behind you and sit in a chair next to the door.


"Is she.....Is she your girlfriend!?"


"Your girlfriend! Congrats!"


"You had a girlfriend this wholetime and you didn't tell us that!?"


"She's hot." The members stop talking and glare at Kai.


You eyes go red, "That's a first."


Suho face palms himself and shakes his head.


"What are you here for anyways. I don't think I have an appointment with you." Bakehyun looks through his files, "Nope. Please leave."


You glare at him. Baekhyun's eyes widen as he see's your red eyes.


"Dafuq? Contacts?"


"Who are you?" Sehun sits next to you with no embarrassment.


"Me? I am....his guardian." You point to Suho.


The member stare at each other then burst out laughing. "His guardian?! Or are you a nanny. No, maybe- ah."


You pull Sehun's ear, "Whatever you're name is. I will throw you out the window."


"Ah~ My ear. How- I mean don't. Let go please."


You let go of his ear and cross your arms, "Just ignore me."


"Oh. And my name is Sehun, Oh Sehun." Sehun sits back in his own chair.


"Wait!" You stop them from saying their names and look at each person. You point, "The one who called me hot is Kim Jong In. Likes to be called Kai."


Kai's eyes widen.


You point, "The one with bigger eyes than Kai is Do Kyungsoo but liked to be called D.O" You point to the tall one, "Park Chanyeol." You point to the one next to him, "Byun Baekhyun." You point to Sehun, "Oh Sehun." you point to Suho, "Kim Joon Myun but likes so be called Suho. Done."


Their eyes widen in shock. "H-how does..." they stare at you and Suho.


"And I'm not his girlfriend. Just an angel guardian."


"Angel!?" They say in unison. "Suho you better explain. She's pretty like an angel but she can't be an angel. I don't believe her." Baekhyun crosses his arms over his chest.


"I said. Just ignore me."


"It's okay. I don't believe her either."


"I said before, Suho. I'll prove it someday. When it's time." *Gosh I should've stayed home.*




"Hey, guys!" Kai stops them.


"What now, Kai?" they sigh.


Kai smirks, "Let's go to the club."


"Um......sure." some members follow Kai.


"Take you're girlfriend along, Suho." Kai smirks.


"I'm not her girlfriend!" "She's not my girlfriend!" you ad Suho say at the same time.


"Wait. Going where!?" Your eyes widen.

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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 27: Seriously... come on author nim update soon I can't wait
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 25: It was cute. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 10: LOL Chen and Tao!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 8: That's sad. =(
Chapter 24: The last part was funny :D
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 22: Is that Chen?
Chapter 19: Hello^^~ I am the new reader ... I love this story..
Very interesting ..

So,update soon^^!!