Jung Hana

Day by Day (Discontinued)
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      I still remember playing on the beach three summers ago with Daehyun and my parents, it was so much fun. I even remember burying Daehyun’s body in sand and my dad having to dig him up out of the sand. My mother laughed because it was hard for my dad to do it because well Daehyun isn’t the lightest person in the world. I miss that. It had only been a year since my parents die in a car accident. Ever since I was little I always worried about losing my parents I just never expected it to happen before I even turned sixteen; I still get nightmares about my losing my parents and that horrible car crash. I can’t believe this year’s summer passed by so fast and it is already time to go back to school, I am sixteen now which means I’d be entering grade eleven. I finished packing up all my things that day and was ready to sleep…I need all the rest I could get before school started up again. I guess my brain just didn’t want to rest because I had the scariest nightmare yet and I woke up screaming. When I was little and had nightmares, my parents would come and comfort me; nothing against my brother, I love him but I’m simply not used to Daehyun coming to comfort me when I wake up screaming.


        Daehyun has been so brave and strong since my parents died. Dae (my nickname for him) had just turned eighteen a month ago and I doubt he was ready for this; he had to get a part-time job to pay the rent for our two-bedroom apartment and half of his college tuition. My relatives tried to help out as best as they could by paying for my uniform for school and the other half of my brother’s college tuition. Dae does everything for me, he even picks me up every day after school is finished; in the morning I enjoy waking up to the smell of his cooking as well.


        Anyways, now back to what happened. Daehyun tried his best to comfort me and get me to calm down but I just couldn’t do it, the most I could do was sleep for a few hours. I fell asleep at 6am and woke up at 7am to Daehyun holding my hand asleep with his head on my bed. I felt so bad, he stayed up all night so that I could sleep and he has school today too! I woke him up so he could get ready for school and I made breakfast for the both of us. I just cooked some rice put it with the left over kimchi from last night. Daehyun took over and told me to go get ready for school. I grabbed my uniform from my closet and slipped it on, now it was time to do my hair. At this point….cooking was looking a lot easier than doing my hair. You see, my hair is really long; I am growing it out so it will be as long as my mom’s was. There are so many things you can do with long hair but I am not good at any of them so I figured I could just tie it up in a pony tail…..yeah that works. I grabbed the new backpack Dae got me for my sixteenth birthday, August 21st. I loved this backpack to death but I felt bad that he spent money on me. I walked downstairs to the kitchen to wait for Dae to get ready and when he was ready he came down, grabbed my hand and walked me to school.


        I love that Daehyun always walks me to school in the morning and picks me up when school is over it’s just people are strange, strange things. I’ve had the neighbors ask how long we had been dating, some tell us that we were a very cute couple; some even asked for Dae’s number which bothered me the most, I’m very protective of my brother. There are also these girls in my school that ask me to give them his number or tell me that they thought he was hot and ask him to call them. I know my brother is attractive; I just try not to let him know because he’d get a big head. :P


       After 15 minutes of walking, we reached school and Daehyun said good-bye to me, kissed me on the forehead, and told me to be good. Surprisingly, this year there were no new students in my grade as far as I was concerned so I sat in a desk laid my head down and everyone left me alone as usual. Because one person had left from last year no one sat beside me so when the bell rang for class to start no one was sitting beside me! I silently thought to myself, “Wow, maybe class won’t be so bad if no one bothers me.” I was horribly wrong. After the bell rang someone new walked in, the teacher introduced him as Choi Jun Hong but he asked everyone to call him “Zelo.” I suddenly realized that Jun Hong had nowhere to sit but beside me…I made a silent cry to God and begged him not to let “Zelo” sit beside me. I guess God was busy because Zelo sat right beside me and began talking to me.


        Zelo was about 6 feet tall with nice hair (I have to admit that I did think he was cute >/////<) he sat down, smiled warmly at me and said, “Hi, I’m Zelo. What’s your name?”


        I looked at him smiled back and replied, “Hi. My name is Jung Hana.” “Maybe this Zelo guy isn’t so bad,” I thought to myself. Soon enough, it was lunch time. Dae really doesn’t like me eating lunch alone but I’m not exactly good at making friends so that is usually what happens. I grabbed my wallet from my backpack and started walking towards the stairs when Zelo screamed, “Hana! Can I have lunch with you?”

“Uh….sure. It’s just I usually eat by myself but I guess you can come with me,” I yelled back at him. Sure enough, Zelo grabbed his wallet as well and followed me to the closest restaurant off campus.


        As we went to sit down I saw a bunch of girls from our school staring at Zelo and waving at him like I didn’t even exist…….the idiot waved back too and that is when I started to think less highly of this guy. I opened my bento, broke my chopsticks and went straight for the kimchi, man I love kimchi. Zelo on the other hand ordered a bulgogi bento box which I had to admit, looked pretty yummy. We ate in silence for a few minutes until I decided to try to be social and ask him, “So um…..why did you want to eat lunch with me?”


 Zelo looked at me surprised that I could talk and replied, “Well why not eat lunch with you?”


I thought about the question for a second and said to him, “It’s just that most people don’t really like to um….hang out with me.”


Zelo looked stunned for a second and then began to laugh saying to me, “They are silly then. Who doesn’t want to eat lunch with a pretty girl?”


I think my face nearly exploded because I was burning up, no one really calls me pretty except for Daehyun but he is my brother. Even if Zelo was a little naïve, I think he realized that I didn’t get compliments like

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wiwiekchen #1
Chapter 56: Where's the update? :(
exoticallyinlove #2
Chapter 56: JONGUP BAD! lol but still super cute xD
Chapter 56: uhhh o:
Chapter 55: Yatta ~~~
I finally done reading 51 chapters in one day (caught up on this story )
Iam happy
I cann't wait for the next chapter
What will happen !!!??
exoticallyinlove #5
Chapter 55: BAM!! Finally caught up on this story XDXD!! Managed to read like 20 chapters today!! I love this story! :D:D

Finally, Dae is starting to lighten up! I was afraid he wouldn't let Hana and Zelo be together! This story is so cute, and I can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 55: Lmao "I have to cook for all these boys... *le sigh*"
Chapter 54: hahaa aaaw cuteeeee *-*
Chapter 54: Hahaha awwwww JongHei moment <3
Chapter 53: I want DaeDae to like Jello babyyyy D;
Chapter 53: Omoo D:
I hope daehyunnie will like Zelo soon ._.