Amusement Park: Part 1

Day by Day (Discontinued)
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   - JUNG HANA -

     As soon as the fire alarm went off so did my phone, it was Daehyun. Naturally I picked it up and answered the call,

"Daeeeee what is it now?"


"Oh so you know about the little fire..."

"OF COURSE! I'm on my way home right now, WHAT DID YOU DO?"

"It was Youngjae!!!!!!!! He tried to cook!" 

Next thing I knew, my own brother hung up on me but I wasn't free of his presence for long because 5 minutes later he was home. As soon as he got into the apartment he kicked Youngjae out of the kitchen, scolded me for even letting Youngjae touch the stove and cleaned up the mess in 10 minutes flat. I think that's his personal best! After he cleaned up, Dae made us all diner and we began eating. Halfway through the meal I began to talk and finally, I asked Dae, "So can I go this weekend with Zelo?" Youngjae nearly jumped out of his seat, "Go where exactly with ZELO?" I blushed a little and remembered that I hadn't told Youngjae so I quickly explained to him and he nodded and sat down. Dae ate silently for a moment until he smiled and said to me, "Of course you can go on your little date~" I almost spit out my kimchi, that is how surprised I was. "WHOA WHOA WHOA hold up. This isn't a date!" I said a little too loudly....

"Yes it is"

"No it isn't, Dae oppa!" 

"Well if it isn't a date then take Chun Hie with you."

     I paused for a second, I never considered taking Chun Hie with me. I immediately grabbed my phone out of my bag and texted Zelo to make sure if it was okay and he said it was alright and that his friend would be coming along with us so no one would have to third wheel. I smiled and told Dae, "Fine, I will take Chun Hie with me." I immediately called Chun Hie to invite her and she was absolutely ecstatic, I think she almost screamed. Anyway, that night I went to bed happier than ever because tomorrow I would go to the amusement park and it would be fun, the first fun I've had in a long time. 

     I woke up to Dae staring down at me, "Good morning, Hana~" he said. I pushed him aside and got up then he came to hug me and said, "Get dressed in something decent, I want you to look nice when you go on your date!" Aashdgl;jagl;afjglsjdl;ga;lkjfdg I thought but I just smiled and went to get ready. I got changed and waited for Chun Hei to arrived. I have to admit, Daehyun's taste for clothing wasn't bad considering he dressed me this morning...



It’s just my luck! Today Yongguk Oppa would have to go to work for the whole day and Himchan Oppa had to go for a family meeting for the whole day as well so I would be alone. Usually

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wiwiekchen #1
Chapter 56: Where's the update? :(
exoticallyinlove #2
Chapter 56: JONGUP BAD! lol but still super cute xD
Chapter 56: uhhh o:
Chapter 55: Yatta ~~~
I finally done reading 51 chapters in one day (caught up on this story )
Iam happy
I cann't wait for the next chapter
What will happen !!!??
exoticallyinlove #5
Chapter 55: BAM!! Finally caught up on this story XDXD!! Managed to read like 20 chapters today!! I love this story! :D:D

Finally, Dae is starting to lighten up! I was afraid he wouldn't let Hana and Zelo be together! This story is so cute, and I can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 55: Lmao "I have to cook for all these boys... *le sigh*"
Chapter 54: hahaa aaaw cuteeeee *-*
Chapter 54: Hahaha awwwww JongHei moment <3
Chapter 53: I want DaeDae to like Jello babyyyy D;
Chapter 53: Omoo D:
I hope daehyunnie will like Zelo soon ._.