Chapter 5- Cafe

Confidentially Idolized

Chapter 5- Cafe

"Jonggie is that anyway to great me?" Dongwoo pouted and saw down at the table, "I figured out the secret, and I will protect it.  I just want to know your reasoning behind it." Dongwoo looked at Sooyeon who was still standing.

Sooyeon sat down and let out a sigh, "Sungjong her figured it out, and don't say I wasn't good enough in hiding it." Sooyeon crossed her arms. 

"I'm not blaming you noona.  Dongwoo hyung is a genius and an idiot at the same time.  You should know why I needed a break hyung." Sungjong crossed his arms and puffed out his cheeks.

"Jonggie stop doing that. You're making it hard for noona." Sooyeon said.

"Then my plan is working." Sungjong smirked as he looked at Sooyeon and then Dongwoo. "I just wanted to see how it was like not to go to a schedule everyday.  Not to practice.  I wanted to have a normal life for awhile before things start getting crazy again."

"Are you sure there are no other reasons? Are we not treating you well enough?" Dongwoo asked with a sad voice.

"Hyung's treat me nice, and it is a personal reason. I am not going to tell you what it is!"  Sungjong said. "Noona why did you bring Dino hyung here?"

"Because I sort of got myself stuck in a situation." Sooyeon said as she placed a hand behind her head. "It's nothing big, but..."   

"Noona don't tell me that you said something about meeting you." Sungjong looked at Sooyeon.

"Sort of..." Sooyeon said. "I will perform as you and then we need to switch so I can meet Infinite."

"The answer is no!" Sungjong crossed his arms, "Even though you are pretending to be me noona. I still don't want you to meet them.  I want you as far away from Woohyun as possible."

"You think I would fall for a greasy man." Sooyeon raised an eyebrow. "Do you even know me anymore?"

"Noona just trust me." Sungjong said.

"Fine, but I do not know how to act Hoya.  He always thinks I have a fever or something. I just don't know how to act around him since he is your roommate." Sooyeon said as she crossed her arms.  Images of seeing Hoya in just a towel kept popping up in her mind. 

" to noona." Sungjong said and looked at Sooyeon strangely, "YAHHH"

Sooyeon jumped slightly and looked at the two men who were looking at her. "Hey Sooyeon are you alright."

"I'm fine..." Sooyeon said as she sighed, "If you are not going to be helpful Sungjong then I guess we should go. I will text you if I have any issues." Sooyeon stood up and sighed, "Dongwoo oppa lets go."

Dongwoo grabbed onto Sooyeon's arm and pulled her back to the seat, "You two should not be fighting. You need to fix this before leaving."

"Hyung!" Sungjong pouted.

"Family should not be fighting and your noona is doing this for you.  She did not have to." Dongwoo said, "Now make up."

"Ok noona I will let you meet the boys, but I will perform at the end of the year performance.  I will tell coridi noona to give you a pass.  Just don't wear anything to short."  Sungjong said as he stood up. "I will let you know what happens." Sungjong said as he left the cafe.

"Was that a yes?" Dongwoo blinked a few times.

"That is Sungjong's way of saying yes." Sooyeon stood up and looked at Dongwoo, "Lets head back oppa, and buy them some coffee. My treat."


Hoya crossed his arms and sat in the living room.  He was worried about Sungjong, and was curious why he asked Dongwoo to go with him.

"You need to stop acting like this Hoya!" Sungyeol said as he looked up from his computer.  "Sungjong is a big boy.  You need to stop babying him."

"I'm not babying him. I am just looking out for him." Hoya crossed his arm and let out a sigh.  "Is Gyu hyung recording again?"

"He is!" Woohyun said as he ate a pot of ramen. "Gyu hyung said not to wait up for him." Woohyun sat down next to Myungsoo who was hugging his bamboo pillow.  They heard the door open and saw Sungjong and Dongwoo enter the room with coffee.

"So that is where you two went?" Sungyeol said as he closed his laptop. "To get the most delicious thing in the world, COFFEEE"

Sooyeon raised an eyebrow, Sungjong did tell her that Sungyeol was a coffee addict.  "Here you go Sungyeollie Hyung." Sooyeon said cheerfully.

"Sungjong said it was his treat. I insisted on paying." Dongwoo said as he handed Hoya a coffee.  

"I wanted to do something for hyungs." Sooyeon smiled.   Sooyeon handed a coffee to Woohyun.

"How is your noona?" Woohyun asked, "Are we going to have a special guest at our end of the year performance?"

"She is coming." Sooyeon said she walked over to Myungsoo and handed him a coffee.

"Thanks Jonggie." Myungsoo said as he patted Sooyeon on the head.  Myungsoo tilted his head because he thought he felt something strange.

Sooyeon sat down next to Myungsoo and started to drink her coffee.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Sooyeon asked.

"Flying to Japan for our concert." Hoya said, "How could you forget something like that Jonggie?"

"I was not paying attention when Jungyeol hyung was talking about it." Sooyeon said.

an - hello everyon  hope you like this chapter.  This fic is most-likely going to be 20 chapters. enjoy

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Confidentially Idolized - Hi everyone. Once I finish a few more updates I plan on spaming this story and finishing it!


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Chapter 3: So I'm finally getting off my lazy and reading this haha. So technically I am still on my ..? keke xD
Lol this was such a cayoote story! Loved it~
Chapter 19: This story is daebak unnie ! Soo cute xD LOL ! Since you did not mention her crazy boyfriend, I will assume that he got hit by a car and got dragged into the forest by wolves and then got eaten...
naznew #4
Chapter 20: Gomawo updated..
I like the ending..hoyeon at the end...but you don't mention if soyeon's exboyfriend still stalk or disturb her ..
Chapter 20: Ahhhhhhh I loved this story!!!!! I'm always so excited to find out when u update... I subscribe to too many of ur stories :P in regards to Hoya twist story may e u could do something like a Mulan twist or a Mulan fantasy
Chapter 20: Ahh this story was so good~ (I'm personally rooting for an Alice in Wonderland theme ^^ )
naznew #7
Chapter 18: kya~ i really enjoy this chapter...
Chapter 18: KISS! KISS! KISS! XDD Haha Woohyun is a bit slow... >u<
naznew #9
Chapter 17: Yay..hoya and Sooyeon love each other...sungjong-ah..please let hoya kiss your sister...
Chapter 17: WOOHOO HOYA AND SOOYEON <333 AISH Sungjong you can see how much your hyung likes your cousin! Just let them date!