
Day by Day (Discontinued)
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      - JUNG HANA -     

 “So dongsaeng, how was your day~?” Dae mockingly asked me while bringing dinner to the table. I glared at him a little then replied,


“It was okay.”


“I think it went better than okay considering what you’re wearing.”


“Oh…yeah our clothes got wet and the stupid salesman didn’t tell us they were couples sweaters.”


“Are you sure you don’t like Zelo??”


“I don’t know anymore, Dae oppa,” I replied with a sigh. Daehyun sighed and continued eating and for the rest of the meal we said nothing. When we finished the meal, I grabbed the dirty dishes and began washing them while Daehyun made some tea.


“Hana, you say you’re not sure if you like him or not?”


“Yeah. I definitely feel something towards him and I guess you could call it a “crush” but I don’t know, I’ve never felt this way before. Wow that sounds cheesy.”


“Nonsense, you sound cute, adorable actually.”


“Aghhhh but I’m not cute!”


        Daehyun got up out of his seat and gave came over to me washing dishes, gave me a back hug while saying, “Hana, I know it has not been easy for you to make friends since mom and dad died, I know you’ve been being closed up don’t think I’ve noticed. I’m happy that you have made a friend, he seems nice but I don’t think I’m ready to let

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wiwiekchen #1
Chapter 56: Where's the update? :(
exoticallyinlove #2
Chapter 56: JONGUP BAD! lol but still super cute xD
Chapter 56: uhhh o:
Chapter 55: Yatta ~~~
I finally done reading 51 chapters in one day (caught up on this story )
Iam happy
I cann't wait for the next chapter
What will happen !!!??
exoticallyinlove #5
Chapter 55: BAM!! Finally caught up on this story XDXD!! Managed to read like 20 chapters today!! I love this story! :D:D

Finally, Dae is starting to lighten up! I was afraid he wouldn't let Hana and Zelo be together! This story is so cute, and I can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 55: Lmao "I have to cook for all these boys... *le sigh*"
Chapter 54: hahaa aaaw cuteeeee *-*
Chapter 54: Hahaha awwwww JongHei moment <3
Chapter 53: I want DaeDae to like Jello babyyyy D;
Chapter 53: Omoo D:
I hope daehyunnie will like Zelo soon ._.