At the Morning

I'm in love with you

Taemins POV:

So hot! Feels like my body is burning or something. I opened my eyes and looked at the person who is stick on me.  Sure you're sweet and lovely when you're stick on me, but I don't wanna die to heat. I looked at him and then I gave one peck on his lips. Maybe I should take a picture of him when he is sleeping? Maybe I can't never get a second chance to see him like this. I took my phone on the table and I take one picture of him. Aww, how sweet! I was just putting my phone back to table, when someone took it to my hand. 

''Hey give it back!'' 

''Why did you take a picture of me?'' He said and laughed little. I blushed. Why do you wanna know? 

''Because I wanted, now give it back.'' I said to him my y way. 

''Sure I do trust you, 'cause you're blushing like a hell.'' Let it be already please!

''Fine, keep it if you want. I'm going back to sleep!'' I said to him and the I put my head on the pillow and pretending to sleeping. Suddenly I felt his breathing near my neck.

''Taeminnieee~ I wanna know.'' He said and started to my neck and bite my earlobe. it felt good! I moaned a little and blushed hard. 

''St-op, Why do you wanna know anyway?'' I covered my mouth with my hand. I didn't want him to hear my stupid moans. Okay I lied, I didn't want to hear them myself. 

''You want me to stop? Why? I know you like it.'' he said and left some kisses all around my neck. He took my hand off my mouth and kissed me lustfully on the lips. I kissed him back. It felt so damn good that it felt bad when we had to broke the kiss to got some air. He looked at me and hugged me thigtly. 

''Taemin, you know I love you very much right?'' 

''Of course, how could I forget when you're saying that to me every day? Seriously, sometimes I think that maybe I'm in love with some 5 years old kid!'' He smiled and looked at me. He pecked me on the cheek and took my hand. 

''Come, let's eat some breakfast before we go to the city.''

''Oh, I almost forget. Sure let's go'' We went together to the kitchen and smile rose to my face when something caught my eyes.

''You still eat those same cereals?'' I laughed a little. 

''Of course, I love them! And I'm gonna eat them now too so you want some?'' 

''Sure, if you wanna share them with me.'' I said and winked my right eye to him. 

''You know, I would share all I have with you my house, food, body, etc.'' I heard that! And blush you aren't coming now! No, no don't come! Oh come on, why now? Minho looked at me and smiled sweetly.

''Aww, you're so sweet when you're blushing like that!'' He said and pecked me on the forehead before he went to take the cereals, two spoons and plates. 

''There you go.'' He said and gave me the cereals and one spoon and plate. 

''Thank you dear~'' I . I poured some cereals on my plate and then I gave the cereals back at Minho. We ate on quiet, before Minho stopped eating and looked at me. 

''So, what do you wanna do when we are going to shopping? Where do you wanna go etc?'' I looked at him and wondered a moment. 

''Well, maybe we should go to look some clothes and then we shoul go eat ice cream too and.. well idk'' I said back at him and then I continued eat my cereals again.

''Then, we are going to look some clothes and eat Ice cream'' Minho said smiling and the started eat his cerelas again too. 

When we were done with eating. Minho cleaned our tracks. Of course I was helping him. After cleaning we went back at to his room to change our clothes. 

''Can't we just lay a moment on you bed before we go?'' I said to him and I showed my sweetest face on him. He looked at me and smiled.

''Sure, if you want so baby'' Then he put his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and smile came to my face. I love you so much that it even hurts. I looked at him and then I gave him little kiss on his lips. He smiled to me and I smiled back at him.

''Shall we change our clothes now, so we can finally leave to the city?'' 

''Sure yeobo'' I said to him and then I got up of the bed and I started to change my clothes. Minho did the same thing and soon we were ready. We went to the foyer where we put our shoes and coats on. Minho opened the outdoor and we went to out of his house. 

''Let's go'' I said and took him hand. We walked for a while talking some stupid things when he said something to me.

''You know, if you want you can stay this weekend at my place.''  I looked at him. Such a sweet kid! 

''I want'' I said to him blushing a little. He turned his face on me and looked me with wide eyes.

''Huh, what did you say?''

''That um.. I want to stay at your place this weekend if it's okay with you?'' Then he stopped and hugged me very very very tightly that it was hard to breath.

''I love you''

''I know, I love you too''

''Okay let's go now to the city before night comes'' He said smiling and we began to walk to the city together hand in hand.

This day will be great!  



Again, sorry about my mistakes! But anyway did you like it? I'm not sure when I will end this but guess there will be a few chapters idk. Well, hope you guys liked it! The next chapter will come soooooonnnn~

~Thanks all the comments and subcribings! Love ya!♥


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Chapter 25: I still love this story c: can't wait for the next update
Chapter 24: Thank you for the update, it makes me so happy. Are there coming a in this story? Love your story, keep on and i waiting for next update :)
Chapter 23: omo~ can't wait^^ plz update tomorrow :)
Chapter 22: Awww~! Cute!
Cant wait for next chapter!
armybrat4dad #5
Chapter 20: love this story...been awhile since the last update..soo pleeease update soon! This story is awesome ^-^
Chapter 19: Please update soon!! I love this story
Chapter 19: Yah! Oh sp sad ;_;
They have to get back together! ^^
Thank you so much for this chapter, can't wait for the next one >w<
Great job ^^ <3
Chapter 17: this is time when this story is even more interesting :) i´m sorry i didn´t comment earlier but i just didn´t know what to write, yeah, i wanted to wait for another chapter :) i felt really bad for poor Tae.. now it´s hard time for him.. and i´m really curious about Minho´s reaction, i just hope he will be kind to Tae :) ohh, and i would like to read more Jongkey, haha :D u know, i love Jongkey and especially in this story :) u are doing good job, maybe u just don´t have good inspiration :) but u definitely ARE great writer :) don´t say such things, okay? and I LIKE THIS STORY and i also believe that u will make it better :) so i´m looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
Chapter 12: 2min is such a cute couple... =)
Chapter 12: I love this fanfic so much! <3 Hope you can update again soon!~