Chapter 6- Keeping Secrets

Confidentially Idolized

Chapter 6- Keeping Secrets

Sooyeon got out of the car after Dongwoo and smiled at the fans who were there to see Infinite.  Well they were there to see her too, but no one knew that she was acting as Sungjong.  Sooyeon waved at the fans cutely and followed Dongwoo and Sunggyu into the airport. 

Sooyeon felt two hands on her shoulder and knew that it was Hoya.  She wondered what he wanted. Sooyeon did not understand why she acted strangely around Hoya, but she would hopefully find out soon.

"You're acting extra cheerful today.  What happened to becoming manlier?" Hoya asked.

"It is called fan service hyung."  Sooyeon said as she showed the guard her passport.  She was worried that he was going see through her mask, but she passed fine.

"Jonggie ah let's get some bubble tea." Dongwoo said as he grabbed onto Sooyeon's arm, and pulled her away from Hoya.

"You're a life saver Dongwoo hyung." Sooyeon said.

"Dongwoo! Sungjong! Don't go too far." Sunggyu said in a tired voice. He sat down at the terminal and closed his eyes.

"Is he going to be ok?" Sooyeon asked.

"He will be fine Sooyeonnie." Dongwoo said as he held onto her hand. "There it is bubble tea. My treat this time." Dongwoo grinned.

"You really should not say my real name in public." Sooyeon said as she looked at her phone. She had gotten a message from Sungjong.

Have a safe flight noona. I love you and I cannot thank you enough.

"I have a question for you." Dongwoo said as he handed Sooyeon her bubble tea. "Do you have a bias in Infinite?"

"Do I have to answer that?' Sooyeon said as she headed back to the terminal.  They were leaving for Japan soon.


It was almost three in the morning when they got back from rehearsal.  Sooyeon was rooming with Hoya and if she switched with Woohyun to room with Dongwoo people would think something is up.

Sooyeon crashed into Hoya's back.  She was not really paying attention to where she was going.

"You must be tired Joggie.  I will let you get cleaned up first." Hoya said as he opened the door to their room, but Sooyeon just walked over to her bed and laid on it.  When his head it the pillow she was out cold.  "Jonggie..."

Hoya noticed that he was already asleep.  He let out a sigh and lifted Sooyeon up in his arms and put him on his bed so he could pull the covers down.  He lifted Sooyeon again and placed her in bed.  He pulled the covers up and pushed some hair out of her eyes. 

Sungjong felt lighter than normal.  He was going to tell the kid he should eat more in the morning.  His skin also felt extra soft.  Hoya was starting to feel strange.  Why was he attracted to his best friend?  Hoya shook off the feeling and headed into the bathroom.  He the water and took off his clothing.  He stepped into the shower and washed up.

Hoya put on shorts and a t-shirt and exited the bathroom; he laid down on the bed and closed his eyes.  Sungjong was never attached to Dongwoo before.  He started acting strange a few days ago; the day he visit his cousin was when it started.

Hoya drifted off into a dreamless sleep.  He woke the next morning to the sound of running water.  He rubbed his eyes and noticed Sungjong was not in his bed. 


Sunggyu, Dongwoo, and Woohyun were already at breakfast.  Woohyun looked at Dongwoo who was stuffing his face, "You seem close to Sungjong lately."

"What is wrong with that?" Dongwoo asked.

"I think it is strange.  Sungjong has been acting weird." Woohyun said as he stuffed his face with eggs.

"That is because he is being extra sassy towards you." Sunggyu smirked. "Let the kid do what he wants. I think he is acting that way towards you because you are planning on hitting on his cousin when you meet her in a few weeks."

"Does that matter?" Woohyun grinned, "I will make her become my bias."

"She would not be your bias in a million years." Sooyeon said.  "Her type is umm more like Gyu hyung, Dino hyung and Hoya hyung.  She hates the greasy." Sooyeon walked away.

Dongwoo looked at her and then Hoya, "You look terrible."

"I've been bothered by something." Hoya poured himself some coffee.

"What is bothering you?" Woohyun asked.

"None of your business. Where is Sungyeol and Myungsoo?" Hoya asked.

"Still sleeping." Sunggyu said as he watched Sungjong return.  He looked at Dongwoo who started to talk to him immediately. Sunggyu stood up and grabbed onto Dongwoo's arm.  He pulled Dongwoo into an empty hallway. "I know something is up. You are acting stranger than ever."

"No I'm not hyung." Dongwoo said as he looked into Sunggyu's eyes. It felt like Sunggyu could see right through what he was trying to cover up.

"Yes, you are Dongwoo.  You are avoiding my eyes." Sunggyu said.

"I would tell you, but I can't I promised Soo...Sungjong." Dongwoo caught himself, but he knew Sunggyu caught on.

"That isn't Sungjong is it?" Sunggyu crossed his arms.

"That is crazy talk Gyuzizi. How can that not be Sungjong?" Dongwoo said, "I don't think you have been getting enough sleep hyung. Let's just focus on our final Japanese concert. You have your solo debut soon you need to worry about hat hyungnim."


an - Hey everyone! I hope you like this chapter. I promise to have Myunggie and Yeollie in the next chapter and I want one of those two to find out the secret too. Who do you want to be apart of the secret.  Do you want Hoya to find out in chapter 10 or later? Who should me Sooyeon's rival? Let me know in the comments. I want to hear from you.

One more thing. I will not be able to update this unitl the 18th.  I am going away from the 9th to the 17th and I am trying to update all my fics. ENJOY!!

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Confidentially Idolized - Hi everyone. Once I finish a few more updates I plan on spaming this story and finishing it!


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Chapter 3: So I'm finally getting off my lazy and reading this haha. So technically I am still on my ..? keke xD
Lol this was such a cayoote story! Loved it~
Chapter 19: This story is daebak unnie ! Soo cute xD LOL ! Since you did not mention her crazy boyfriend, I will assume that he got hit by a car and got dragged into the forest by wolves and then got eaten...
naznew #4
Chapter 20: Gomawo updated..
I like the ending..hoyeon at the end...but you don't mention if soyeon's exboyfriend still stalk or disturb her ..
Chapter 20: Ahhhhhhh I loved this story!!!!! I'm always so excited to find out when u update... I subscribe to too many of ur stories :P in regards to Hoya twist story may e u could do something like a Mulan twist or a Mulan fantasy
Chapter 20: Ahh this story was so good~ (I'm personally rooting for an Alice in Wonderland theme ^^ )
naznew #7
Chapter 18: kya~ i really enjoy this chapter...
Chapter 18: KISS! KISS! KISS! XDD Haha Woohyun is a bit slow... >u<
naznew #9
Chapter 17: Yay..hoya and Sooyeon love each other...sungjong-ah..please let hoya kiss your sister...
Chapter 17: WOOHOO HOYA AND SOOYEON <333 AISH Sungjong you can see how much your hyung likes your cousin! Just let them date!