So Here's the Plan

Day by Day (Discontinued)
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- Zelo - 

I went to school the next day happy, I got to spend so much time with Hana this weekend! I skateboarded to school with Jongup by my side and strolled into the classroom once we reached the school. Hana had n't gotten there yet so I just went to go sit down at our desk and get ready for class first. It was only Monday so I was staying optomistic since it was only the beginning of the week. I was still thinking about why Daehyun was so angry. I think he might be mad at me since he was glaring at me after he stopped yelling. Chills down my spine, Daehyun was kinda scary I have to admit. Finally Hana walked into the classroom. 

- Day 1 -

Hana walked into the classroom slowly and she seemed to be avoiding looking at me. Was something wrong? Hana sat down next to me and she still didn't look at me. What did I do??? I waved my hand in front of Hana's face but she didn't even look at me, she just kept staring blankly at her pencil case. I waved my hand again and still...nothing. Why? I got out of my seat, walked in front of her and waved my hands, danced around, I even shook my at response. Fine, Hana Jung, be that way. I'm not giving up though, I will get your attention somehow! 

- Day 2 -

I got to school today after Hana so I knew that before I walked into the classroom that I had to get my plan ready. I would follow Hana everywhere today! I mean everywhere! Well I guess everywhere except for to the washroom I guess. Hana sat down once again beside me and once again she didn't look at me. I wouuld get her attention whether she liked it or not. Everyhwere Hana went, I went with her but nothing happened! I think she might have actually turned around once to look at me but other than that she never looked at me. What did I do? Did I hurt Hana? I hope I didn't... I texted Hana about 20 times today but she didn't reply to a single one of them. I was so crushed, what happened? 

- Day 3 -

Hana will have to notice me if I flaung kimchi in her face. It is her absolute favourite food, she will die if she doesn't eat it while I sit there in front of her eating it. I pulled out my container full of kimchi my older brother made for me this morning and sat in front of Hana and ate it. Hana looked away from me, it wasn't working! I kept eating it but still no reaction. I closed my eyes and sighed deeply when suddenly, I heard Hana laugh a little! It was quite and it stopped as soon as I opened my eyes but she laughed for sure! I smiled and crept behind Hana, wrapped my arms around her to give her a hug then said, "I know

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wiwiekchen #1
Chapter 56: Where's the update? :(
exoticallyinlove #2
Chapter 56: JONGUP BAD! lol but still super cute xD
Chapter 56: uhhh o:
Chapter 55: Yatta ~~~
I finally done reading 51 chapters in one day (caught up on this story )
Iam happy
I cann't wait for the next chapter
What will happen !!!??
exoticallyinlove #5
Chapter 55: BAM!! Finally caught up on this story XDXD!! Managed to read like 20 chapters today!! I love this story! :D:D

Finally, Dae is starting to lighten up! I was afraid he wouldn't let Hana and Zelo be together! This story is so cute, and I can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 55: Lmao "I have to cook for all these boys... *le sigh*"
Chapter 54: hahaa aaaw cuteeeee *-*
Chapter 54: Hahaha awwwww JongHei moment <3
Chapter 53: I want DaeDae to like Jello babyyyy D;
Chapter 53: Omoo D:
I hope daehyunnie will like Zelo soon ._.