Chapter 18 - Special Girl

Confidentially Idolized

Chapter 18 -  Special Girl

"Hoya where are we going?" Sooyeon asked as she watched Hoya drag her along.  She did not mind being dragged by him.  He was the kindest person she has met.  He was a bit rough around the edges sometime, but everyone is like that. 

"It is a surprise" Hoya smiled as he stopped for a moment.  He covered Sooyeon's eyes with his scarf. 

Hoya and Sooyeon have been dating for about ten months now.  They did not get to see each other often because Hoya was always traveling with Infinite and Sooyeon was busy studying, but when they did get together their dates were special. 

The fans did not know about their relationship.  Hoya was always hiding his appearance when they went out.  Infinite is really popular, and she knew that fan girls would kill her if they knew. Well only some fan girls would hurt her.  She really liked Infinite fans.  They were really sweet and they knew that she was Sungjong's cousin now. 

Sooyeon was more open about the fans knowing that she was related to Sungjong.  They always complemented her and said that they were shocked how much she looked like Sungjong.

The fans will never know that she pretended to be Sungjong for about three months.  Those were the hardest three months of her life.  She really loved the boys of Infinite in different ways.  They were all like brothers to her except for Hoya.  She had a special connection with Hoya and wished he would have told her that he knew that she was posing as Sungjong sooner.

She remembered how each member found out that she was a girl.


"It doesn't matter." Hwayeon said and placed a hand on Sooyeon's shoulder, "Good luck today and try to sing a little deeper. Sungjong voice is higher anyways so it will not be hard for you to adjust."

"I will do that unnie." Sooyeon said as she watched Hwayeon leave the room.  Sooyeon left the room moments later and noticed that someone was waiting for her.  A person she did not expect.  She was hoping that he did not figure out.

"You're not Sungjong are you? You're his cousin aren't you? You're a girl!" He crossed his arms and pouted.

"I don't know what you are talking about?" Sooyeon said and tried to walk away, but it was too late.  He pulled her back into the room she came from.  He shut the door behind him and looked at Sooyeon.

"I am not going to tell anyone.  I just want to know the reason behind it." He said, "I am not one to rat someone out."

"Sungjong asked me to Dongwoo sii." Sooyeon said with a weak smiled, "It is hard for me to say no to him.  When he pouts and looks at me with those big eyes of his I become weak against him." Sooyeon smiled. "Jonggie said he needed a break and I am going to give him one because we look like twins.  It is not going to be long...well at least I don't think it is going to be that long."

Dongwoo blinked a few times, "That is nice of you to that for Jonggie, but why would he not want us to know. Did he say that we did something to him? I do not want Jonggie to be sad." Dongwoo placed his hands on Sooyeon's shoulders.

"Umm Jonggie said that Sungyeol has a big mouth! That it is hard for him to keep secrets." Sooyeon said.

"It is hard for Yeollie to keep a secret." Dongwoo chuckled and his smiled suddenly turned into a frown.  "Is Sungjong mad at us?" Dongwoo said in a worried tone,  "This seems like a lot of fun." Dongwoo grinned. "I will keep your secret Jonggie never told us your name.  He was scared that Woohyun was going to search for you and hit on you."

"Its Lee Sooyeon, Dongwoo sii." Sooyeon smiled. "He is not mad at any of you, unless he did not tell me."  


"Still sleeping." Sunggyu said as he watched Sungjong return.  He looked at Dongwoo who started to talk to him immediately. Sunggyu stood up and grabbed onto Dongwoo's arm.  He pulled Dongwoo into an empty hallway. "I know something is up. You are acting stranger than ever."

"No I'm not hyung." Dongwoo said as he looked into Sunggyu's eyes. It felt like Sunggyu could see right through what he was trying to cover up.

"Yes, you are Dongwoo.  You are avoiding my eyes." Sunggyu said.

"I would tell you, but I can't I promised Soo...Sungjong." Dongwoo caught himself, but he knew Sunggyu caught on.

"That isn't Sungjong is it?" Sunggyu crossed his arms.

"That is crazy talk Gyuzizi. How can that not be Sungjong?" Dongwoo said, "I don't think you have been getting enough sleep hyung. Let's just focus on our final Japanese concert. You have your solo debut soon you need to worry about hat hyungnim."

Sunggyu glared at Dongwoo, "Don't lie to me Dongwoo."

"I promised not to tell anyone." Dongwoo looked down at the ground. "If anyone finds out then we will be doomed."

"What are you talking about? If people find out what?" Sunggyu asked, "Dongwoo you know that you can tell me anything."

"This is something I cannot tell you Gyuzizi." Dongwoo tried to look away from Sunggyu's eyes.

Sunggyu places two hands on Dongwoo's cheeks and made him look into his eyes.  Dongwoo tried to resist Sunggyu, but could not.

"Gyuzizi Jonggie is not Jonggie." Dongwoo said.

"How can Jonggie not be Jonggie?  Am I missing something?"  Sunggyu looked at Dongwoo with a confused expression on his face.

"His cousin is posing as him." Dongwoo said as he looked at Sunggyu.

"What!" Sunggyu said loudly and Dongwoo quickly covered his mouth.  He did not want to cause a scene. Dongwoo grabbed onto Sunggyu's arm and lead him elsewhere.

"Gyuzizi you haven't been hard on Jonggie have you?" Dongwoo asked with a worried tone, "When I went out for coffee with Sooyeon, Sungjong did not seem happy.  He hasn't been smiling much lately. It worries me hyung."

"No, I have been too busy.  When I am hard ong Jonggie it is to help him improve. I don't mean to hurt him.  Sooyeon is a pretty name."

"You told him!' Sooyeon said as she looked at Dongwoo, "I thought I could trust you with this secret Dongwoo. I would have been..." Sooyeon paused and Sunggyu placed a figure on her lips.

"Dongwoo did not tell me. I figured it out on my own.  Can you tell me why Sungjong wanted to switch with you and how long is it going to be for.  We are going to have our comeback in March as a group. Do you know how dangerous this is? What is Sungjong thinking?"

"He just needed a break and since we look like twins I am pretending to be him for the time being." Sooyeon said, "You don't need to worry!"

"Don't tell me that I don't need to worry.  If the fans find out...I don't know what will happen." Sunggyu ran a hand through his hair. "How old are you anyway?"

"I am the same age as Woohyun, Hoya, and Sungyeol. You need to trust me.  People will not find out about the switch. Sungjonggie is keeping a low profile."

"Yahhhh!" Sunggyu yelled and he looked really irritated. "Tell me where that kid is so I can talk some sense into him."

"I am not telling you where he is." Sooyeon placed her hands on her hips. "He is planning on coming back for the end of the year performance and then taking a break again. Sungjonggie just needs a break. Do not question me about my cousin! It is his business not mine. I am just helping him out."


"Hyung where are you going in such a rush?" Myungsoo asked pushing Dongwoo off of him. 

Dongwoo let out a sigh and helped Myungsoo to his feet.  He was unsure if he should tell him that Sungjong's cousin was pretending to be him. "Um..."

"Hyung is something wrong?" Myungsoo asked.

Dongwoo could not keep this from Myungsoo and it would be best to have someone as backup.
"I will explain on the way." Dongwoo started to run again and Myungsoo followed."Sungjong is not Sungjong."

"What do you mean?" Myungsoo asked.

"You're smart and should have figured it out by now. Gyu saw right through it."  Dongwoo said.

"That Sungjong's cousin is pretending to be Jonggie.  I knew this for awhile. Sungjong told me the day before they switched that he was going to be gone for a bit.  Hyung it is nothing we did.  Sungjong is just really tired lately and misses his family. Why do you think he stayed out late to see them." Myungsoo tapped his chin.  "I met his noona a few months ago. I guess I am the only person he trusted to meet her." 

"Aish you kid." Dongwoo hit his arm playfully.


"Myungsoo how hard is it to wake someone?" Sunggyu said as he entered the room. 

"She doesn't want to wake up hyung." Myungsoo said.

Sunggyu walked over to the bed and sat down. "Sooyeon ahh." Sunggyu shook her and she opened her eyes and looked at him. "You need to get up or I am going to the manager and telling him that Sungjong's cousin is posing as him."

"You wouldn't" Sooyeon sat up.

"Try me." Sunggyu said with a smriked.

"Do you have any idea what that would do to Sungjong.  He will get in so much trouble." Sooyeon said as she grabbed onto Sunggyu's shirt. "I will get out of bed, but keep your mouth shut about me pretending to be Sungjong."

"Who is pretending to be Sungjong?" Woohyun asked as he entered the room.

"Sunggyu hyung and I decided to switch roles for fun.  I will be the leader and he will be the maknae."  Sooyeon smirked.

"When did I agree to..." Sooyeon pulled on Sunggyu's shirt and looked him in the eye.  She leaned in and whispered into his ear. "You almost spilled the beans so you have to play the price."

"You should not be making threats." Sunggyu whispered back.

"Watch me." Sooyeon whispered, "I will do anything to protect Jonggie."

"Yahhh hyung stop telling secrets to Jonggie if that is really who you are?" Woohyun said as he walked over to them.  Woohyun pushed Sunggyu back and gripped onto Sooyeon's shoulder.  "Sunggyu would never agree to something like that and your voice has seems different.  You are not Sungjonggie are you?"

"Hyung what are you talking about of course I am Sungjong?" Sooyeon said as she swallowed her saliva.

"Liar!" Woohyun gripped onto Sooyeon;s shirt and pushed her down on the bed.  He pulled the wig off. Sooyeon's hair fell out of it.  She looked into Woohyun's eyes. "Hello beautiful."

"YAHHHH NAM WOOHYUN!" Sunggyu said as he pulled Woohyun off of Sooyeon.  Sunggyu pushed Woohyun into the wall roughly.  

"Hyung..." Woohyun looked at Sunggyu with shocked eyes. 

Myungsoo hurried over to Sooyeon and fixed her hair.  He put the wig back on her head and smiled at her. 

"Gyuzizi what is with the noise?" Dongwoo asked as he entered the room.  He saw fury in Sunggyu's eyes as he held Woohyun against the wall.

"HYUNG HAVE YOU KNOWN THIS WHOLE TIME THAT..." Sunggyu covered Woohyun's mouth when Hoya and Sungyeol hurried into the room.

"Gyu hyung what happened?" Sungyeol asked.

"Woohyun attacked Sungjong in his sleep! He could have hurt Sungjonggie." Sunggyu said and leaned into Woohyun's ear and whispered. "If you say anthing about Sungjong's cousin Sooyeon posing as him, you will regret it."

Sunggyu removed his hand from Woohyun's mouth. "Are you threatening me Hyung?"

"Don't try anything or else." Sunggyu let go of Woohyun, "You caused enough trouble already."

"Are you blaming me for punching you? Hoya was the one who did it!" Woohyun crossed his arms and puffed out his cheeks.


Sooyeon was in the bedroom she shared with Hoya.  She was happy that he was not around today.  Her heart was getting harder to handle being around him.  He had that charm that she liked.

Sooyeon unwrapped the bandages that were binding her .  They were starting to hurt so much.  She let down her hair and put on a shirt.  She was alone in the dorm or at least she thought she was.  

"JONGGIE! JONGGIE ARE YOU HERE" Sungyeol called and he opened the door when he saw Sooyeon pull off her wig.  He watched as her hair cascaded down her back.  Her light brown hair was beautiful and he really wanted to touch it.  Sungyeol was really confused.  He knew Sungjong looked feminine, but was this the reason why he was or she was.

"Jonggie you're a girl?" Sungyeol said with his dolphin scream. His eyes grew wide. He could not believe what he was seeing. "Now I know why fans think you are prettier than a girl.  That is because you are a girl."

"Sungyeol!" Sooyeon said as she looked at the tallest member of Infinite. She had no clue he was home, but knew that he might open his big mouth.

"Does that mean we are a co-ed group?  Fans are not going to be too happy about this.  We need to tell someone." Sungyeol said as he reached for the door.  He opened it but Sooyeon slammed the door shut.  She closed the space between them.

"Let me talk Sungyeol." Sooyeon said.

"Umm...." Sungyeol blushed at the closeness of Sooyeon.

"My name is Lee Sooyeon and I am Sungjong's cousin." Sooyeon let out a sigh, "I have been pretending to be Sungjong for the past month."

"Why would Jonggie want to do that?" Sungyeol asked.

"Because he felt confused.  I don't know what is going on in his head but I will do anything for him, even take a semester off from medical school."

"You should not give up your future."  Sungyeol said as he placed a hand on her cheek.  "Who else knows about you?"


"Hoya you know I don't like surprises."  Sooyeon said as she tried to pull the scarf away from her eyes

"For a person who doesn't like surprises you sure smile a lot when you get them" Hoya whispered into her ear. He pressed his lips against her cheek, "I promise that you are going to love it.

"That is because they are different when I am surprised by someone special." Sooyeon said, "Can you at least give me a hint?" Sooyeon asked. 

"If I give you a hint then my surprise will be ruined. I will take the mast off, but you need to look into my eyes, and not anywhere else." Hoya said.

"How could you be too sure that I am not going to look anywhere eyes?" Sooyeon asked as she felt the scarf that was covering her eyes loosen.  She looked into Hoya's eyes and smiled at him, but when she tried to look around him he kissed her softly on the lips. 

Sooyeon's eyes closed and she wrapped her arms around his neck.  She completely forgot what they were doing.  This always happened when Hoya kissed her.  Her mind went blank. 

Hoya pulled away moments later and smiled.  His arms were still around her waist.  He smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

"So was that the surprise?" Sooyeon asked as she looked into his eyes.

"Well..." Hoya let go of her and reached into his jacket. "I have a present for you." Hoya smiled as he pulled out a small box and placed it into her hand.

Sooyeon pulled the ribbon away and opened the box.  She smiled when she saw it.  It was a necklace with the infinity symbol, but it was different from the necklaces fans hand.  This one had their initials engraved into it. "I love it!"

"I'm glad." Hoya said as he took the necklace from her and put it around her neck. "You are my special girl." Hoya smiled and kissed her on the lips again.

an - I hoped you liked this story.  This chapter had a lot of flashback. Hehe

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Confidentially Idolized - Hi everyone. Once I finish a few more updates I plan on spaming this story and finishing it!


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Chapter 3: So I'm finally getting off my lazy and reading this haha. So technically I am still on my ..? keke xD
Lol this was such a cayoote story! Loved it~
Chapter 19: This story is daebak unnie ! Soo cute xD LOL ! Since you did not mention her crazy boyfriend, I will assume that he got hit by a car and got dragged into the forest by wolves and then got eaten...
naznew #4
Chapter 20: Gomawo updated..
I like the ending..hoyeon at the end...but you don't mention if soyeon's exboyfriend still stalk or disturb her ..
Chapter 20: Ahhhhhhh I loved this story!!!!! I'm always so excited to find out when u update... I subscribe to too many of ur stories :P in regards to Hoya twist story may e u could do something like a Mulan twist or a Mulan fantasy
Chapter 20: Ahh this story was so good~ (I'm personally rooting for an Alice in Wonderland theme ^^ )
naznew #7
Chapter 18: kya~ i really enjoy this chapter...
Chapter 18: KISS! KISS! KISS! XDD Haha Woohyun is a bit slow... >u<
naznew #9
Chapter 17: Yay..hoya and Sooyeon love each other...sungjong-ah..please let hoya kiss your sister...
Chapter 17: WOOHOO HOYA AND SOOYEON <333 AISH Sungjong you can see how much your hyung likes your cousin! Just let them date!