Now Do You Believe Me?

Evil Angel


You walked inside the hotel room 199. "It's pretty nice." you say to him while looking around.
Suho chuckled and rubbed his neck, "I just like being tidy." you look at him. "I'll uh....order something for us to drink." Suho takes out his phone.
You sigh and walk to his bed, *It just has to be right across the room. It not even in a room? Wow. Everything in this hotel room is in the outside except for the bathroom.* you walked to the bathroom, you stopped, "Oh yeah. About my explaination." You walked towards the guy who put his phone away, "I know who you are. Suho right?"
Suho's eyes widen, "H-how did you know?"
You scoff and cross your arms, "My omma made me."
Suho's heart raced, "Your omma? B-but-"
You laughed, "Don't worry. As I said. I'll explain everything. Just a few words and you probably won't belive me but I'll make you." you smiled. "Ready, Suho?"
Suho's heart skipped as you smiled and said his name, "Yes?"
*Will he?* " an angel."
Suho blinked, "I don't believe you. I mean you look like an angel because your very pretty," he muttered the last words, "But I don't believe you."
You smiled, "I told you you wouldnt. And another thing you won't believe....I have powers. Telekineses. The ability to control."
Suho scoffed, "Nope. Still don't"
You smirked, "Oh really? I'll show you." you motioned your hand and flung Suho on his bed. You crawled on top of him. "Now?"
"N-no." it was getting hard for him to breath.
"Sir you dri-" said the person outside of the room. She opened the door but you quickly closed it with motioning your hand to the door, you locked it. "Now?"
Suho blinked, *How did she do that?* "I guess."
You smiled and got off of him, "Well you may believe me until after a while. I'll tell you everything once that nice lady leaves." You motioned your hand, unlocking the door and opening it, "Sorry. Bring it in."
The girl blinked. *She opened it without touching?* She quickly came inisde and put down the drinks. Then she heard something in her head say *Tell anyone and you'll die in hell.* She flinched and ran out the room without a word.
You laughed, "D-did you see her face?" you clutched your stomach. 
"What did you do?" Suho tilted his head as he drunk a sip of his wine.
"I scared her. And treat my wound." you showed him your wound, it bleed even more.
Suho quickly wrapped it with a bandage, "There. Leave it for a few days. If you don't then you'll get sick."
You ignored him, "Onto the thing I was telling you." you motioned for a chair, the chair was in front of you, "Sit."
Suho's eyes widened and he sat.
"First of all. Angel's dont get sick. Second, you'll get used to my powers after a while. Now we begin. My omma made me research you and learn about you so I could come to earth and protect you from danger. I dont know why though. After I learned, I was sent to heaven and BAM!....I landed with a thud and cut myself. It because she made me wear this white fancy dress that I dont like. You'll lend me clothes later right? So yeah....I'm here to protect you. That's basically the whole thing. And also! You know that angel are nice right?"
Suho nodded.
"But I'm evil. I'll show you my evilness if you get me mad." you tilted you head, "But since people think I'm beautiful and all that, then they think of me as nice." You smiled. "Rule one...the ones I made up. Don't get me mad. Two, Don't be erted know. Becuase I swear I'll kill you. And three.."
Suho was thinking about more killing but he heard what he didn't expect.
"Three...don't fall in love with me. As I told you, I'm an angel." you say innocently, "I never had my first kiss and had my first love since I was born in heaven soo....yeah." you nod.
Suho nods, "Okay then. But I still don't believe you."
"You will once I stay with you longer. Now lend me some clothes. Suho gave you clothes.
"Nice sweater." Suho had given you a sweater with the jean shorts you had under your dress. You hung your dress in Suho's closet.
Suho looked at your bare legs. Soft and peach looking.
You saw him stare at your legs, "Done?"
Suho looked away without saying a word.
You rolled your eyes and looked around, "I'll sleep on your bed." you sat on his bed cross legged, facing him.
"So then I take the couch?" Suho pointed.
You nod innocently, "Yep. Or do you get hormonal?" You raised an eyebrow.
Suho blushed, "N-no. Of course I don't." he grabbed some blankets and headed to the couch. Suho sat down and the T.V or so called "laptop." Suho remembered, "Oh yeah. So this is your first time right?"
You nod, "Yep. It's a lot of learning. Psh. A lot of learning to protect one person. I'm your guardian from now on."
Suho frowned, "My name means that."
"Then I am your suho, Suho."
Suho pouted.
"Snap shot!" you held out your palm just a whole ruler away from his face. A click clicked. You looked at your palm to see it glowing with a picture of Suho pouting, "It's cute. Want to see it?" You swiped your finger on your palm and swiped upward so that it was floating, you used your fingers and enlarged the glowing photo os Suho. "Like it? I do." you smiled.
Suho blinked *Am I dreaming?* he looked at the glowing picture. "S-so you have powers?"
You raise your eyebrow, "Didn't I already tell you that? And I also forgot to tell you that I can take pictures and videos with my palm. I have like...a memory box to keep them in there." you swiped the photo back in your palm. You closed your palm and opened it back up to reveal nothing.
Suho's eyes popped open.
"I'm hungry, got any food?"
"I'll go make some for us since I'm hungry as well." Suho got up and went to the kitchen.
*He got used to me easily. Omma? Are you sure I might fall for him?* you asked your omma. *It depends on what may happen, darling.* you pout. "Thanks for the answer, omma."
Suho popped his head out of the kitchen, "Omma? I'm not your omma?"
You shake your head, "No. I'm talking to my omma in my head."
Suho looked back forward, *What else can she do?*
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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 27: Seriously... come on author nim update soon I can't wait
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 25: It was cute. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 10: LOL Chen and Tao!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 8: That's sad. =(
Chapter 24: The last part was funny :D
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 23: I think Suho will :)
Chapter 22: Is that Chen?
Chapter 19: Hello^^~ I am the new reader ... I love this story..
Very interesting ..

So,update soon^^!!