Chapter 1 - Switch With Me

Confidentially Idolized

Chapter 1 - Switch With Me

Sungjong slept later than he normally did. He is normally one of the first members of Infinite to wake up. Sungjong likes waking up and sitting in the van drinking his milk.  Today he did not get to do that because he was too busy thinking about something, but could not put his figure on it. He climbed down from the top buck and stretched his arms above his head. Today was the day that he was going to put his plan into action.

Something suddenly came to mind as Sungjong stood in the shower, letting the hot water hit his body. He turned off the water and tied the towel around his waist.  Sungjong whipped the steam covered mirror off with his hand and took a deep breath. Sungjong finished brushing his teeth and put sweatpants on, and walked out of the bathroom drying his hair. It was time to give Sooyeon a call.

Sungjong finished getting changed before he pulled out his cell phone. He dialed her number,  "Noona..." Sungjong said as he put on his jacket and scarf before he headed out of the room that he shares with Hoya.  He put a hat on his head, "... I'm on my way!"

Hoya and Dongwoo were already at Woollim practicing for their up an coming concert. Those two always practice their dancing together.  Sunggyu was at vocal training parctice.  He has been working on his solo album and it is in the finishing stages. Myungsoo was at the filming site for What is Mom. Everyone was busy.

"Yahhh Lee Sungjong where do you think you're going?" Woohyun asked as he came out of the kitchen eating ramen.  He did not seem to be in a good mood lately. "We have practice in two hours! YAHH!"

Sungjong rolled his eyes and hurried out of the door, "Hyung I will be there I have to take care of something first. Don't wait up. Tell manager hyung that I will take public transportation to get to the company. Bye Woohyun Hyung."

"Yaahh Lee Sungjong!" Woohyun barked, but was unable to catch Sungjong who slammed the door in his face. Woohyun let out a sigh , laying back down and went back to playing with his phone. He had better things to do than chase after the maknae.  It was Sunggyu's job to keep him in line.  Sungjong only really listens to Hoya.

"You know Jongie you should not to that to your Hyung. He is someone that you should treat  with respect." Sooyeon said as she sighed. "I am  outside at the cafe waiting for you Jonggie! It's cold out here so hurry up."

"Noona I'm a few minutes away. I need your help with something, but we need to discuss it in person. Also, it is very hard to respect Woohyun hyung when he stills the job of ageyo from me. I am the maknae it is supposed to be my job to be cute."

Sungjong arrived at the cafe and saw his cousin waiting outside for him. He snuck up behind her and hugged her. "Noona!"

"Hey Sungjong ah what is so important I have class in a few hours? I have an exam to finish studying for!" She said with a gigantic medical book her in hand.

"Noona I know what I am about to ask you might sound crazy but can you be me for a few months?" Sungjong tilted his head as he looked at her.  Her reaction was what he expected. Her pretty eyes went wide.  He smiled weakly at her.

"What?" Sooyeon asked "Sungjong, ah I have school. Do you...Are you insane. Have you lost your mind completely."

"Noona your really smart and I am sorry I am messing with your medical school education, but..." Sungjong looked down at the ground. "I have been stressed lately and I don't think I should be taking it out of my stuffed bear."

"Lee Sungjong, you know I would do anything for you!" Sooyeon smiled and ruffled  Sungjong's hair, but how am I going to pass for you. I am shorter than you by a lot. I cannot pass as you. They will know something is up if I stand by any of them."

"Noona since you look like me do you think you can pose as me for a few months as I take a short break? Also, insoles can fix you being short."

"What?" Sooyeon said with wide eyes. "Your joking right?"

Sungjong shook his head. "I am not joking noona.

"Do you really think insole will work? Not when I am walking around the dorm. The Infinite boys will know something is up. How am I supposed to share a room with a guy?"

"Hoya hyung is nice noona. He takes really good care of me." Sungjong smiled. "We will figure out everything. Don't worry." Sungjong winked.


"Stop Jonggie I can't..." Sooyeon screamed out as the scissors came in close contact to her honey brown hair. She was gripping onto the chair.  "Keep those damn scissors away from me." She cried out. She did not want to cut her hair.  She hasn't cut her hair for two years.  She has been trying to grow it out for awhile.

"Noona you need to look like me..." Sungjong said bringing the scissors close to her hair again. "This is the quickest way. I need to cut it."

"I rather ware a wig..." She cried. "Please don't cut my hair."

Sungjong sighed and placed the scissors down on the table and hug Sooyeon from behind. "I am sorry what I am putting you trough. Noona please don't cry." Sungjong patted Sooyeon on the head and pulled out his phone. "Cordi noona can you come to his location. I need a favor."

"There was a knock on the door and the Coordinator came it, "This better be good Sungjong. I came over here as quickly as possible."

"Cordi noona I want you to meet my Cousin Lee Sooyeon." Sungjong said and Sooyeon stood up and bowed.

"Hello Cordi unnie. I hope Sungjong doesn't cause you problems." Sooyeon smiled.

"She really does look like your twin. Wow! Do you really want to go through with this Sungjong?" The Cordi noona asked.

"I do and I need someone on the inside to know the secret. It is going to be difficult for her to keep this from the boys on her own." Sungjong explained.

"Don;t tell me your making me cut her hair" The Cordi noona asked.

"No noona we already tired that and I do not want to make my noona cry anymore." Sungjong said. "Did you bring the wig with you?"

"I did! It will not take that long." She smiled and took Sooyeons hand and dragged her towards the bathroom to transform her into Sungjong.


"Where is that kid?" Woohyun said in an irritated voice. "He blew me off earlier when I asked where he was going."

"He said he was meeting his cousin for lunch." Hoya answered. "He told me last night he was meeting her and she goes to school in Seoul."

"Is she pretty has he shown you a picture?" Woohyun asked with excitement in his voice.

"She is older than Sungyeol by twenty three days and Jonggie told me that she could pass as his twin if she cut her hair." Hoya yawned. "I'm worried he should not be taking this long." Hoya pulled his phone out of his jeans.

Sooyeon ran into the room, "Sorry I am late. My cousin enjoys talking." She smiled.

"Yahh Lee Sungjong we have a concert in a few days in Japan we need to be ready for it." Sunggyu said. "Let's start."

Sooyeon nodded, "Good thing Sungjong taught he all the dances when he was free. It was not hard for her to pick up the chorography anyway. She has a photographic memory.

"Hey Jonggie can you give me your cousins number." Woohyun asked.

"No, hyung I do not want your greasiness anywhere near her." Sungjong crossed his arms.

Dongwoo started to laugh. "Smart choice Sungjong. I don't want Woohyun near any of my Noona's"

"Yahh stop chatting and back to work." Sunggyu said and yawned moments later.

"Our grandpa seems tired." Sungyeol smirked.

"Don't call me a grandpa!" Sunggyu said and hit play again.

Sooyeon started to dance. Hours passed and they finally sat down and took a break. Sooyeon drank a whole bottle of water in a matter of seconds. They were going to practice for another hour before heading back to the dorm.

Sooyeon now knew why Sungjong needed a break.  He works so hard and uses up a lot of his energy. She wondered what the kid was doing right now.

an - here is the first chapter I hope you like it. *Throws Hearts* What type of situations do you want he to be put into. Please let me know and I may write it in. *Throws more hears* ENJOY!

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Confidentially Idolized - Hi everyone. Once I finish a few more updates I plan on spaming this story and finishing it!


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Chapter 3: So I'm finally getting off my lazy and reading this haha. So technically I am still on my ..? keke xD
Lol this was such a cayoote story! Loved it~
Chapter 19: This story is daebak unnie ! Soo cute xD LOL ! Since you did not mention her crazy boyfriend, I will assume that he got hit by a car and got dragged into the forest by wolves and then got eaten...
naznew #4
Chapter 20: Gomawo updated..
I like the ending..hoyeon at the end...but you don't mention if soyeon's exboyfriend still stalk or disturb her ..
Chapter 20: Ahhhhhhh I loved this story!!!!! I'm always so excited to find out when u update... I subscribe to too many of ur stories :P in regards to Hoya twist story may e u could do something like a Mulan twist or a Mulan fantasy
Chapter 20: Ahh this story was so good~ (I'm personally rooting for an Alice in Wonderland theme ^^ )
naznew #7
Chapter 18: kya~ i really enjoy this chapter...
Chapter 18: KISS! KISS! KISS! XDD Haha Woohyun is a bit slow... >u<
naznew #9
Chapter 17: Yay..hoya and Sooyeon love each other...sungjong-ah..please let hoya kiss your sister...
Chapter 17: WOOHOO HOYA AND SOOYEON <333 AISH Sungjong you can see how much your hyung likes your cousin! Just let them date!