Chapter 13 - Dolphin Scream

Confidentially Idolized

Chapter 13 - Dolphin Scream

Idol's sports ended on an okay note. They did well, but they could have done better. They were starting to get ready for their comeback and a fan meeting was being planned.  She was hoping to switch with Sungjong soon.  He sent her a text a few days ago about Hoya.  He wants her to try not to avoid him.

Sooyeon was in the bedroom she shared with Hoya.  She was happy that he was not around today.  Her heart was getting harder to handle being around him.  He had that charm that she liked.

Sooyeon unwrapped the bandages that were binding her .  They were starting to hurt so much.  She let down her hair and put on a shirt.  She was alone in the dorm or at least she thought she was.  

"JONGGIE! JONGGIE ARE YOU HERE" Sungyeol called and he opened the door when he saw Sooyeon pull off her wig.  He watched as her hair cascaded down her back.  Her light brown hair was beautiful and he really wanted to touch it.  Sungyeol was really confused.  He knew Sungjong looked feminine, but was this the reason why he was or she was.

"Jonggie you're a girl?" Sungyeol said with his dolphin scream. His eyes grew wide. He could not believe what he was seeing. "Now I know why fans think you are prettier than a girl.  That is because you are a girl."

"Sungyeol!" Sooyeon said as she looked at the tallest member of Infinite. She had no clue he was home, but knew that he might open his big mouth.

"Does that mean we are a co-ed group?  Fans are not going to be too happy about this.  We need to tell someone." Sungyeol said as he reached for the door.  He opened it but Sooyeon slammed the door shut.  She closed the space between them.

"Let me talk Sungyeol." Sooyeon said.

"Umm...." Sungyeol blushed at the closeness of Sooyeon.

"My name is Lee Sooyeon and I am Sungjong's cousin." Sooyeon let out a sigh, "I have been pretending to be Sungjong for the past month."

"Why would Jonggie want to do that?" Sungyeol asked.

"Because he felt confused.  I don't know what is going on in his head but I will do anything for him, even take a semester off from medical school."

"You should not give up your future."  Sungyeol said as he placed a hand on her cheek.  "Who else knows about you?"

"Dongwoo oppa was the first to find out about me, but I met Myungsoo last year when I was supposed to have lunch only with Sungjonggie." Sooyeon said.

"Of course he would be the first to find out.  He may act like an idiot, but Dongwoo hyung is a genius."  Sungyeol looked at her, "NO fair why does Myunggie get to meet you before any of us.

"He is, but apparently Sunggyu oppa can read him like an open book." Sooyeon said with a small chuckled.

"Well he was the third to find out when Dongwoo and Myungsoo came to get me after I was attacked."

"So that is why Dongwoo hyung carried you home. What happened that night?" Sungyeol asked as he leaned closer to Sooyeon. He pushed her gently against the wall.  He looked into her eyes.

"My ex boyfriend followed me when I left Jonggie.  I put the wig on to look like him, but he saw through my mask.  My ex boyfriend is not a good person.  He wanted one thing from me and I would not give it to him."

"I will help protect you if he appears again." Sungyeol pulled her into a hug.

"You and the rest of the boys." Sooyeon chuckled. "Woohyun was the next to find out and I want to slap him every times he comes near me."

"Woohyun hyung does not really know how to control himself around girls." Sungyeol chuckled as he let go of Sooyeon.

"And you do." Sooyeon smirked.

"Yahh is that anyway to talk to someone who is..."  Sungyeol started.

"You're not older than me." Sooyeon siad.

"Then that means you're a noona?" Sungyeol sounded excited. "I like noonas" Sungyeol gave Sooyeon a gummy smiled.

"We are the same age Sungyeol." Sooyeon sighed and shook her head.

"Really. WOW we can be best friends then...well if you want to me" Sungyeol said cheerfully. He was happy that she was the same age. Sungyeol just thought of something, "You did not mention Hoya."

"Hoya does not know that I am pretending to be Sungjong." Sooyeon said. "It is hard to be around him."

"Do you like Hoya?" Sungyeol asked.

"You are the second person who asked me that." Sooyeon said. "I like him because I see how well he treats Sungjong."

"He might react badly when he finds out." Sungyeol said.

"Jonggie...Yeollie were back" Hoya called.

"!" Sooyeon said as she grabbed the bandages off the ground. "Sungyeol can you help me."

"Umm..." Sungyeol blushed.

"I have a bra on! You don't need to worry." She said as she pulled off her t-shirt and started to wrap the bandages around her chest.  "Sungyeol can you tie it." She asked and he did what she asked.  She picked up her t-shirt and put it back on.

"Where is my wig?" She asked.

Sungyeol looked around and spotted it.  He handed it to Sooyeon as watched her put it on.  They heard the door start to open and Sungyeol sat on the ground and pulled Sooyeon's hand.  Her head rested in his lap. "Close your eyes." He whispered.

Sooyeon did what he said and closed her eyes.  Sungyeol also closed his eyes.

"Hyung I found them!" Hoya said as he watched the two sleep.. 

Dongwoo walked over and let out a sigh of relief.  He knew what Sooyeon did when no one was in the dorm.   "Let them sleep Hoya." Dongwoo pulled on the younger mans arm.

"Something does not seem right..."

"You and your animal instincts. Will you just help me cook; we can wake them up when we are finished making ramen.

an - I am be cutting this to 16 chapters!

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Confidentially Idolized - Hi everyone. Once I finish a few more updates I plan on spaming this story and finishing it!


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Chapter 3: So I'm finally getting off my lazy and reading this haha. So technically I am still on my ..? keke xD
Lol this was such a cayoote story! Loved it~
Chapter 19: This story is daebak unnie ! Soo cute xD LOL ! Since you did not mention her crazy boyfriend, I will assume that he got hit by a car and got dragged into the forest by wolves and then got eaten...
naznew #4
Chapter 20: Gomawo updated..
I like the ending..hoyeon at the end...but you don't mention if soyeon's exboyfriend still stalk or disturb her ..
Chapter 20: Ahhhhhhh I loved this story!!!!! I'm always so excited to find out when u update... I subscribe to too many of ur stories :P in regards to Hoya twist story may e u could do something like a Mulan twist or a Mulan fantasy
Chapter 20: Ahh this story was so good~ (I'm personally rooting for an Alice in Wonderland theme ^^ )
naznew #7
Chapter 18: kya~ i really enjoy this chapter...
Chapter 18: KISS! KISS! KISS! XDD Haha Woohyun is a bit slow... >u<
naznew #9
Chapter 17: Yay..hoya and Sooyeon love each other...sungjong-ah..please let hoya kiss your sister...
Chapter 17: WOOHOO HOYA AND SOOYEON <333 AISH Sungjong you can see how much your hyung likes your cousin! Just let them date!